Let’s Get The Facts out There On Trump’s Russia/Putin Obsession


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Sep 7, 2001

• ⁠Praised Putin constantly, called him a "strong leader", has peddled statements like "he's done a really great job outsmarting our country"

• ⁠Trump dismissed and cast doubt about Russian hacking, particularly when the U.S determined that Russia hacked the DNC in 2016, while ironically enough, he encouraged Russian cyber attacks on national TV saying, "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,"

• ⁠When addressing Russian election interference and cyber attacks, Trump proclaimed "I don't see any reason why it would be Russia" after speaking directly with Putin, defending Russia and trusting Putin over our own intelligence agencies. Later he "corrected" himself, claiming that he meant to say "wouldn't" instead of would

• ⁠Trump suggested the U.S. work directly with Russia on cybersecurity

• ⁠Almost directly after the 2016 election, Trump sought to weaken U.S. sanctions on Russia, while he was even open to lifting sanctions

• ⁠Trump dismissed the notion that Putin was a "killer", downplaying the idea that Putin resorts to using violence and oppressive tactics to crush political opponents. He defended Putin, rationalizing his ruthless despotism in the process, declaring, "There are a lot of killers. Do you think our country is so innocent?"

• ⁠Trump shared highly classified U.S. intelligence with Russian officials in the Oval Office in 2017

• ⁠Trump repeated Kremlin talking points related to the Russian annexation of Crimea, reiterating things like, "The people of Crimea, from what I've heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were."

• ⁠Trump constantly attacked NATO, aligning himself with Putin

• ⁠Trump thanked Putin for expelling hundreds of U.S. diplomats as a retaliation for sanctions

• ⁠Trump imposed tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum while Republicans were working on a deal with Oleg Deripaska, one of Putin’s most trusted oligarchs, on an alumina plant in Kentucky

• ⁠According to congressional testimony, Trump declined to publicly condemn a Russian attack against Ukrainian military vessels in November 2018, even though the State Department prepared a statement for him

• ⁠Trump congratulated and gave legitimacy to Putin's re election win in 2018, a victory said to "lack genuine competition"

• ⁠Sergei Skripal, an ex Russian spy that defected to the UK, was poisoned. Sanctions were announced, Trump attempted to rescind them, while asserting that the U.S. was being "too tough on Putin"

• ⁠When congress passed new sanctions against Russia in 2017, Trump was very reluctant to signing the bill, and probably wouldn't have signed it if the bill didn't pass with veto-proof majorities in both houses

• ⁠In 2017 it was reported that Trump was considering returning spy bases to Russia

• ⁠Trump praised and highlighted pro-Russian leaders in Europe. Far right European leaders with close ties to Putin. He even met a Kremlin ally at the Whitehouse

• ⁠When Trump withdrew troops from Syria, it gave Russia and Putin an opportunity to control abandoned U.S. outposts and checkpoints

• ⁠Trump froze U.S. aide for Ukraine in it's war against Russian proxies. He repeated Russian disinformation surrounding Ukraine as well

• ⁠Trump made requests to bring Russia back into the G7 and invited Putin to the 2020 G7 summit
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• ⁠Praised Putin constantly, called him a "strong leader", has peddled statements like "he's done a really great job outsmarting our country"

• ⁠Trump dismissed and cast doubt about Russian hacking, particularly when the U.S determined that Russia hacked the DNC in 2016, while ironically enough, he encouraged Russian cyber attacks on national TV saying, "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,"

• ⁠When addressing Russian election interference and cyber attacks, Trump proclaimed "I don't see any reason why it would be Russia" after speaking directly with Putin, defending Russia and trusting Putin over our own intelligence agencies. Later he "corrected" himself, claiming that he meant to say "wouldn't" instead of would

• ⁠Trump suggested the U.S. work directly with Russia on cybersecurity

• ⁠Almost directly after the 2016 election, Trump sought to weaken U.S. sanctions on Russia, while he was even open to lifting sanctions

• ⁠Trump dismissed the notion that Putin was a "killer", downplaying the idea that Putin resorts to using violence and oppressive tactics to crush political opponents. He defended Putin, rationalizing his ruthless despotism in the process, declaring, "There are a lot of killers. Do you think our country is so innocent?"

