Is it time to stick a fork in DeSantis?

Grilled goat meat might be pretty good on a pizza. Anyone had that?
@TheOriginalHappyGoat there was a place down the street from me called barcelona that bent the knee to the intrusion of yet another tall glass building with zero character. i'm reminded of that scene in the meaning of life but too drunk to recall the name. at any rate that place was my place. tapas, which i hate, but they flew the fc barca flag and it was casual and the sangria was amazing and the beef tenderloin blue cheese tapas was to die for and it's where i took all new hot new hires. anyway, they had goat cheese in marina with some kind of breadish thing for dipping. such a simple item goat but people all over the county insantly knew when you mentioned it. so so fing good. just goat cheese bread and marinara and as delicious as any obscene meal i've had off worth ave.

@DANC i feel so weak
Grilled goat meat might be pretty good on a pizza. Anyone had that?
No interest. Would put it in same category as dogs and cats. No goat meat for me.

We had a controversy in our town a few years ago. Mexican immigrants were slaughtering goats in their yards. The screaming of the goats while their throats were slit, almost led to wars in the neighborhoods.

I think a city ordinance finally took care of the issue.
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No interest. Would put it in same category as dogs and cats. No goat meat for me.

We had a controversy in our town a few years ago. Mexican immigrants were slaughtering goats in their yards. The screaming of the goats while their throats were slit, almost led to wars in the neighborhoods.

I think a city ordinance finally took care of the issue.
Well there’s my nightmare for tonight. I want a fainting goat
He proved tonight he won’t admit or apologize when he’s wrong. Instead he kept on with the lie about me and slithered off.
I'm not wrong. I wasn't talking about whatever conversation you had with Mark on whatever date. I was simply pointing out that we've all had plenty of private conversations, and Mark has made it very clear what's going on with Zeke and Cray, and you are making a conscious decision to misrepresent that.

Much more important to me is your open threat to abuse your moderating powers to unfairly punish Hickory, who has nothing to do with the whole Mark/Zeke/Cray thing.

But, whatever. I've never seen someone who is so adept at being on both the high horse and the cross at the same time. I really don't have the energy for this. You go ahead and continue your little crusade. I don't care.
I'm not wrong. I wasn't talking about whatever conversation you had with Mark on whatever date. I was simply pointing out that we've all had plenty of private conversations, and Mark has made it very clear what's going on with Zeke and Cray, and you are making a conscious decision to misrepresent that.

Much more important to me is your open threat to abuse your moderating powers to unfairly punish Hickory, who has nothing to do with the whole Mark/Zeke/Cray thing.

But, whatever. I've never seen someone who is so adept at being on both the high horse and the cross at the same time. I really don't have the energy for this. You go ahead and continue your little crusade. I don't care.
The point you seem to ignore is what point was that exactly ? Insubordination? Mark doesn't like me we all know that . But just why was I specifically called out other than that? I don't believe for a minute Zeke is held to the same standard as she claims she is. You guys could save yourselves a whole lot of grief by not using mod powers to deal with people you don't like if you are going to be posting so much.
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The point you seem to ignore is what point was that exactly ? Insubordination? Mark doesn't like me we all know that . But just why was I specifically called out other than that? I don't believe for a minute Zeke is held to the same standard as she claims she is. You guys could save yourselves a whole lot of grief by not using mod powers to deal with people you don't like if you are going to be posting so much.
For the love of God, you know damn well what the rule is that Mark put on you, and Zeke is held to the same standard. The rule is simple: don't respond to each other! That's it! I don't know why he did it, but I assume it's because your back-and-forth sniping was ruining every single thread that both of you happened to be in.

The only reason you've been repeatedly banned while Zeke hasn't, is that Zeke has had the strength to follow Mark's rule, while you can't help yourself.
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@Joe_Hoopsier BTW, I asked for politics to be left out of the Ukraine thread. You made two snarky comments about Covid that had nothing to do with the thread, and then attacked the conservative bona fides of a fellow poster. I'm not even sure which poster, because your post was so scattered. So that's why you were banned. Stoll, in his infinite wisdom, has overruled me, so you can post in that thread again. But be mindful, the rule against politics still stands. If you can't discuss the topic like an adult, best to voluntarily stay out of it.
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Do you have facts or stats to counter what I wrote?

