Is Clarence Thomas in trouble?

To my knowledge, the Clintons never personally benefited from any of the monies donated to their foundation. Certainly not the case here with Thomas.
OMG, Well your knowledge isnt really worth anything to begin with and we all know it but you really believe this? Please tell me you don't?
I do. Prove me wrong. How did the Clintons personally profit from their foundation?
According to what we see the odds they didnt kill themselves is one as one.

You really are foolish enough to believe this aren't you? The Clintons, America's best crime family ever to exist! I know Trump is corrupt to the hilt but the goddamn Clinton's never did a thing. All I need to know about you.
To my knowledge, the Clintons never personally benefited from any of the monies donated to their foundation. Certainly not the case here with Thomas.
This drives me nuts. You CANNOT drive donations to your favorite charities, and definitely not to your own charity. Whether she deliberately did it or not doesn’t matter. The appearance of impropriety is enough to be unethical.
This drives me nuts. You CANNOT drive donations to your favorite charities, and definitely not to your own charity. Whether she deliberately did it or not doesn’t matter. The appearance of impropriety is enough to be unethical.
I don't disagree. But you brought the Clintons into this. Thomas personally benefited from millions in luxury travel and vacations. I know of no evidence that the Clintons personally benefited from donations to their foundation while HRC was in office (although I suppose they could have or may have traveled on the foundation's dime when on foundation business).
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I don't disagree. But you brought the Clintons into this. Thomas personally benefited from millions in luxury travel and vacations. I know of no evidence that the Clintons personally benefited from donations to their foundation while HRC was in office (although I suppose they could have or may have traveled on the foundation's dime when on foundation business).
I think there were some accusations that the Clintons used their Foundation to gain free travel. If they were only traveling on Foundation business, that isn't really a personal gain, but if they were taking advantage of it for personal reasons, that would be shady. Not saying they did, just saying I remember that being floated.
Ease up....Having a rough day. Found out my daughters cheer coach died in a plane crash yesterday down in Florida. Just devastating news. She texted my niece yesterday before she died...a happy birthday text. My niece hasn't been in cheer for years. This was a special lady and all the girls who came in contact with her loved her. She was 60 but had the energy of a 20 year old. Really a bummer
Just saw the story on the local news. Sad stuff.
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I don't disagree. But you brought the Clintons into this. Thomas personally benefited from millions in luxury travel and vacations. I know of no evidence that the Clintons personally benefited from donations to their foundation while HRC was in office (although I suppose they could have or may have traveled on the foundation's dime when on foundation business).
It does not matter in the least whether the Clintons personally benefitted or not. When I was in government we had to do annual online courses on various subjects (they still do) and one was on ethics. They added a scenario to the ethics course which was a very thinly disguised scenario of HRC’s charity situation. She’s a rock star, because they also added a scenario to the cybersecurity course which was obviously about her email scandal. In addition, they published a new DoD instruction about email usage that was 100% because of her email situation. She has a legacy and it’s not positive.
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Back to Justice Thomas. This is a terrible look for a person sitting on the Supreme Court. This is especially true considering how publicly political his wife is. This should not be brushed under the rug.

I wonder how many other Justices knew about these lavish trips. If they knew and no one thought to report them, that is a seriously bad look for them as well.
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Back to Justice Thomas. This is a terrible look for a person sitting on the Supreme Court. This is especially true considering how publicly political his wife is. This should not be brushed under the rug.

I wonder how many other Justices knew about these lavish trips. If they knew and no one thought to report them, that is a seriously bad look for them as well.
Not required to be reported. Only recently has that changed.

Check out today’s WSJ for a greater explanation.
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Back to Justice Thomas. This is a terrible look for a person sitting on the Supreme Court. This is especially true considering how publicly political his wife is. This should not be brushed under the rug.

