This is about to get ugly, to the point of whether Ron will even bother to announce...
Keep in mind, this is Florida, supposedly Ron's home turf. Talk about being backed into a corner...
The next step is beyond predictable. Trump starts truthing or just hits the social media platforms urging his supporters to wear Trump gear to DeSantis events. It starts to be a daily occurrence, and every time it happens it garners 1 Million + views, just like this tweet.
What does Ron do? Keep up his insane policy of blocking Trump supporters and giving Trump free publicity and creating his own PR nightmare in the process?
Or does he start allowing these vocal and demonstrative Trump clowns into his "events" and end up in front of crowds heckling him and in time outnumbering his own supporters?
Even Fox can't help him out of this one, even though they are desperately trying...