Justice Scalia weighs in on Justice Ginsburg dozing at the STOTU . . .

Scalia stopped going years ago, right?

One of the few things I agree with him on. If I were on SCOTUS, I wouldn't attend.

I'm assuming your comment is an attempted joke; that does not sound like the kind of thing Scalia would say about his BFF.

Actually Scalia and Ginsburg are very good friends

and he made this "joke" in her presence at a public event.

A lot of people should not attend the STOTU. The STOTU has gotten out of hand and needs to be trimmed. Maybe POTUS ought to deliver it in the East Room and forget all the pomp and circumstance that goes with it. While I'm on this subject, lets stop those 70 car motorcades and flying POTUS in the most expensive per hour jet plane of any world leader. We need to humble POTUS a little.

Oh lets drop the opposite party TV response too and allow the highest ranking opposite party member in congress to make a few remarks after POTUS delivers the state of the union.
I guess he always did have a sharp sense of humor.

Yes, I wasn't being facetious when I called her his BFF. I know they are pals.

While we're at it, if I were on SCOTUS, I wouldn't attend the Red Mass, either. It's also been politicized over the years. The Justices should simply stay away from anything political.

From Jefferson

in 1801 to 1913 it was delivered only n writing. Coolidge also declined to deliver it as a speech, but other than that, every President since Hoover has made a speech. It is worthless and unnecessary as a speech.

The purpose of the requirement is to inform Congress, not to address the Nation.

If we had even marginally decent media, a President could send up the writing and then those folks could report on it honestly. Alas...that can no longer happen.

Is one of our more under-appreciated presidents. I've been reading about him some lately. I'd put him pretty close to George Washington, Truman and Ike for understanding the role of President in our government. We need more of 'em like that.

The press. It is a mess. To look for the specs of irregularities in Paul's and Walker's education background while ignoring the logs in Obama's is shameful and bad for the country.

Is there any other Roman Catholic Mass or church service you'd like to add to the list?

I likewise don't think the Justices should attend the SOTU, but not because it is political, because it is none of their business and just gives the impression that POTUS is more of an equal branch of government than SCOTUS and adds to the notion of an imperial presidency. It also gives an unprincipled POTUS an opportunity to preach to SCOTUS about a matter of law.

Should the Justices summon POTUS to the courtroom and delver a lecture on separation of powers?
ever heard the story about the insomniac sleeping during Sunday services

it's a good one...
I've seen judges nod off during court

most of the time it doesn't matter very much because it is only for brief moments. Most judges will take a recess when they have the urge to nap.

One time, though, an elderly judge dozed off when I was arguing a motion (Spare us the jokes, please). This wasn't the first time that had happened to me and I usually deal with that by simply stop talking. This time that didn't work, so I i pushed all the materials I had on the podium, which included a heavy three ring binder, to the floor. He awoke and got the message. Don't remember how he ruled.

This post was edited on 2/15 3:16 PM by CO. Hoosier