Buddy you're losing the plot. The median home is $400k. Car $50k. Those D kids are going to grow up and realize life is expensive as shit and that business license, occupancy license, county tax, state tax, federal tax, EO policy, workers comp policy, health insurance, payroll tax, and income tax are a hell of a drain before you figure out how to pay for that $400k house and $50k car and $50k car for your stoker, and braces for the kids, and tuition for the kids, and save for college and wham bam next thing you know it you're 40 and that D turned to an R and you look at AOC and warren and the rest and say it's hard enough paying for my own I'm not paying for theirs too! 48 out of 100 wanted the largest social safety net ever. Those numbers will look worse in Nov
Lastly Latinos aren't a monolithic group. Their preferences vary greatly