I wonder how many other Justices knew about these lavish trips. If they knew and no one thought to report them, that is a seriously bad look for them as well.
I wonder how many knew about the leak?
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The first rule of ethics is to avoid the impropriety or the appearance of impropriety. This is what Hillary Clinton was guilty of when she was SecState. She violated the "appearance of impropriety" part of ethics by hosting heads of states and others who subsequently donated to the Clinton foundation (or whatever it was called). People here defended her tooth and nail on that, despite the fact that President Obama specifically told them they needed to separate themselves from that charity.

This is not a whatabout. I think Thomas has not avoided the appearance of impropriety part of ethical behavior. Now, if I had a long-term friend with private jets and yachts, I could have gone on trips with that friend without violating any laws. It's OK. However, I didn't have friends like that and if I did, I'm sure I would have reported those things.

and Thomas didn't have friends like that either, until AFTER he became a judge.

that said, no doubt his becoming a judge had absolutely zero to do with Clarence's post becoming a judge best buds, who just like hanging with him for his great personality.


as for the Clinton's, their now $120 mil net worth is obviously due to hitting Powerball.
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Here's some rambling thoughts:

  • If he broke the laws regarding reporting, he should be punished. I don't know what that looks like, but something should happen
  • It's a bad look for any judge if they are getting things from a large political donor, particularly if that donor only funds one party
  • From what the reports are saying, they've been good friends for a while, so I don't necessarily think that you can simply just say - this is political influence, bribery, etc.
The easy solution if you are a SCOTUS judge or think you may be someday is - befriend politicians on both sides of the aisle and milk them for free extravagance!
I thought that was Ginny
Rule 69 subsection 420

"Wives are off limits"


"Only when the husband/wife/partner/civil unionist/common law partner/etal. posts on the WC or AOTF with some regularity"

Ruling: Comment is in line and funny.

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Here's some rambling thoughts:

  • If he broke the laws regarding reporting, he should be punished. I don't know what that looks like, but something should happen
  • It's a bad look for any judge if they are getting things from a large political donor, particularly if that donor only funds one party
  • From what the reports are saying, they've been good friends for a while, so I don't necessarily think that you can simply just say - this is political influence, bribery, etc.
The easy solution if you are a SCOTUS judge or think you may be someday is - befriend politicians on both sides of the aisle and milk them for free extravagance!
The right solution is that as a judge you don't accept gifts like this, ever. As a judge, you take on a set of responsibilities, one of which is to always avoid the appearance of impropriety, and realize that the people's faith in the rule of law and the legal system in part depends upon this.

Imagine the outrage if we found out that Kagan and Sotomayor were going on vacation with their long-time friend, George Soros?
Here's some rambling thoughts:

  • If he broke the laws regarding reporting, he should be punished. I don't know what that looks like, but something should happen
  • It's a bad look for any judge if they are getting things from a large political donor, particularly if that donor only funds one party
  • From what the reports are saying, they've been good friends for a while, so I don't necessarily think that you can simply just say - this is political influence, bribery, etc.
The easy solution if you are a SCOTUS judge or think you may be someday is - befriend politicians on both sides of the aisle and milk them for free extravagance!

The problem I see is didn't he say he's been friends with the guy for 25 years, but he's been a judge for over 30 years?
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The right solution is that as a judge you don't accept gifts like this, ever. As a judge, you take on a set of responsibilities, one of which is to always avoid the appearance of impropriety, and realize that the people's faith in the rule of law and the legal system in part depends upon this.

Imagine the outrage if we found out that Kagan and Sotomayor were going on vacation with their long-time friend, George Soros?
To add to your last point, imagine if Kagan and Sotomayor went on trips with George Soros and it was discovered Soros liked to show off artwork and autographed autobiographies of Lenin and Marx?
The right solution is that as a judge you don't accept gifts like this, ever. As a judge, you take on a set of responsibilities, one of which is to always avoid the appearance of impropriety, and realize that the people's faith in the rule of law and the legal system in part depends upon this.

Imagine the outrage if we found out that Kagan and Sotomayor were going on vacation with their long-time friend, George Soros?

