leal vs gunn

kurt cloverdales

Mar 3, 2020
guess what our winning percentage is when Leal played more minutes than Gunn. and guess what it is when Gunn played more than Leal. and remember against the cupcake's Gunn played way more.
It is absolutely mind boggling to me that it took Leal so long to see the court. Now I'm not in practice, but from everything I've ever heard about AL, he's one of the hardest workers on the team. With the sh*tshow that has been this season, how in the world do you not get a heady, hard working, good (not great) shooter onto the court? One of many things that I just sit back and shake my head at.
Leal is the better guard currently.
He certainly fits with the team better and makes far less mistakes. No matter how well CJ plays individually there's a drop off in team efficiency when he comes in. That's where understanding positioning, team responsibilities and knowing the sets may come into play. I don't know what he does that causes it, except maybe he gambles on D too much and hunts shots on O too much or both .. but it impacts team efficiency and we have more breakdowns.
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This feels like an episode of Mr Obvious. One of them understands the game and the other can't see anything beyond dunks and three point shots (and he rarely makes any). Classic case of being a contributor without having to score. Sure took Woody long enough to figure out out.
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Gunn shouldn't play ever. He's not good enough. Maybe by the time he's a senior he'll be somewhat serviceable, but it sure isn't trending that way.
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Leal is the better guard currently.
He's been the better G the entire time.

Woody just wouldn't admit that Gunn isn't a Big Ten quality Shooting Guard...
I'm not even sure he's a D2 quality shooting guard... What's his overall shooting percentage so far this year? About 25%...? That's only a couple of percent better than if you had you or I were out there attempting those shots... He's basically Bates without the talent...

Counting on Gunn to be a key backup is just another great big oversized question mark as to Woodys college coaching abilities...: as in, he counts on a guy to be a key role player and then doesn't coach him up to be able to meet the challenge...(while being fully aware of his deficiencies), all the while throwing away the minutes to Gunn that Leal could have used to actually be a contributor (and not recognizing Leals abilities until he's forced to)...
I will say this, Gunn did/does deserve an opportunity. He is a very good athlete and I watched him get hot in HS and he could light it up from outside. Also tries hard on D, just isn't a natural defender. I would like to coach the kid for sure and try to get the most out of him....but when it ain't working, you have to go to your best option or you're screwing your team.
guess what our winning percentage is when Leal played more minutes than Gunn. and guess what it is when Gunn played more than Leal. and remember against the cupcake's Gunn played way more.
Don't worry, he won't be around much longer.

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