• ⁠Trump shared highly classified U.S. intelligence with Russian officials in the Oval Office in 2017

• ⁠Trump repeated Kremlin talking points related to the Russian annexation of Crimea, reiterating things like, "The people of Crimea, from what I've heard, would rather be with Russia than where they were."

• ⁠Trump constantly attacked NATO, aligning himself with Putin

• ⁠Trump thanked Putin for expelling hundreds of U.S. diplomats as a retaliation for sanctions

• ⁠Trump imposed tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum while Republicans were working on a deal with Oleg Deripaska, one of Putin’s most trusted oligarchs, on an alumina plant in Kentucky

• ⁠According to congressional testimony, Trump declined to publicly condemn a Russian attack against Ukrainian military vessels in November 2018, even though the State Department prepared a statement for him

• ⁠Trump congratulated and gave legitimacy to Putin's re election win in 2018, a victory said to "lack genuine competition"

• ⁠Sergei Skripal, an ex Russian spy that defected to the UK, was poisoned. Sanctions were announced, Trump attempted to rescind them, while asserting that the U.S. was being "too tough on Putin"

• ⁠When congress passed new sanctions against Russia in 2017, Trump was very reluctant to signing the bill, and probably wouldn't have signed it if the bill didn't pass with veto-proof majorities in both houses

• ⁠In 2017 it was reported that Trump was considering returning spy bases to Russia

• ⁠Trump praised and highlighted pro-Russian leaders in Europe. Far right European leaders with close ties to Putin. He even met a Kremlin ally at the Whitehouse

• ⁠When Trump withdrew troops from Syria, it gave Russia and Putin an opportunity to control abandoned U.S. outposts and checkpoints

• ⁠Trump froze U.S. aide for Ukraine in it's war against Russian proxies. He repeated Russian disinformation surrounding Ukraine as well

• ⁠Trump made requests to bring Russia back into the G7 and invited Putin to the 2020 G7 summit
And more recently he’s called Putin’s move to invade Ukraine genius. He’s also doubled down on it. That has already not aged well.
Lets see a copy and paste from every who's who of the idk news sources on the planet including facebook and tiger droppings? Hilarious. Go back on facebook and get your news this morning. dc urban mom, reddit, shack news, Teddit? Bimmer Boost Hahahahaha

Pure trash. Glad to see your faithful absorb all of it. hahahahahaha right on cue.

Thanks for the morning laugh...cheers
Lets see a copy and paste from every who's who of the idk news sources on the planet including facebook and tiger droppings? Hilarious. Go back on facebook and get your news this morning. dc urban mom, reddit, shack news, Teddit? Bimmer Boost Hahahahaha

Pure trash. Glad to see your faithful absorb all of it. hahahahahaha right on cue.

Thanks for the morning laugh...cheers

I dunno, man. I’m not into the political doo doo but orange dude was on the wrong side of history and is even on the wrong side of current events. Pretty dumb.
Heres some truth for ya this morning: Its a pattern of lies...

Joe Biden now pushes:
• Made in America
• Fund the Police
• Close the Border

When President Trump says this, they call it dangerous nationalism.

Joe Biden said we need to “secure the border.”

So why’d he stop building the wall?
Why’d he stop the “Remain in Mexico” program?
Why’d he incentivize illegal immigration?

Today and everyday for the foreseeable future America will buy 600,000 barrels of oil from the Putin
Still happening after the SOTU

Democrats have caused a crime crisis by “defunding the police but now electing DA’s that want to pick and choose what they want to uphold
Now they want to fund the police????

Joe Biden defends violating the teachings of the Catholic Church by promoting abortion.
"As a Catholic, why do you support abortion?"
Biden: "I don't want to get in a debate with you on theology ... I'm not going to make a judgement for other people."

