That just doesn't make sense to me. As Tommy alluded to above, the leak was of a draft majority opinion. So if someone changed votes, everyone would know they changed their vote. If it came out 5-4 keeping Roe, and Kavanaugh voted to keep Roe, fine, whatever. He betrayed the people who picked him, but then so did the guy he replaced, multiple times. But after it was leaked that overturning Roe had a majority, if he then voted the other way, it would be known he changed his vote under pressure. I don't think that would work. I think any thinking person would know that leaking that draft would solidify the votes, not lead to a defection.
Now, you might come back and say, "Yeah, but they were desperate, so they made a bad decision because no good decisions were left available." To that, I say, "Sure, that's possible."