Is it time to stick a fork in DeSantis?

You think Trump wasn’t bought? That’s cute. Might check what happened to his family’s financials while he was in office.
To me, the fact that this was essentially glossed over will never not be surprising to me. I mean, there were people who spoke up about it, but between stays at the Trump hotel, government contracts, and various other kickbacks he and his family received as a result of him being in office it just all seems so egregious to me.
If Trump is the nominee in 24, he will lose. I guarantee it.

There are to many republicans who will not vote for him and to many of everyone else who will only vote against him.

I’m with Murt on this one.
I feel like you replace the '24' with '16' and this could be a time capsule post from 2015.
No Dbm. Ron has proven an excellent gov. Trump a lunatic conspiracy liar. It’s people like you that will guarantee a Dem victory. I just don’t get it

so you support what ron is doing regardless of the whole freedom of speech thing?

Trump is awful...Ron is trying to be even worse IMO.
Must be someone who isn't a career politician and is super rich so they can't be bought. Really no one else fits the bill.

And part of Trump's support on the right is because he's so hated on the left. It's like when Bob Knight was our coach and all the opposing fans despised him. Meant to most here that he must be doing something really well. At the same time opposing fans all loved Davis, Crean, and Archie and wanted them given lifetime contracts. That means they suck.

Not sure how mature it is to like someone just because someone else doesn't like him.

Owning the libs becomes more important than the country?
The sad thing about DeSantis is that I do think he's a smart guy. He has just decided to pander to the anti-woke mob 100% and check his brain cells at the door.

I would laugh if he loses the presidential nomination and then loses re-election for governor in Florida because of his antics to appeal to that anti-woke mob (although not sure if he would have to give up being governor before knowing if he got the nomination for president or not).
Trump was bought yet he lost around $2B while in office. Maybe the only President ever to lose money. But sure whatever.
Did anyone in commercial real estate and the hospitality industry actually make money during the pandemic?

I suspect Trump was doing just fine until March 2020.
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I think you're on to something here. For a large part of middle-America - the Appalachian area you mentioned included - once you're 'their guy' there is a level of loyalty that's hard to shake. That goes across political spectrums/aisles too. James Traficant served 9 terms as a Democrat from Youngstown, Ohio. He was as dirty as they come - and actually was expelled from Congress due to federal corruption charges - but he kept getting reelected prior to that.

Trump tapped into that populist sentiment where enough people thought (think?) that he's fighting for the unspoken majority.

Stuff like this doesn't help either. Those people feel they got a raw deal. They feel that they went through the popular channels to elect their guy and that the "elite", "deep state", "establishment", or whatever you want to call it lined up to dick him over in a way they don't do for a member of their club. The conspiracy "they stole it" stuff is hard to kill when that group cannot find it in themselves to not act like they do too.
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Did you learn nothing from the midterms?

Trump is toxic to too many people. If he cared about anyone but himself, he would step aside.

But he doesn’t so he won’t.
so here's what i think hoops. it's not business; it's personal. there's no rational reason to support trump when you have desantis. none. other than what crazy talked about and that is that your disdain for the other side is so great you relish in having the person they loathe most win - to stick it to the people you can't stand. the ultimate spite vote
so here's what i think hoops. it's not business; it's personal. there's no rational reason to support trump when you have desantis. none. other than what crazy talked about and that is that your disdain for the other side is so great you relish in having the person they loathe most win - to stick it to the people you can't stand. the ultimate spite vote

In 2016, Trump was the personification of the backlash against Obama and the ultimate spite vote against Hillary, who was supposed to be a shoo-in to win. Even at that, no matter how repulsive and outrageous he might have been, people were comforted by the notion that he'd "grow into the office," surround himself with quality people, and "become Presidential." No one imagined the kind of horror show we were in store for.

Stuff like this doesn't help either. Those people feel they got a raw deal. They feel that they went through the popular channels to elect their guy and that the "elite", "deep state", "establishment", or whatever you want to call it lined up to dick him over in a way they don't do for a member of their club. The conspiracy "they stole it" stuff is hard to kill when that group cannot find it in themselves to not act like they do too.
I couldn't read that article because it was behind a paywall, but not raiding Mar-a-lago would have been irresponsible, in my opinion. They knew he had classified documents, asked him to return them for months, and they were routinely stonewalled.

