Ken Bikoff has a very good peegs podcast on scout


Sep 7, 2001
Is IU an elite program, He sugar coats is a little bit but he makes pretty good analysis on the long-term results of IU basketball. He looks at programs that have won three national championships and he focused on the last 30 years. The clear conclusion is that IU is no longer an elite program.

The clear conclusion is that IU needs to hire the right coach. And that coach is not Tom Crean. But firing Crean to replace him with...... anybody else is not the right answer either.
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Is IU an elite program, He sugar coats is a little bit but he makes pretty good analysis on the long-term results of IU basketball. He looks at programs that have won three national championships and he focused on the last 30 years. The clear conclusion is that IU is no longer an elite program.

The clear conclusion is that IU needs to hire the right coach. And that coach is not Tom Crean. But firing Crean to replace his with...... anybody else is not the right answer either.
IU is a sleeping giant. Make the right hire so we can get back to making sweet 16's every year, Elite 8's and final fours every 3-4 years and possibly a championship. At least get into contention for one. I can hear the frustration of his guest and he feels like almost everyone on here feels.
Bikoff craters at the end and says that IU is still a blue blood program - an hour after he makes a realistic analysis of why IU is not an elite program. They are lost at the end of the show - just like the basketball program.
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IU reminds me of ND football.
They are both blue blood powers because..
-huge fan bases
-tradition rich history
-historic gym/stadium
-past great names..Isaiah/Montana
-famous coaches RMK/Rockne/Leahy/Ara
-cash cows of a program...big time revenue
-flash in the pan signs of power..IU 2012-13 season...ND 2012.

**in my opinion both programs will rise back up but adjustments need made. Starting with Coaching
IU reminds me of ND football.
They are both blue blood powers because..
-huge fan bases
-tradition rich history
-historic gym/stadium
-past great names..Isaiah/Montana
-famous coaches RMK/Rockne/Leahy/Ara
-cash cows of a program...big time revenue
-flash in the pan signs of power..IU 2012-13 season...ND 2012.

**in my opinion both programs will rise back up but adjustments need made. Starting with Coaching
Irish gutted their program, except Kelly. Have a decent DC in Elko, respected S/C coach in Balis and '18 class that is #2 in the country right now.
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College basketball is coaching, coaching, and coaching. For example, what does Villanova have that IU doesn't? A better tradition? No. Better facilities? No. Easier to recruit there? No. A better fanbase? No. More money for recruiting and coaches? No. A large state school? No. You get the point. This is where the Indiana can't be great again arguments fall apart. If a small private school in Pennsylvania can be elite, so can IU. The only advantage Nova has is a great coach.
Except for bringing the program back from the dead, Crean is a proving not be the guy to go to the next level. He rebuilt the program so thanks for that but he has had his chance. Time to move on.

I'd like to see the list of potential next coaches that are considered just anybody else.
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Depressing hearing how much more success the other blue bloods have had since 1987. All we have in the past at IU.
Did anyone listed to the Inside the Hall podcast? It is also interesting stuff when discussing how IU is still elite but losing that status on a daily basis. Also discussing how Fred really cannot bring Crean back without an extension and how tough of a sell the extension would be. It looks as if Fred really got himself in a pickle here and I’m guessing he is kicking himself for not extending last season.
Is IU an elite program, He sugar coats is a little bit but he makes pretty good analysis on the long-term results of IU basketball. He looks at programs that have won three national championships and he focused on the last 30 years. The clear conclusion is that IU is no longer an elite program.

The clear conclusion is that IU needs to hire the right coach. And that coach is not Tom Crean. But firing Crean to replace him with...... anybody else is not the right answer either.

Wow, that's some real earth shaking, cutting edge info from Ken.

They did at least say Crean either needs to be extended or fired after the season. Ken said no decision should be made yet because IU could still go on a tourney run! LOL! The other guys says give him a three year extension is you do not fire him. Should of extended him last year Fred. Now you backed yourself into a corner.
They did at least say Crean either needs to be extended or fired after the season. Ken said no decision should be made yet because IU could still go on a tourney run! LOL! The other guys says give him a three year extension is you do not fire him. Should of extended him last year Fred. Now you backed yourself into a corner.

Maybe it was a corner he wanted backed into...
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A blue blood is, in part, the potential to be dominant. South Carolina will never be dominant. Iowa will never be dominant. USC will never be dominant. Indiana was and can be again with the right coach. This nonsense about how a school has passed its prime doesn't make any sense. People can be past their primes but not institutions that only require the right leadership (presumably people not past their primes).
Except for bringing the program back from the dead, Crean is a proving not be the guy to go to the next level. He rebuilt the program so thanks for that but he has had his chance. Time to move on.

I'd like to see the list of potential next coaches that are considered just anybody else.