Thats just a few...

This admin won't DO SH!T! But you all soaked up that BS speech and alot of it was Trumps actions that Joe already UN DID. Now he's gonna redo all that? Right...Its like a time share presentation from hell that you buy and can't get rid of it.
Trump is pretty simple to understand. He just thinks in terms of what is good for him personally. He gets a lot of his financing from Russia-ergo they are good people.
Trump is pretty simple to understand. He just thinks in terms of what is good for him personally. He gets a lot of his financing from Russia-ergo they are good people.
The obsession with Trump is baffling. In one sentence you nailed Trump. No more to it than that
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Trump is pretty simple to understand. He just thinks in terms of what is good for him personally. He gets a lot of his financing from Russia-ergo they are good people.
What’s good for Him Personally????

What about you Personally? How much did it cost you for Gas, Food and Utilities when Trump was in office. Now compare that same same cost for you today, under Biden?

Are you Personally better off????
What’s good for Him Personally????

What about you Personally? How much did it cost you for Gas, Food and Utilities when Trump was in office. Now compare that same same cost for you today, under Biden?

Are you Personally better off????
What's that have to do with what I said?
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Joe Biden defends violating the teachings of the Catholic Church by promoting abortion.
"As a Catholic, why do you support abortion?"
Biden: "I don't want to get in a debate with you on theology ... I'm not going to make a judgement for other people."
I don’t see the issue here. I’ve actually always been confused by this. Joe Biden could very well be personally against abortion. As far as I know he’s never shared his personal views. There are a lot of things that are legal that some people don’t believe in or that go against someone’s religion.

Should religious beliefs dictate legislation? Seems like a slippery slope to me.
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What's that have to do with what I said?
I quote your comment:
“He just thinks in terms of what is good for him personally.”

My reply was directed at what you Stated in your comment.

That’s what it has to do with what you said.
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I quote your comment:
“He just thinks in terms of what is good for him personally.”

My reply was directed at what you Stated in your comment.

That’s what it has to do with what you said.
Actually if you want to know how I'm doing personally, well I'm doing great! I own some farms and will make more money this year than ever before due to the high grain prices but if you think that Trump or Biden control the economy then you need a course in economics. Congress gives us the budgets.
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What’s good for Him Personally????

What about you Personally? How much did it cost you for Gas, Food and Utilities when Trump was in office. Now compare that same same cost for you today, under Biden?

Are you Personally better off????
I am much better off now. Don't have to hear about Trump attacking people on Twitter daily or the weekly scandal in the white house.

Don't have to worry about the potus insulting allies and saluting dictators either.

America is finally great again. Move to Russia if you like dictators so much
I don’t see the issue here. I’ve actually always been confused by this. Joe Biden could very well be personally against abortion. As far as I know he’s never shared his personal views. There are a lot of things that are legal that some people don’t believe in or that go against someone’s religion.

Should religious beliefs dictate legislation? Seems like a slippery slope to me.
He's a supposed catholic. Take a stance Joe what is it?
Actually if you want to know how I'm doing personally, well I'm doing great! I own some farms and will make more money this year than ever before due to the high grain prices but if you think that Trump or Biden control the economy then you need a course in micro-economics. Congress gives us the budgets.
Well I am Thankful that you are doing great. (That’s a serious comment… I am).

As for my family and I…. We are doing fine. It is costing us more for gas and our energy bills have skyrocketed, but we do all that we can do to help reduce those costs.
We are blessed to be able to pay our bills, but we’ve also cut back on things that bring more enjoyment to our lives.
But that’s the season we are living in at the moment. Hopefully in the future, the seasons will change and allow for that enjoyment to return.
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What’s good for Him Personally????

What about you Personally? How much did it cost you for Gas, Food and Utilities when Trump was in office. Now compare that same same cost for you today, under Biden?