@UncleMark @stollcpa I’m having a hard time understanding why Cray gets banned and this idiot doesn’t. Never facts. Never arguments. Just this.
BTW, McM, don't forget the many times you've gone off on a bender and really let loose a vicious attack at Hickory, far beyond anything he's ever said to you. You want the mods to keep him in check, you'd better check yourself, as well.

And no more rankings.
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Gonna need that evidence keep it.

Rivals mods: consider this a litigation hold request. Do not delete anything or we'll be bringing spoliation claims. You know the drill by now.
Apologies to the lawyers in the class action case, but we've achieved a market-driven solution to the issue - $9.95 a month gets you a blue check mark that certifies all your posts are liked. Stoll is eligible to receive his free of charge once we can confirm his butthurt is subsided. It would be unsafe to have unlimited likes with so much inflammation. ;)

Payments can be made to @hoostboot via most major payment services.
BTW, McM, don't forget the many times you've gone off on a bender and really let loose a vicious attack at Hickory, far beyond anything he's ever said to you. You want the mods to keep him in check, you'd better check yourself, as well.
And no more rankings.
The difference is I post content. I may have an insult included but it’s in the context of supported argument. It’s never a yabbut or just endless emojis devoid of any argument whatsoever. BTW goat you can go f*uck yourself. got it? never include me in a post like this with hickory. If you are too stupid to see the difference you shouldn’t be a mod. Posts like this evidence why you have no business being a mod
BTW, McM, don't forget the many times you've gone off on a bender and really let loose a vicious attack at Hickory, far beyond anything he's ever said to you. You want the mods to keep him in check, you'd better check yourself, as well.

The difference is I post content. I may have an insult included but it’s in the context of supported argument. It’s never a yabbut or just endless emojis devoid of any argument whatsoever. BTW goat you can go f*uck yourself. got it? never include me in a post like this with hickory. If you are too stupid to see the difference you shouldn’t be a mod
That's exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about. You'll be fine, then all of a sudden it's all "Go f*ck yourself, you're a worthless POS."

You want to post like that, then you don't get to complain when Hickory says something as benign as "you can't fix dumb." Sorry, that's just the way it is.
That's exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about. You'll be fine, then all of a sudden it's all "Go f*ck yourself, you're a worthless POS."

You want to post like that, then you don't get to complain when Hickory says something as benign as "you can't fix dumb." Sorry, that's just the way it is.
no your post is bullshit. i've been around this board for 25 years. trover days. hickory never posts content. ever. he's one of the worst posters this board has ever seen. in 25 years. zero content. emojis and yabbuts. you include me in a post like your bs post evidences just how out of it you are. as i said. go **** yourself.
That's exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about. You'll be fine, then all of a sudden it's all "Go f*ck yourself, you're a worthless POS."

You want to post like that, then you don't get to complain when Hickory says something as benign as "you can't fix dumb." Sorry, that's just the way it is.
you can stick that btw right up your ass
That's exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about. You'll be fine, then all of a sudden it's all "Go f*ck yourself, you're a worthless POS."

You want to post like that, then you don't get to complain when Hickory says something as benign as "you can't fix dumb." Sorry, that's just the way it is.
Sticking up for hickory. Who posts zero content. What a moron you are.
no your post is bullshit. i've been around this board for 25 years. trover days. hickory never posts content. ever. he's one of the worst posters this board has ever seen. in 25 years. zero content. emojis and yabbuts. you include me in a post like your bs post evidences just how out of it you are. as i said. go **** yourself.
Drunk mcm is so spicy.
For the love of God, you know damn well what the rule is that Mark put on you, and Zeke is held to the same standard. The rule is simple: don't respond to each other! That's it! I don't know why he did it, but I assume it's because your back-and-forth sniping was ruining every single thread that both of you happened to be in.