Give the IU fans who bought tickets for those three years most of the credit. Give the University that offered scholarships credit. Crean basically showed up. It did not take a genius to bring IU back to being just mediocre.
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Is IU an elite program, He sugar coats is a little bit but he makes pretty good analysis on the long-term results of IU basketball. He looks at programs that have won three national championships and he focused on the last 30 years. The clear conclusion is that IU is no longer an elite program.

The clear conclusion is that IU needs to hire the right coach. And that coach is not Tom Crean. But firing Crean to replace him with...... anybody else is not the right answer either.
Ken is somewhat entertaining, but he is part of the college basketball media that will not, under any circumstances, honestly criticize a coach, whether it is because they don't know a good coach when they see one, fear for their program "access" and ruffling feathers, or feel like they are all part of the same brotherhood and won't criticize their "brother." It took a student writing for the IDS to write the story that needed to be said for the past several years. This student has more credibility and integrity than any "media" person I have come across, especially the Peegs' group.

Short story long: don't put too much stock in anything you hear from Peegs (not saying you or anybody is). Money comes first over there and integrity is ranked somewhere around 7: they have consistently had their noses planted firmly in Crean's behind and been company men. They had a rule that posters couldn't be negative, lol. I will never give them another dime. Most media people don't know their asses from a hole in the ground, and Ken, from what I have heard and read, certainly fits this assessment. Goodness, no school has the intangibles IU does: exactly, get a friggin' coach in here and let the good times roll.
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Regarding blue blood discussion: here's an idea. Hire Billy Donovan, let him win a couple over 10 years and shut everybody up with play on the court. That would give us 7, and only UCLA and Kentucky live there.
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Is IU an elite program, He sugar coats is a little bit but he makes pretty good analysis on the long-term results of IU basketball. He looks at programs that have won three national championships and he focused on the last 30 years. The clear conclusion is that IU is no longer an elite program.

The clear conclusion is that IU needs to hire the right coach. And that coach is not Tom Crean. But firing Crean to replace him with...... anybody else is not the right answer either.
Just so you know, McCracken and Knight won a couple championships by razor-thin or r-e-a-l-l-y close margins. The argument that IU is a blueblood, to me, has relevance today only because Knight's style of play helped cause the NCAA to change rules relating to touch fouls, charging fouls and some other ones. In his prime, Knight was brilliant at taking advantage of the existing rules. That's why people think of IU as a blueblood.
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Ken is somewhat entertaining, but he is part of the college basketball media that will not, under any circumstances, honestly criticize a coach, whether it is because they don't know a good coach when they see one, fear for their program "access" and ruffling feathers, or feel like they are all part of the same brotherhood and won't criticize their "brother." It took a student writing for the IDS to write the story that needed to be said for the past several years. This student has more credibility and integrity than any "media" person I have come across, especially the Peegs' group.

Short story long: don't put too much stock in anything you hear from Peegs (not saying you or anybody is). Money comes first over there and integrity is ranked somewhere around 7: they have consistently had their noses planted firmly in Crean's behind and been company men. They had a rule that posters couldn't be negative, lol. I will never give them another dime. Most media people don't know their asses from a hole in the ground, and Ken, from what I have heard and read, certainly fits this assessment. Goodness, no school has the intangibles IU does: exactly, get a friggin' coach in here and let the good times roll.

How do those guys make any money on Peegs? I tried the premium thing years ago and found it worthless I stopped after six months or so. Peegs big inside sources hardly ever panned out. I looked a the message board and they do not have alot of traffic. I assume they have to have other jobs as well.
Can we please bring in a Donovan, Marshall or a Miller and at least try to be?

Davis and Crean are not elite coaches = will not have an elite program.

It's not hard to figure out.
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How do those guys make any money on Peegs? I tried the premium thing years ago and found it worthless I stopped after six months or so. Peegs big inside sources hardly ever panned out. I looked a the message board and they do not have alot of traffic. I assume they have to have other jobs as well.
I will offer an edit. Matt Weaver is really good and legit, and he does a great job on IU football. Matt is a good guy and the one thing they have to offer that I would pay for right now. If Matt started up his own site, I'd follow it and pay for it.

Peegs offer stories, "inside" sources regarding recruiting (as you stated), and message boards, and they are 0-3. As stated before, the journalism over there is weak for the reasons I stated, and you can find more substance in the IDS. Recruiting, yes, it was fun when there was some momentum, but you can get the info for free elsewhere and normally before Peegs reports on it. The message boards were a joke. You literally could not offer any criticism or have real discussion: it was like having a political discussion in Communist Russia. Somebody banned me for being critical of Crean after IU got beat by Wichita St. in the First Round, and I canceled my subscription after that.

I am guessing they make money from subscriptions, obviously, and have some sort of deal with the site provider. Maybe they make a killing, who knows?
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