So check this out. She’ll watch sports. But there’s caveats. And they are usually personal.
We don’t watch Lebron
She won’t watch Man United unless it’s a win and recorded. Same with the colts or pacers. If they start losing after we start watching we have to change the channel.
Will watch F1 until Lewis Hamilton gets ****ed over or gives up because his car is a dog box.
Will watch serial TV shows but I have to trick her. Into it.
Will watch multiple episodes of Jeopardy in one night (I’m behind back to July last year. No spoilers!).
Movies - Will watch any Keanu Reeves, Jason Stratham, James Bond movie (I tell her she’s been looking for me her whole life, which “worked” once). Action in general is ok unless stupid or gory.
So, all in all, she doesn’t watch reality TV. Thank god. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.