I was commenting that last sentence in jest. But I agree. It's a bad look for the Judicial branch.
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The right solution is that as a judge you don't accept gifts like this, ever. As a judge, you take on a set of responsibilities, one of which is to always avoid the appearance of impropriety, and realize that the people's faith in the rule of law and the legal system in part depends upon this.

Imagine the outrage if we found out that Kagan and Sotomayor were going on vacation with their long-time friend, George Soros?
Wholeheartedly again with this. I’d also add that Justice Thomas is not just a judge. He sits on the highest court in the land, and not some podunk county court in Pigs Knuckle, WV. A US Supreme Court Justice’s ethics and integrity should be beyond reproach.
While I wouldn't spend my money on them myself, making an issue of Crow's taste in collectibles shouldn't be a part of this discussion.
I actually agree with you. I doubt that in my coin-flipped situation conservative pundits, politicians and voters would feel the same way and extend the same grace.
If he broke the laws regarding reporting, he should be punished. I don't know what that looks like, but something should happen

IIUC, he's not legally obligated to report anything. He's supposed to follow the ethical guidelines, but there's no enforcement mechanism short of impeachment. He made the mistake a number of years ago of reporting on a trip or vacation he received and the LA Times picked up on it and wrote it up. After that, he got his "guidance" and hasn't declared anything since.
IIUC, he's not legally obligated to report anything. He's supposed to follow the ethical guidelines, but there's no enforcement mechanism short of impeachment. He made the mistake a number of years ago of reporting on a trip or vacation he received and the LA Times picked up on it and wrote it up. After that, he got his "guidance" and hasn't declared anything since.

Don't forget the tires and jacket
The right solution is that as a judge you don't accept gifts like this, ever. As a judge, you take on a set of responsibilities, one of which is to always avoid the appearance of impropriety, and realize that the people's faith in the rule of law and the legal system in part depends upon this.

Imagine the outrage if we found out that Kagan and Sotomayor were going on vacation with their long-time friend, George Soros?

it's not business. it's just personal.
IIUC, he's not legally obligated to report anything. He's supposed to follow the ethical guidelines, but there's no enforcement mechanism short of impeachment. He made the mistake a number of years ago of reporting on a trip or vacation he received and the LA Times picked up on it and wrote it up. After that, he got his "guidance" and hasn't declared anything since.
He's not "supposed" to do shit. There are no ethical guidelines for the Supremes.
Wholeheartedly again with this. I’d also add that Justice Thomas is not just a judge. He sits on the highest court in the land, and not some podunk county court in Pigs Knuckle, WV. A US Supreme Court Justice’s ethics and integrity should be beyond reproach. least he didn't wear shorts and Tevas
He's not "supposed" to do shit. There are no ethical guidelines for the Supremes.
I think it's pretty amazing that in my lifetime the Supreme Court has went from the final arbiters of "right and wrong" to he did nothing wrong because there are no ethical guidelines. Turns out they're just a collection of a$$holes in black robes.
I think it's pretty amazing that in my lifetime the Supreme Court has went from the final arbiters of "right and wrong" to he did nothing wrong because there are no ethical guidelines. Turns out they're just a collection of a$$holes in black robes.
They’ve never been the arbiters of right and wrong. That’s never been their purpose.
Ease up....Having a rough day. Found out my daughters cheer coach died in a plane crash yesterday down in Florida. Just devastating news. She texted my niece yesterday before she died...a happy birthday text. My niece hasn't been in cheer for years. This was a special lady and all the girls who came in contact with her loved her. She was 60 but had the energy of a 20 year old. Really a bummer

So sorry to hear that, Iftw. Just terrible.
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A little OT but any news on who leaked the Dobb’s draft? Or are there no ethical guidelines against that either?
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Sad. Shielding the identity of the leaker(s) diminishes the integrity of the court more so than outing them.

In the same vein, keeping Thomas on the court does more to diminish the integrity of the court than any leaker.

But we all know that won't happen because that would mean giving up some of the conservative majority on the court.
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