Joe's potential drug cocktail


Hall of Famer
Mar 22, 2017
Awhile back I was ripped and a few attempted to shame me (because I couldn't name the drug mix off the top of my head) by saying there were no drug cocktails out there that could enhance cognitive performance... Well..., what about these:

That's just the easily obtained stuff..., now imagine that you were the handlers for the President... I'm just spitballing here but my guess is that given his handlers desire to keep power at any price that more than a few illegal drugs have been considered for the mix also...

Here's predicting Ole' Joe will show up on stage tomorrow completely wired and they'll practically have to keep him from attempting back flips during the first hour of the debate...
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Awhile back I was ripped and a few attempted to shame me (because I couldn't name the drug mix of the top of my head) by saying there were no drug cocktails out there that could enhance cognitive performance... Well..., what about these:

That's just the easily obtained stuff..., now imagine that you were the handlers for the President... I'm just spitballing here but my guess is that given his handlers desire to keep power at any price that more than a few illegal drugs have been considered for the mix also...

Here's predict Ole' Joe will show up on stage tomorrow completely wired and they'll practically have to keep him from attempting back flips during the first hour minutes of the debate...
That conspiracy crap has been around for a few weeks now. Those of us in the real know know that is what Trump uses which is how they knew to leak the idea.
Awhile back I was ripped and a few attempted to shame me (because I couldn't name the drug mix of the top of my head) by saying there were no drug cocktails out there that could enhance cognitive performance... Well..., what about these:

That's just the easily obtained stuff..., now imagine that you were the handlers for the President... I'm just spitballing here but my guess is that given his handlers desire to keep power at any price that more than a few illegal drugs have been considered for the mix also...

Here's predict Ole' Joe will show up on stage tomorrow completely wired and they'll practically have to keep him from attempting back flips during the first hour minutes of the debate...
I don’t think I can bear to look at that chin long enough to watch the debate. Did they implant a PlayStation controller?
Awhile back I was ripped and a few attempted to shame me (because I couldn't name the drug mix of the top of my head) by saying there were no drug cocktails out there that could enhance cognitive performance... Well..., what about these:

That's just the easily obtained stuff..., now imagine that you were the handlers for the President... I'm just spitballing here but my guess is that given his handlers desire to keep power at any price that more than a few illegal drugs have been considered for the mix also...

Here's predict Ole' Joe will show up on stage tomorrow completely wired and they'll practically have to keep him from attempting back flips during the first hour minutes of the debate...
Adderall B12 and Botox.
@DANC i feel so weak and horny

Look good. Feel good. All hopped up. F yes!!!! You can debate fight and fck with that combo
Awhile back I was ripped and a few attempted to shame me (because I couldn't name the drug mix of the top of my head) by saying there were no drug cocktails out there that could enhance cognitive performance... Well..., what about these:

That's just the easily obtained stuff..., now imagine that you were the handlers for the President... I'm just spitballing here but my guess is that given his handlers desire to keep power at any price that more than a few illegal drugs have been considered for the mix also...

Here's predict Ole' Joe will show up on stage tomorrow completely wired and they'll practically have to keep him from attempting back flips during the first hour minutes of the debate...
B12 ain’t doing shit. I believe they both get Botox treatments. Adderall…who cares everyone under 35 is on some form of a stimulant….might as well give it to the 2 cadavers as well.
I think they should give Joe steroids. The one and only time I had them I felt twenty years younger. Can't say if I was thinking any better or not, but I felt great.
When I get a cold or flu during tax season I call my nurse practitioner and tell her I am on the way and want the “magic” shot in my ass. Lol.

I know steroids are part of the mix. I start feeling better a few minutes after leaving her office.
When I get a cold or flu during tax season I call my nurse practitioner and tell her I am on the way and want the “magic” shot in my ass. Lol.

I know steroids are part of the mix. I start feeling better a few minutes after leaving her office.
I started having more than my usual difficulty breathing last fall and it got progressively worse until I started to get truly frightened. Turned out I had pneumonia (a first for me). I got a round of antibiotics and steroids and a new inhaler. Felt like a million bucks for a couple days and then fell back down to my usual middling self.
I started having more than my usual difficulty breathing last fall and it got progressively worse until I started to get truly frightened. Turned out I had pneumonia (a first for me). I got a round of antibiotics and steroids and a new inhaler. Felt like a million bucks for a couple days and then fell back down to my usual middling self.
I’ve never taken illegal drugs but I can see how easy it would be when I see how good a feel for a while after that shot.
Adderall B12 and Botox.
@DANC i feel so weak and horny

Look good. Feel good. All hopped up. F yes!!!! You can debate fight and fck with that combo

Debate = Adderall and B12?
Fight = adderall?
**** = Botox??