The only reason you've been repeatedly banned while Zeke hasn't, is that Zeke has had the strength to follow Mark's rule, while you can't help yourself.
Has bulk been warned about anything? It is all about Mark not liking me. Whatever we argued about it was pertaining to that thread. Outside shooter posted something completely stupid and no context in a thread Stoll started about flat tires . Are you policing that?
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Has bulk been warned about anything? It is all about Mark not liking me. Whatever we argued about it was pertaining to that thread. Outside shooter posted something completely stupid and no context in a thread Stoll started about flat tires . Are you policing that?
Well, Bulk and Shooter have nothing to do with you and Zeke, so it doesn't really matter, does it? But you're talking to the guy who invented the #NoShooter hashtag, so I don't need to be lectured about Shooter's poor posting history.
no your post is bullshit. i've been around this board for 25 years. trover days. hickory never posts content. ever. he's one of the worst posters this board has ever seen. in 25 years. zero content. emojis and yabbuts. you include me in a post like your bs post evidences just how out of it you are. as i said. go **** yourself.
You're right, I shouldn't have included you both in the same post. I mean, you're the one who brought him up to begin with, so I don't know how I was supposed to avoid it, but whatever. You're right. You're both very different. Hickory is a much better poster than you.
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Negative. It’s supporting a poster who posts zero content and only a litany of laughing emojis. Horrible poster. Yet you post your bs. And you wonder why there are only a dozen active posters at best.
You do realize that it was Cray and DANC who invented the laughing emoji bullshit, right? When the libs do it, they are just committing a copycat crime.
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Well, Bulk and Shooter have nothing to do with you and Zeke, so it doesn't really matter, does it? But you're talking to the guy who invented the #NoShooter hashtag, so I don't need to be lectured about Shooter's poor posting history.
Bulk is one of a handful of posters that make the board worthwhile yet you are going on about hickory. Jesus. Stupid. No wonder the board is dead
The difference is I post content. I may have an insult included but it’s in the context of supported argument. It’s never a yabbut or just endless emojis devoid of any argument whatsoever. BTW goat you can go f*uck yourself. got it? never include me in a post like this with hickory. If you are too stupid to see the difference you shouldn’t be a mod. Posts like this evidence why you have no business being a mod

Your Hick rants are impressive, entertaining, and things of beauty. But they are not always "in the context of supported argument." In fact, the best are just pure venom.
Go ahead, get it out. Let me pour another drink so I can sit here and watch you melt down again. It's been a while since you really had an episode.
You are the one that included me in a hickory post. I have no idea what you mean by an episode. It was a stupid inclusion in keeping with a stupid poster and mod. The board is half dead and your post was nonsense
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I'm not wrong. I wasn't talking about whatever conversation you had with Mark on whatever date. I was simply pointing out that we've all had plenty of private conversations, and Mark has made it very clear what's going on with Zeke and Cray, and you are making a conscious decision to misrepresent that.

Much more important to me is your open threat to abuse your moderating powers to unfairly punish Hickory, who has nothing to do with the whole Mark/Zeke/Cray thing.

But, whatever. I've never seen someone who is so adept at being on both the high horse and the cross at the same time. I really don't have the energy for this. You go ahead and continue your little crusade. I don't care.
I don’t remember being told Cray can’t respond to Zeke. How fcking stupid is that?!?!? In fact no fcking mod has the right to tell anyone they can’t resound directly to anyone on here.

I’ve never openly said I was going to abuse my mod powers. I did warn that I was going to start using them more. I’ve very seldom used them until I got tired of the bullshit with Cray.
You do realize that it was Cray and DANC who invented the laughing emoji bullshit, right? When the libs do it, they are just committing a copycat crime.
I Never once complained about that and never use it in a actual post. Don't like it? don't have it available as a simple like button. If it werent so obvious it makes you and Mark mad I wouldnt do it. As for Bulk stalking me all over, if I did that to Zeke I wouldve been banned for life no questions asked. I'm just asking to moderate the same and I'm sure he will go off in high gear. He never posts anything worth reading to begin with.
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I Never once complained about that and never use it in a actual post. Don't like it? don't have it available as a simple like button. If it werent so obvious it makes you and Mark mad I wouldnt do it. As for Bulk stalking me all over, if I did that to Zeke I wouldve been banned for life no questions asked. I'm just asking to moderate the same and I'm sure he will go off in high gear. He never posts anything worth reading to begin with.
I don't care about the laughing emojis. Your counsel is the one who brought it up. Maybe you need to strategize better.
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