Had Biden or Pence not been forthcoming with the documents they each had, I would have fully supported a raid of their homes too.

To your point though, Trump did whine and pout about it being unfair and that's pretty much what anyone who supported him heard.
so here's what i think hoops. it's not business; it's personal. there's no rational reason to support trump when you have desantis. none. other than what crazy talked about and that is that your disdain for the other side is so great you relish in having the person they loathe most win - to stick it to the people you can't stand. the ultimate spite vote

Ron is a Neocon and a deep state recruit. No way.
That was uncanny but boy did you nail it.
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I couldn't read that article because it was behind a paywall, but not raiding Mar-a-lago would have been irresponsible, in my opinion. They knew he had classified documents, asked him to return them for months, and they were routinely stonewalled.

Had Biden or Pence not been forthcoming with the documents they each had, I would have fully supported a raid of their homes too.

To your point though, Trump did whine and pout about it being unfair and that's pretty much what anyone who supported him heard.
According to the article, the FBI disagreed with you and the DOJ agreed.

Prosecutors argued that new evidence suggested Trump was knowingly concealing secret documents at his Palm Beach, Fla., home and urged the FBI to conduct a surprise raid at the property. But two senior FBI officials who would be in charge of leading the search resisted the plan as too combative and proposed instead to seek Trump’s permission to search his property, according to the four people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe a sensitive investigation.

Prosecutors ultimately prevailed in that dispute, one of several previously unreported clashes in a tense tug of war between two arms of the Justice Department over how aggressively to pursue a criminal investigation of a former president. The FBI conducted an unprecedented raid on Aug. 8, recovering more than 100 classified items, among them a document describing a foreign government’s military defenses, including its nuclear capabilities.

Starting in May, FBI agents in the Washington field office had sought to slow the probe, urging caution given its extraordinary sensitivity, the people said.

The FBI wanted to do what they did for Biden, ask to fully search the residence. And Biden and Mike weren't forthcoming until shit started hitting the fan. Biden had stuff from his days in the Senate when he should have had zero reason to have those documents.
Ron is a Neocon and a deep state recruit. No way.
ron lacks for personality but is as impressive as hell. despite his overreach in fighting wokeness he's a small gov personal freedom politician who purportedly just doesn't give a F. he'll piss off donors. insiders. etc. he's like a bulldog. he scored in the 99th percentile on the ACT. played baseball at yale. grew up in a working class hood. is a fighter. on covid was spot on. one of the authors of the barrington dec from stanford said desantis personally called him to grill him on it. the prof commented that desantis had read all of the medical. everything cited so he could have an informative conversation regarding it. there's just no comparing him to trump dbm. you get what you want with competence, and still a shitty personality. Largest fla victory in 4 decades and flipped Miami
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ron lacks for personality but is as impressive as hell. despite his overreach in fighting wokeness he's a small gov personal freedom politician who purportedly just doesn't give a F. he'll piss off donors. insiders. etc. he's like a bulldog. he scored in the 99th percentile on the ACT. played baseball at yale. grew up in a working class hood. is a fighter. on covid was spot on. one of the authors of the barrington dec from stanford said desantis personally called him to grill him on it. the prof commented that desantis had read all of the medical. everything cited so he could have an informative conversation regarding it. there's just no comparing him to trump dbm. you get what you want with competence
Yeah, he is the guy IMO. Competence mixed with the willingness to mix it up on some of the cultural things. I know not all of my right leaning friends are on board with the latter, but I firmly believe politics is downstream from culture.
According to the article, the FBI disagreed with you and the DOJ agreed.

Prosecutors argued that new evidence suggested Trump was knowingly concealing secret documents at his Palm Beach, Fla., home and urged the FBI to conduct a surprise raid at the property. But two senior FBI officials who would be in charge of leading the search resisted the plan as too combative and proposed instead to seek Trump’s permission to search his property, according to the four people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe a sensitive investigation.

Prosecutors ultimately prevailed in that dispute, one of several previously unreported clashes in a tense tug of war between two arms of the Justice Department over how aggressively to pursue a criminal investigation of a former president. The FBI conducted an unprecedented raid on Aug. 8, recovering more than 100 classified items, among them a document describing a foreign government’s military defenses, including its nuclear capabilities.

