Latest Cignetti Interview

Thanks. Great interview.

He is very confident, competent, and straightforward. I love it.

Of course I am a biased fan hoping for the best, so maybe he is talking a big game and really isn’t as confident behind closed doors, but I doubt it.

Can’t wait for football season.

Great he said he got more NIL than he was promised.
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He demands the IUFB challenge. Has to have it.
...only grow when you're uncomfortable...
...always changing, if you're not getting better then you're getting worse...
...something has to give, and it ain't gonna be me...
I've not yet contributed to the IUFB NIL. I now have to after hearing that interview.
Cignetti wants to be at IU.
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Don't know the interviewer from a picnic table but he does a damn good in both keeping it entertaining and very informative simultaneously. Yes he had a subject to interview that communicates well but his research was smooth during the face to face. Many Q's where of a variety many of us on here would ask. Damn credible job.
Don't know the interviewer from a picnic table but he does a damn good in both keeping it entertaining and very informative simultaneously. Yes he had a subject to interview that communicates well but his research was smooth during the face to face. Many Q's where of a variety many of us on here would ask. Damn credible job.
He’s a former TE from Penn State, transferred to UMASS and coached for a bit with Arizona State. I remember him from Penn State and was a damn good TE for them before injuries.
Me too. Where do I send it.
you can send it to me.... I'll get it where it needs to go :) jj

Russell Crowe Ok GIF by Acorn TV

Seems like they always provide advertisement during games about where to send NIL but I don't recall what it said.
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Don't know the interviewer from a picnic table but he does a damn good in both keeping it entertaining and very informative simultaneously. Yes he had a subject to interview that communicates well but his research was smooth during the face to face. Many Q's where of a variety many of us on here would ask. Damn credible job.
Played at PSU then UMASS. Was an all-American. Did some coaching and is now in broadcasting. Good social media follow.
I'm looking forward to the first time the Big Ten refs try the usual screw IU game. Something makes me think Cig isn't going to tuck tail and cower at the microphone post game. Could be a throw back to our former basketball coach . . . hmm, which ref will play the role of TV Ted?
I'm looking forward to the first time the Big Ten refs try the usual screw IU game. Something makes me think Cig isn't going to tuck tail and cower at the microphone post game. Could be a throw back to our former basketball coach . . . hmm, which ref will play the role of TV Ted?

That is why it is of paramount importance to always chew gum while coaching so you have something to throw if need be.
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