Is your life better than it was 2 years ago?

I think SS benefits are going up (hopefully more than the corresponding increases in Medicare premiums).

8% this month I believe

8.7% per an email I got from the SSA just yesterday. I don't know if they've finalized the Medicare deduction yet, but I should be looking at easily $100+ per month. I've also gotten raises totaling 14% over the last 20 months from the driving job. Living on Easy Street.

Thanks to all, but especially @mcmurtry66 and @JamieDimonsBalls .
8.7% per an email I got from the SSA just yesterday. I don't know if they've finalized the Medicare deduction yet, but I should be looking at easily $100+ per month. I've also gotten raises totaling 14% over the last 20 months from the driving job. Living on Easy Street.

Thanks to all, but especially @mcmurtry66 and @JamieDimonsBalls .

Just don't waste it on the high-end wood paneling for you trailer. Always get the mid-tier product and save the difference for lottery tickets and booze.
Paneling? What's wrong with fiberboard?

Not a damn thing per Al Bundy

Two years ago my knees didn’t hurt like hell. But I’m getting two new ones in 2023. So, ask again in two years and my answer will be: YES.

Both at once or one at a time? I know people who have gone either way. Tossup as to which way is best. The twofers were incapacitated far longer but were glad to have it over and done with. The singles recovered quicker after each one, but hated having to go through it twice.
Both at once or one at a time? I know people who have gone either way. Tossup as to which way is best. The twofers were incapacitated far longer but were glad to have it over and done with. The singles recovered quicker after each one, but hated having to go through it twice.
One at a time. Can’t imagine both together.

Doctors are weird. Can torture somebody with simultaneous knee replacements but “oh, my gosh, no, we can’t remove two small skin cancer spots simultaneously (one on my left forearm and one on my right wrist) as one has to heal first.”

And then there’s the Mohs procendure on the cheek spot.

”Don’t lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk for two weeks.” Huh? The ortho docs want you up and walking right away after the knee job but the dermatology jokers are afraid simple actions are going to harm the healing of a dime-sized-or-less spot on my cheek?

Give me a break.
One at a time. Can’t imagine both together.

Doctors are weird. Can torture somebody with simultaneous knee replacements but “oh, my gosh, no, we can’t remove two small skin cancer spots simultaneously (one on my left forearm and one on my right wrist) as one has to heal first.”

And then there’s the Mohs procendure on the cheek spot.

”Don’t lift anything heavier than a gallon of milk for two weeks.” Huh? The ortho docs want you up and walking right away after the knee job but the dermatology jokers are afraid simple actions are going to harm the healing of a dime-sized-or-less spot on my cheek?

Give me a break.
LOL Yeah, the no lifting stuff after Moh’s is as dumb as it gets. Had one about 13 years ago and I’m sure at least one more is in my future given my history with the Sun. (For anyone wondering, Moh’s is a “surgical” procedure for removal of cancerous spot, especially basal cell carcinoma.)

Last incident of basal cell (shoulder) my dermatologist took it off using an RF cautery scalpel in his office. Only restriction for that was he told me I probably shouldn’t swim for a few days.
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LOL Yeah, the no lifting stuff after Moh’s is as dumb as it gets. Had one about 13 years ago and I’m sure at least one more is in my future given my history with the Sun. (For anyone wondering, Moh’s is a “surgical” procedure for removal of cancerous spot, especially basal cell carcinoma.)

Last incident of basal cell (shoulder) my dermatologist took it off using an RF cautery scalpel in his office. Only restriction for that was he told me I probably shouldn’t swim for a few days.
Not understanding why they can’t all be done in one day. The wrist and forearm deals are excisions. Different arms. Come back in two weeks for suture removal.

Mohs for the face so there is “less chance of any scarring.” I said I didn’t care; just give me the worksheet with the scar samples and I’ll pick one.

I figure all these are so they can generate more billing procedures.
Maybe. I don’t know. I can see navigating on one “good” leg while the knee heals. Not seeing the process when both are healing.

I hear ya. Wife had hers done three years apart. I saw what she had to do in the first few weeks dealing with just one (and assisted). She could at least get to the bathroom on her own and negotiate the three steps up and down at the front door. With both she would have been essentially bedridden for a couple weeks at the very least, and would have had no chance of lessening the pain by favoring her good leg. She's doing great now, but she took her PT very seriously and has continued with her exercises long after the surgery and rehab. She's now one of the official cool old lady fixtures at the Y.
I hear ya. Wife had hers done three years apart. I saw what she had to do in the first few weeks dealing with just one (and assisted). She could at least get to the bathroom on her own and negotiate the three steps up and down at the front door. With both she would have been essentially bedridden for a couple weeks at the very least, and would have had no chance of lessening the pain by favoring her good leg. She's doing great now, but she took her PT very seriously and has continued with her exercises long after the surgery and rehab. She's now one of the official cool old lady fixtures at the Y.
Yep. That’s the way I see the mobility and rehab issues. I can get around with one leg healing.
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Of course.... half of the posters on here are lawyers.... just kidding but they do have a lot of representation. 🤣

If anyone in on here is invested in the market they are more than likely worse off financially than they were two years ago. That doesn't mean they have to make sacrifices now but may lead to sacrifices down the road. Personally I don't buy as many things as I used to and don't drive as much. Is that a sacrifice? To some that would be a sacrifice but to me it's just the way it is and I'll survive just fine.
Barring a large raise over the past 2 years, everyone here is "worse" off economically. We all just have jobs that are generally insulated against economic downturns.