Are you Personally better off????
Fair enough, but is this the same world as even 15 months ago. Inflation is a worldwide problem. Restarting a world economy after a pandemic ain't easy.

This inflation is not caused by a bunch of people getting a few hundred more dollars per month.
He's a supposed catholic. Take a stance Joe what is it?
And Trump's purportedly a Christian who cheated on three wives, ripped off contractors, subs and employees, duped students at his "university," stole from his own charitable foundation, enacts revenge on every perceived enemy, publicly praises ruthless dictators, is spiteful, petty and lies through his teeth on a daily basis. None of that sounds very Christ-like to me.

If you want to argue Biden's a shitty president, have at it. But spare us the attack on the guy's morals and/or character when your guy is arguably the most immoral man to ever occupy the White House.
And Trump's purportedly a Christian who cheated on three wives, ripped off contractors, subs and employees, duped students at his "university," stole from his own charitable foundation, enacts revenge on every perceived enemy, publicly praises ruthless dictators, is spiteful, petty and lies through his teeth on a daily basis. None of that sounds very Christ-like to me.

If you want to argue Biden's a shitty president, have at it. But spare us the attack on the guy's morals and/or character when your guy is arguably the most immoral man to ever occupy the White House.

You forgot shoved back protestors for a picture of him holding a Bible, screwing prostitutes, bragging about sexual assault, and hanging with Epstein and his pretty young girls. Oh yea and hitting on his daughter.

The party that would elect Trump, Geatz boebert, Greene, Jim Jordan, cawthorn Cruz etc has no morals. Their goal must be to find the most slimy, dirty trash and put them in office
And Trump's purportedly a Christian who cheated on three wives, ripped off contractors, subs and employees, duped students at his "university," stole from his own charitable foundation, enacts revenge on every perceived enemy, publicly praises ruthless dictators, is spiteful, petty and lies through his teeth on a daily basis. None of that sounds very Christ-like to me.

If you want to argue Biden's a shitty president, have at it. But spare us the attack on the guy's morals and/or character when your guy is arguably the most immoral man to ever occupy the White House.
Trump is not in Office! Your side voted Amazing Joe in so let's keep the narrative with Biden Administration.
And Trump's purportedly a Christian who cheated on three wives, ripped off contractors, subs and employees, duped students at his "university," stole from his own charitable foundation, enacts revenge on every perceived enemy, publicly praises ruthless dictators, is spiteful, petty and lies through his teeth on a daily basis. None of that sounds very Christ-like to me.

If you want to argue Biden's a shitty president, have at it. But spare us the attack on the guy's morals and/or character when your guy is arguably the most immoral man to ever occupy the White House.
OMG hilarious...triggered much? Your brain f*cked.
I am much better off now. Don't have to hear about Trump attacking people on Twitter daily or the weekly scandal in the white house.

Don't have to worry about the potus insulting allies and saluting dictators either.

America is finally great again. Move to Russia if you like dictators so much
Ignorance is bliss
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You forgot shoved back protestors for a picture of him holding a Bible, screwing prostitutes, bragging about sexual assault, and hanging with Epstein and his pretty young girls. Oh yea and hitting on his daughter.

The party that would elect Trump, Geatz boebert, Greene, Jim Jordan, cawthorn Cruz etc has no morals. Their goal must be to find the most slimy, dirty trash and put them in office
Go get your mask dickory and sit in the corner. While your at it grab that booster shot...
He's a supposed catholic. Take a stance Joe what is it?

Somehow if Joe were Muslim I don't think you'd be advocating for him to take a stance on his religious beliefs. Nor would you want him to legislate based on them.

Again, I don't know Joe Biden's personal view on abortion. If a woman asked him whether or not she personally should get an abortion, would he tell her she shouldn't because it's a sin? I don't know.

All that said, Biden can personally be ensconced in his faith without imposing his beliefs on his legislative duties.
Somehow if Joe were Muslim I don't think you'd be advocating for him to take a stance on his religious beliefs. Nor would you want him to legislate based on them.

