In response to both you and kkott...
All conjecture, obviously. And a direct approach where Dolson tells him he needs to change his staff, needs to change his style, needs to do this and that...I guess is fine. He better be ready to be specific about it though, and I don't know that Dolson is qualified to be specific about what needs to be done.
I suppose he could just tell him that the results need to change, so he should probably think about changing how he goes about his business...but again...gotta be prepared to give suggestions or examples on what to do if you're gonna call someone like Woody out like that.
From my perspective...its probably pretty obvious to Dolson that there's a problem, and I'm sure he has very, very strong questions on whether Woody is any sort of long term answer any more (God, I hope so anyways). But moving on him after this season, just isn't realistic...and it'd be difficult to justify with most of the people that matter, I'm sure. So I'm making the assumption, for Dolson, that canning him after this year, basically no matter how bad it ends, isn't gonna happen.
At that point, to me, its A LOT more powerful if Woody comes to these realizations on his own, and decides to shake things up and make changes on his own. That tells me A LOT more about him as a long term candidate than if I give him ominous vague warnings like "figure it out, or else". And THEN, he makes changes. Much more likely if he does things on his own, that they're well thought out, that he believes in them, and that he's fully behind them. We don't need half assed, forced, efforts right now.
And further...even the act of offering full support for changes, should be a message in and of itself for any one that has any level of awareness of what his situation is. But at a minimum, it sends the message that IU Athletics will support their coach, and do whatever is necessary within the rules and within IU's desired culture, to win and be successful.
"Coach Donovan, you know I gave Mike every resource and all the support he needed. And we'll do that for you too!" Firing Woodson now...or strong arming him now...and firing him next spring, isn't going to help the next coaching search.