My life is better than two years ago because I am not locked down and am free to go where I want without the annoyances that came with COVID. Nobody is having their jobs threatened over a shot anymore. My life is "worse" in that I have lost some discretionary income to inflation. That stinks but most of my immediate family is healthy etc., etc.

The people hurting are the ones who were close to retiring who maybe feel like they need to work a little longer, or those who are trying to enter the housing or rental market and finding homes and rent at very high prices mixed with ever increasing interest rates. That has to stink.

I think the country as a whole is worse off right now but I am still happy with my personal situation even with a bite to my finances.
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Not in some areas. The good ole CA just started relaxing their mask requirements Sep 22 and only for 35 of the 58 counties. Freaks.

Read the article and you’ll think they are referring to another country, literally, they are freaks.
Cali is whacked...straight up authoritarian. Newsom just passed a law basically telling physicians to get in line with them or else. In other words politicians can dictate medicine.

When Covid hit I was open to alternatives. Listening to doctors that tried things overseas with success. The WHO imo really botched this whole thing. Fauci??? I hope Rand Paul nails that asshole. Hes on the take from big pharma and pushed shit to get a handsome paycheck.

I hope Newsome does run. I hope Pete does too. Those guys are idiot dolts. Pete is just clueless pushing his electric car agenda and Newsom is straight up iron fist.

I was actually considering electric. Not any more. I spoke with my neighbor down the street who's husband is a fire chief. You get in a wreck in an electric and you would be phucked. Those things have electrocution points all over them and they burn 10 times faster and hotter than a gas car. Plus your trapped you can't get the doors open. He'll no.
8.7% per an email I got from the SSA just yesterday. I don't know if they've finalized the Medicare deduction yet, but I should be looking at easily $100+ per month. I've also gotten raises totaling 14% over the last 20 months from the driving job. Living on Easy Street.

Thanks to all, but especially @mcmurtry66 and @JamieDimonsBalls .
Your SS benefits only $1150 per month?
The short answer is no … I’m delaying retirement after six figure losses in my 401K

I hear that. My day to day existence is pretty much the same, but my planned retirement for Spring 2023 is on indefinite hold. Market losses and overall economic uncertainty have put the skids on those plans.
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Wife and I are better off now than two years ago, but not due to any policy or politician or the economy for that matter. We paid off the last of our debts in early 2020. So no mortgage, car, installment or revolving debt going on 3 years now. Where we are "insecure" is employment. The pandemic took out my wife's employer (it was in business for over a century) in less than a year, forcing an acquisition and leading to her position becoming redundant. So she had to start over in her mid 50's after 31 years with the same employer and deal with a career change to boot.

Our being in a position to weather the runaway inflation, investment and market volatility and other economic storms we are in currently (and the eventual recession that is sure to follow) is not a testament to the actions of the current political administration in charge. Our personal financial successes will be in spite of them, not because of them.
61, wife is 59. Actually, I could easily retire so long as the wife carried on for a couple of years, but that's an easier trick to describe than it is to perform.
So young. It’s just interesting to me. I think the idea of retirement at 62 came about when we didn’t live as long. Hell now if you retire at 62 you might have to make it 30 years on that money
So young. It’s just interesting to me. I think the idea of retirement at 62 came about when we didn’t live as long. Hell now if you retire at 62 you might have to make it 30 years on that money

Well, that's exactly the point. Who knows how much one needs?
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I like to tell the cashier what the change is and they generally look at me like I’m crazy until the machine confirms what I said. Occasionally they’ll ask me how I did it, like it’s some sort of magic trick. 😉
I'm quite certain there is some kind of incredibly well researched methodology around how they teach "basic" mathematics these days.

Daughter runs down to show me this amazing way that you can multiply any two numbers and get the answer without a calculator. Dumbfounded (b/c i learned this when i was in 3rd grade or whatever) i agree to let her show me (also b/c she's standing right in front of the me in direct line of sight with the TV).

The equation was 615 x 3. There was something like a grid involved and lines and dots. She did get the right answer.

I asked her to do it again but 721 x 4. She started making her drawing and I said, "it's 2884". She asked how I did that and I advised "in my head".

I then explained it is simply 700 x 4 plus 21 x 4.

She was amazed. Said they never taught her that. I told her to make sure she sharpens her shovels.
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Fair enough. But getting a better paying job doesn't sound like much of a sacrifice. Adjustment, for sure, but I'm not sure how it would be considered a downward adjustment (like a belt tightening), which I think most people understood that's what I was getting at.
So would you suggest that even if investments are waaay down, cost of staple products is up considerably, etc., so long as we haven’t had to give anything up that we’re not any worse off?
Job is largely unchanged. Inflation hurts a bit but I don't drive far for work. Retirement accounts are down but I'm not even 50 yet so I don't need them at the moment. Definitely better b/c no more COVID restrictions. Everybody's in decent enough health. I lost 25 lbs b/c i was bored. The daughter is in high school so that means 3 more years to freedom.
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So would you suggest that even if investments are waaay down, cost of staple products is up considerably, etc., so long as we haven’t had to give anything up that we’re not any worse off?
I see a lot of complaining and concerns about the future, but it doesn't appear anyone here is currently dealing with adversity.
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I see a lot of complaining and concerns about the future, but it doesn't appear anyone here is currently dealing with adversity.
Have you seen enough to take a deeper look at voting Dem? Inflation. Crime. Energy. Culture. etc. one would have to have blinders not to see their policies and rhetoric have been awful. Or not understand the difference between contribute and cause. I don’t understand how a thinking person can look at what we’ve gotten and think yes. More of this please. It’s a lesson in divided gov. Imagine had we not had mancin

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