Kamala’s take on the Economy

So there isn't property tax being paid on property until a first time buyer gets $25k to buy it?

Can't wait to see these 2 debate.
"It pays for itself" Damn, why hasn't anyone thought of this before?

Oh, that's right - we were expecting a 'return on investment' since we started uncontrolled social spending in the 60s. How long before all those trillions 'invested' start paying for themselves.
"It pays for itself" Damn, why hasn't anyone thought of this before?

Oh, that's right - we were expecting a 'return on investment' since we started uncontrolled social spending in the 60s. How long before all those trillions 'invested' start paying for themselves.
I'm waiting for her to unveil her energy policy.


In fairness to the Biden/Harris administration (and I’ve opposed most of their energy related policies - like scuttling the Keystone Pipeline), the US is actually producing more oil than it ever has.

They do sometimes tout this. But, for obvious reasons, they don’t tout it much.
It's not that we're producing more oil - obviously it's still not enough to lower gas prices to pre-Biden levels.

How Biden can declare war on fossil fuels - which he did - and then brag about how much oil we're producing just blows my mind. Do people not see how fake he is? I know Trump supporters do, but evidently Democrats don't.

In fairness to the Biden/Harris administration (and I’ve opposed most of their energy related policies - like scuttling the Keystone Pipeline), the US is actually producing more oil than it ever has.

They do sometimes tout this. But, for obvious reasons, they don’t tout it much.
To me, the energy issue is the market warping that's happened. We're not building new refineries or pipelines. We've all but killed anything coal. But we're subsidizing wind and solar even though it's been shown that they can't yet replace what we're trying to take offline.
To me, the energy issue is the market warping that's happened. We're not building new refineries or pipelines. We've all but killed anything coal. But we're subsidizing wind and solar even though it's been shown that they can't yet replace what we're trying to take offline.
The people in Nantucket love those windmills by the beach.
The people in Nantucket love those windmills by the beach.
They sure are against protecting the environment when it's going to impact their life.

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Why are they always, always revised downward when a Dem is in office? It's like those polling errors that always, always underestimate Trump.

Dbm. Do you believe the pollsters have fixed their methodology wrt to Trump? If they are off in the state by state polls to the degree they were in Wisconsin and PA in 2016 and 2020 that would indicate Trump has a solid lead in these states no?
Dbm. Do you believe the pollsters have fixed their methodology wrt to Trump? If they are off in the state by state polls to the degree they were in Wisconsin and PA in 2016 and 2020 that would indicate Trump has a solid lead in these states no?
No still vastly underestimating Trump. Just look at the cross tabs of those polls. Baris just released his national poll Wednesday. He's been the most accurate pollster for a decade. Has Harris +.5 which is an easy electoral college win for Trump. Believes she's cooked in PA. Shapiro knows.

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Oh yeah - she's moving to the center. lmao

Crazy how much rope people are giving her on her more wacky economic proposals. "Yes she says she's going to tax unrealized gains, but she won't actually do it", "Yes she says she's going to give everyone $25K for a home down payment, but that wont actually happen".

Does Trump get the same benefit of the doubt with Project 2025?
Crazy how much rope people are giving her on her more wacky economic proposals. "Yes she says she's going to tax unrealized gains, but she won't actually do it", "Yes she says she's going to give everyone $25K for a home down payment, but that wont actually happen".

Does Trump get the same benefit of the doubt with Project 2025?
They showed their true colors Biden’s first year. This is a bait and switch. Walz we know. Harris second most liberal senator this century. This is a squad ticket. Calif politics
Good interview.

Cuban and close to 100 other prominent business executives have endorsed Harris. Goldman Sachs says she'd boost the US economy while a Trump presidency would be a "hit to growth." GS continues: "We estimate that if Trump wins in a sweep or with divided government, the hit to growth from tariffs and tighter immigration policy would outweigh the positive fiscal impulse” from continuing most corporate tax reductions.

A recent non-partisan Penn Wharton Budget Model report finds that Trump's economic plan would balloon the deficit nearly five times more than Harris'.

Oh, but wait. She's a communist.

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Good interview.

Cuban and close to 100 other prominent business executives have endorsed Harris. Goldman Sachs says she'd boost the US economy while a Trump presidency would be a "hit to growth." GS continues: "We estimate that if Trump wins in a sweep or with divided government, the hit to growth from tariffs and tighter immigration policy would outweigh the positive fiscal impulse” from continuing most corporate tax reductions.

A recent non-partisan Penn Wharton Budget Model report finds that Trump's economic plan would balloon the deficit nearly five times more than Harris'.

Oh, but wait. She's a communist.

Predictions Bwahahaha. We already know what they actually did on costs. And who knows what the truth is about the economy. Job reports etc seem less than reliable

Yes Harris and walz seem to be very truthful 🤣. Trust what they say
Good interview.

Cuban and close to 100 other prominent business executives have endorsed Harris. Goldman Sachs says she'd boost the US economy while a Trump presidency would be a "hit to growth." GS continues: "We estimate that if Trump wins in a sweep or with divided government, the hit to growth from tariffs and tighter immigration policy would outweigh the positive fiscal impulse” from continuing most corporate tax reductions.

A recent non-partisan Penn Wharton Budget Model report finds that Trump's economic plan would balloon the deficit nearly five times more than Harris'.

Oh, but wait. She's a communist.

Democrats shilling for Goldman Sach's and cheap labor. What a world.
Don’t worry. Harris and walz without a month of work in the private sector know what they’re doing
Letting the Trump tax cuts expire (which Harris/ Walz will do out of spite), would be the largest tax increase in history.

But Democrats HATE that Trump got rid of the SALT deduction (the kind of tax loophole that Democrats generally say they're opposed to) and wouldn't you know it, look at the states hurt most.

BG3685 Table 1

California and Minnesota. Whodathunkit?
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Letting the Trump tax cuts expire (which Harris/ Walz will do out of spite), would be the largest tax increase in history.

But Democrats HATE that Trump got rid of the SALT deduction (the kind of tax loophole that Democrats generally are opposed to) and wouldn't you know it, look at the states hurt most.

BG3685 Table 1

California and Minnesota. Whodathunkit?
social worker politicians
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Good interview.

Cuban and close to 100 other prominent business executives have endorsed Harris. Goldman Sachs says she'd boost the US economy while a Trump presidency would be a "hit to growth." GS continues: "We estimate that if Trump wins in a sweep or with divided government, the hit to growth from tariffs and tighter immigration policy would outweigh the positive fiscal impulse” from continuing most corporate tax reductions.

A recent non-partisan Penn Wharton Budget Model report finds that Trump's economic plan would balloon the deficit nearly five times more than Harris'.

Oh, but wait. She's a communist.

You would read that article and believe it.

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