Starting in May, FBI agents in the Washington field office had sought to slow the probe, urging caution given its extraordinary sensitivity, the people said.

The FBI wanted to do what they did for Biden, ask to fully search the residence. And Biden and Mike weren't forthcoming until shit started hitting the fan. Biden had stuff from his days in the Senate when he should have had zero reason to have those documents.
It was 100 percent political.

Which we already knew.
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Hardly. Anyone would have been raided had they refused to return classified documents.
Again, the people at the FBI running the investigation disagree with you and the politicos at DOJ who said they should raid.

Garland's DOJ has been extremely political. Keeping him off the Supreme Court was a great decision and booting him from his job will be one of the best things to come out of dumping Biden.
There is a visceral dislike of the "elite" in both parties, particularly the Democrats, that some folks have and the biggest middle finger to those people is Donald Trump (in the minds of his supporters). I think we too often go looking for complex answers to questions when a simple one suffices.
I think that sums it up. So many people are tired of the same old shit and same old politicians and Trump gives the middle finger to all of them. That could be done in a constructive way without being such as asshole but Trump is not capable of doing that. Trump is for TRUMP period. If he met and treated his followers the same way he treats everyone else around him they would hate him but since he's not treating them badly (at least directly) they follow him like a baby calf follows it's mother.
Garland's DOJ has been extremely political. Keeping him off the Supreme Court was a great decision and booting him from his job will be one of the best things to come out of dumping Biden.
You're going to go ape shit when Jack Smith comes with the indictments.
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This is about to get ugly, to the point of whether Ron will even bother to announce...

Keep in mind, this is Florida, supposedly Ron's home turf. Talk about being backed into a corner...

The next step is beyond predictable. Trump starts truthing or just hits the social media platforms urging his supporters to wear Trump gear to DeSantis events. It starts to be a daily occurrence, and every time it happens it garners 1 Million + views, just like this tweet.

What does Ron do? Keep up his insane policy of blocking Trump supporters and giving Trump free publicity and creating his own PR nightmare in the process?

Or does he start allowing these vocal and demonstrative Trump clowns into his "events" and end up in front of crowds heckling him and in time outnumbering his own supporters?

Even Fox can't help him out of this one, even though they are desperately trying...

It was a book signing on private property. DeSantis had every right to keep people out he didn't want disrupting his event. Now, if he had been performing some kind of government function, that could be different.

Also, Laura Loomer? Really?
You're going to go ape shit when Jack Smith comes with the indictments.
No, it is the same old shit. I am less concerned with Trump who has a billion dollars to back him than I am with the father of multiple kids noted by Lee in the post dbm linked above.

I am Trumped out. I find him to be as annoying as everyone who has a hard on to get him. They all suck.
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I think that sums it up. So many people are tired of the same old shit and same old politicians and Trump gives the middle finger to all of them. That could be done in a constructive way without being such as asshole but Trump is not capable of doing that. Trump is for TRUMP period. If he met and treated his followers the same way he treats everyone else around him they would hate him but since he's not treating them badly (at least directly) they follow him like a baby calf follows it's mother.
So how do you explain all the elites who are also Trump supporters? These are people driving $75k trucks, living in breachfront communities, boat owners, etc. There are a lot of very wealthy elites who LOVE Trump. What explains these folks? Why do they still want Trump in 2023?
So you’d rather stick it to the establishment than actually win the election.
Trump is the only Republican who can win in 2024. I promise you. The MAGA wing would vote Dem before they'd vote for anyone else. Believe what you want.
i think today that those same people liked what trump was doing - questioning things, talking about bringing back manufacturing, not being the cop to the world, on and on, and that he was on the right track then covid derailed him. and in that way trump got cheated. then the woke cult came which really pisses this same voting bloc off, and desantis , while fighting the woke wars, hasn't captured that same trump excitement with that population re making america great again.

the party is going to be in bad shape until trump is out for good
@IU_Hickory i know you laugh at that but I’m telling you I work in an area that believes all that and more. Trump is a conundrum. It’s crazy how people think.
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If Trump is the nominee in 24, he will lose. I guarantee it.

There are to many republicans who will not vote for him and to many of everyone else who will only vote against him.

I’m with Murt on this one.
This^^^ but I do know some people who would vote for him that shocked me.