Kyle Rittenhouse will not vote for Trump in November

According the video she was on the outside of a window, not a door. What kind of harm was an armed woman going to do to the senators? Who probably were not even in the building.
So if you were tasked with defending VIPs and told to not allow anyone through, you would have disobeyed? And yes, they were escaping that direction which is why the mob was trying to go that direction. Pretending he was defending an empty building is laughably pathetic.

If he didn't shoot, then the rest of the mob would have followed her through. But yea, keep lying to yourself that they were harmless.
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According the video she was on the outside of a window, not a door. What kind of harm was an armed woman going to do to the senators? Who probably were not even in the building.
She was 5', unarmed, a veteran, and there were 2 Capitol Police standing right next to her on her side of the window.

It was a cold blooded killing that is OK, because she was a Trump supporter, by a guy who had recklessly handled handguns before.
So if you were tasked with defending VIPs and told to not allow anyone through, you would have disobeyed? And yes, they were escaping that direction which is why the mob was trying to go that direction. Pretending he was defending an empty building is laughably pathetic.

If he didn't shoot, then the rest of the mob would have followed her through. But yea, keep lying to yourself that they were harmless.
Watch the video, dumbass. The crowd was milling around and doing nothing, with 2 Capitol Police officers standing there.

You're a fool if you think she posed any danger to anyone.
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So if you hear a shot anywhere around you, then you should get a green light to shoot anyone nearby because it just MAY have been them firing at you?

That's the argument?

Just further evidence he had no business being there in the first place being that trigger happy.
I don't know why you continue to argue thia case. You fought the good fight in the threads years ago and go at it any time it's brought up. You spout the same lies regardless of the year even when you're provided with the evidence that you're wrong.
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I don't know why you continue to argue thia case. You fought the good fight in the threads years ago and go at it any time it's brought up. You spout the same lies regardless of the year even when you're provided with the evidence that you're wrong.

Just because it doesn't align with your brainwashing doesn't make it wrong
Thank you. That basic fact keeps being omitted from the narrative.
Are you being intentionally obtuse?

What do you not seem to grasp? And no...this was not "after he already shot somebody, right?"

"Rittenhouse testified that he then believed himself to be in danger and ran south-west across the lot, aiming for the safety of the Car Source lot buildings. Rosenbaum chased after him. Rittenhouse testified that he heard Ziminski shout to Rosenbaum "Get him and kill him!", and that he soon perceived his avenue of escape to be blocked by vehicles and a group of protesters, and that Rosenbaum was catching up to him.[76] Video footage showed Rittenhouse being pursued across a parking lot by a group of people.[80][60] During the chase, Rosenbaum threw a plastic bag containing socks, underwear, and deodorant at Rittenhouse.[78][31][81]

Ziminski fired a shot into the air, and was later charged with disorderly conduct using a dangerous weapon.[82][35] After the shot was fired, Rittenhouse turned around, to see Rosenbaum now only a few feet away from him.[76] According to McGinniss, who was standing near Rittenhouse at the time, Rosenbaum then shouted "**** you!" and "lunged" at Rittenhouse and grabbed the barrel of his rifle.[6] Rittenhouse then fired four shots at Rosenbaum, killing him.[83][84][12][85] The bullets perforated Rosenbaum's heart, aorta, pulmonary artery and right lung, fractured his pelvis, and caused minor wounds to his left thigh and forehead.[86][87]"
Glad to know that’s his Bible. We were already f—-k but with all this AI fake sh!t these nutcases like DBM are going to believe anything and everything
Dbm believes everything Trump says 100 percent. His lapdog devotion to Trump should be embarrassing to him, but it's not. Like a lapdog, he just runs around happily wagging his tail and sniffing Trump's rear end waiting for his master to tell him what to think next.
That has to be AI, Not even Kamala is stupid enough to say that out loud
Hillary wants people arrested if they post inaccurate political speech.

Liberalism is a mental disease and the folks at the top of the Democrat Party have lost their minds.
Hillary wants people arrested if they post inaccurate political speech.

Liberalism is a mental disease and the folks at the top of the Democrat Party have lost their minds.
Walz thinks free speech isn't a thing

I don't really care who the Kyles and Karens vote for, and why

Or the celebrities

It is interesting though to see guys like Dick Cheney and Mike Pence not backing Trump.

Can someone please logically tell me why Dick Cheney and Mike Pence should be considered RINOs?
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You’re right, she’d never be dumb enough to say that now but you’d also have to be pretty naive to think her beliefs on that have changed.

Consistency will always take a back seat to expediency. Obama on gay marriage comes immediately to mind. I could cite numerous other, more recent examples, but don't want to get into a whatabout back and forth.
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