What you up to bro?

Everyone knows that Trump will be prepping with hookers and blow.
AS YOU DO, sir!


Debate = Adderall and B12?
Fight = adderall?
**** = Botox??

What you up to bro?

AS YOU DO, sir!

Botox for youth. First time I ever tried adderall. Exhausted. Crabby as hell and you have no idea how mean and crabby I could get over miserable law shit. Paralegal asks if I’m going to be okay. NO!!!!! I have a fcking hearing downtown I’m in no mood for. Tired. Hate all of this stupid shit. I’m exhausted. She goes in a whimper “you should try this. It’s better than your Starbucks.” One 25mg adderall. 15 minutes later I was doing 70 in a 30 wondering why I’m going to this stupid hearing. I should be curing cancer. I CAN cure cancer.

Add Jack and cokes and a lime and forget it
Awhile back I was ripped and a few attempted to shame me (because I couldn't name the drug mix of the top of my head) by saying there were no drug cocktails out there that could enhance cognitive performance... Well..., what about these:

That's just the easily obtained stuff..., now imagine that you were the handlers for the President... I'm just spitballing here but my guess is that given his handlers desire to keep power at any price that more than a few illegal drugs have been considered for the mix also...

Here's predict Ole' Joe will show up on stage tomorrow completely wired and they'll practically have to keep him from attempting back flips during the first hour minutes of the debate...
More gaslighting. What Trump actually does, accuse others of doing. Trump has allegedly had an adderall addiction since Apprentice days.
Awhile back I was ripped and a few attempted to shame me (because I couldn't name the drug mix of the top of my head) by saying there were no drug cocktails out there that could enhance cognitive performance... Well..., what about these:

That's just the easily obtained stuff..., now imagine that you were the handlers for the President... I'm just spitballing here but my guess is that given his handlers desire to keep power at any price that more than a few illegal drugs have been considered for the mix also...

Here's predict Ole' Joe will show up on stage tomorrow completely wired and they'll practically have to keep him from attempting back flips during the first hour minutes of the debate...
Jesus F*****g Christ, you people are just f*****g stupid. It’s no more complicated than that.
I think they should give Joe steroids. The one and only time I had them I felt twenty years younger. Can't say if I was thinking any better or not, but I felt great.
People have been using stimulants for focus, performance, and mood enhancement for nearly 100 years now? They were used heavily during WW 2. I've heard Churchill relied upon them later in life for speeches and performances.

Why would it be surprising that two 80 year olds would use them for something like this?
Just kidding. I remember. Drinking sprees not so much.
I had done coke a few times at parties in my youth. Want to try type of stuff. Well my ex stoker and I were in nyc shopping, wandering around, and this goofball next to me on the sidewalk walk goes “wanna buy an 8 ball?” I didn’t even really know what that meant. But I said yeah. Gave him cash. Later that night we were at an nyc nightclub that had a pool in it and my ex was in the pool topless 🤣🤣. I remember little thereafter but a sense of fun.

Heading to the airport I was like oh fck I have all this coke. So I said to our cabbie hey I have coke you want it 🤣. He took it and gave us a free cab ride.
People have been using stimulants for focus, performance, and mood enhancement for nearly 100 years now? They were used heavily during WW 2. I've heard Churchill relied upon them later in life for speeches and performances.

Why would it be surprising that two 80 year olds would use them for something like this?
Well when one of them can barely function without it and is President,that's a problem.
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Well when one of them can barely function without it and is President,that's a problem.
One? The answer is to replace one with BOTH. Anyone being honest knows both have major issues. Trump gets lost in mid sentence with the best of them. Neither should be president.

You guys are staring at hunks of raw meat left on the kitchen table since February arguing one is safer to eat than the other. And your decision is solely based on the freaking red or blue pom pom lying next to each. It wouldn't bother me except whichever one you team sycophants choose requires me to dig into that crap sandwich too.
One? The answer is to replace one with BOTH. Anyone being honest knows both have major issues. Trump gets lost in mid sentence with the best of them. Neither should be president.

You guys are staring at hunks of raw meat left on the kitchen table since February arguing one is safer to eat than the other. And your decision is solely based on the freaking red or blue pom pom lying next to each. It wouldn't bother me except whichever one you team sycophants choose requires me to dig into that crap sandwich too.
Pretty good analogy but you could improve by adding that one of the hunks of meat will cost you twice as much…
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