Again, I don't know Joe Biden's personal view on abortion. If a woman asked him whether or not she personally should get an abortion, would he tell her she shouldn't because it's a sin? I don't know.

All that said, Biden can personally be ensconced in his faith without imposing his beliefs on his legislative duties.
Whatevs...That speech, sotu was garbage. All Trump talking points, Fund police, fix the border, build American, Start drilling again. What a Gawd damned joke! He already undid everything Trump did after the obama debacle. Now he's trying to go Trump? Horsesh!t all lies.
OMG hilarious...triggered much? Your brain f*cked.

What did I write that isn't accurate?

And what's really hilarious is you of all people, the guy of the daily meltdown, accusing someone else of being triggered.

Finally, if you're going to lob an insult, use correct English. Otherwise you just look stupid or, in your specific case, more stupid than usual. "Your" is possessive. "You're" is a contraction that means "you are." So, you're brain-fvcked.
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Biden reemphasized the points that he has made all along, the same points that crushed the left wing of the party in the Dem primaries. Make policing better with more funding not less, stop kicking the immigration problem down the road, transition to sustainable energy solutions NOT ALL AT ONCE but sensibly, with near-term leveraging of oil and NG capabilities, even fracking.

He didn't shift positions on anything, he just pointed out for the 100th time to anyone that is listening that he still has, and has always had, major disagreements with AOC and the Squad. They are not in control, he is. The GOP talking points are silly.
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Biden reemphasized the points that he has made all along, the same points that crushed the left wing of the party in the Dem primaries. Make policing better with more funding not less, stop kicking the immigration problem down the road, transition to sustainable energy solutions NOT ALL AT ONCE but sensibly, with near-term leveraging of oil and NG capabilities, even fracking.

He didn't shift positions on anything, he just pointed out for the 100th time to anyone that is listening that he still has, and has always had, major disagreements with AOC and the Squad. They are not in control, he is. The GOP talking points are silly.
I would like to go Internet tough guy on you. But that's what you're looking for.
Fair enough, but is this the same world as even 15 months ago. Inflation is a worldwide problem. Restarting a world economy after a pandemic ain't easy.

This inflation is not caused by a bunch of people getting a few hundred more dollars per month.
Good Point BCC. I can agree with comment about the pandemic..... or as I like to call it... the Plandemic.
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Fair enough, but is this the same world as even 15 months ago. Inflation is a worldwide problem. Restarting a world economy after a pandemic ain't easy.

This inflation is not caused by a bunch of people getting a few hundred more dollars per month.
I don't think you can point to any one thing causing inflation. South America which supplied most of the grain to China during the trade war is suffering a very pronounced drought and the war in Ukraine is causing another big spike to the prices of grains. During the Covid crisis we printed and gave away too much money-as though there wouldn't be a problem later with that approach (it got us through the moment so it probably made sense).

It does seem like we are heading into a very dark period worldwide but this wasn't caused by Joe any more than Covid was Trump's fault. I do not say the same thing for villains like Putin.
Lets see a copy and paste from every who's who of the idk news sources on the planet including facebook and tiger droppings? Hilarious. Go back on facebook and get your news this morning. dc urban mom, reddit, shack news, Teddit? Bimmer Boost Hahahahaha

Pure trash. Glad to see your faithful absorb all of it. hahahahahaha right on cue.

Thanks for the morning laugh...cheers
So in other words, you can’t even debate a single point. Why? Because they are facts.
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I don't think you can point to any one thing causing inflation. South America which supplied most of the grain to China during the trade war is suffering a very pronounced drought and the war in Ukraine is causing another big spike to the prices of grains. During the Covid crisis we printed and gave away too much money-as though there wouldn't be a problem later with that approach (it got us through the moment so it probably made sense).

It does seem like we are heading into a very dark period worldwide but this wasn't caused by Joe any more than Covid was Trump's fault. I do not say the same thing for villains like Putin.
The price of fossil fuel is the driving factor for the inflation we are experiencing.