Is Clarence Thomas in trouble?

You can take expensive gifts, but there are laws about REPORTING them, as I understand it, and he apparently laughed at such requirements. Or was very sloppy. But I wouldn't expect a movement to impeach him to gain much traction.
You can take expensive gifts, but there are laws about REPORTING them, as I understand it, and he apparently laughed at such requirements. Or was very sloppy. But I wouldn't expect a movement to impeach him to gain much traction.
Yeah...I'm guessing that by rule of law he probably should face some heat/blowback on this, but I'm guessing he won't.

As an aside - and this shouldn't be a deterrent - any legal action taken against him would but viewed as the deep state attacking conservatives.
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When they make a movie on Clarence Thomas will he be the main character and the token black guy? How does that work?... he hangs out with a lot of white people
The donor has also paid off Manchin and Sinema to get them to buck their party (or former party).

And this is why there needs to be limits on the amount of money/gifts you can give to politicians.

Just further proof that politicians don't represent us...they represent those that pay them.
You made me go through a Twitter twit to get to the link:

Ease up....Having a rough day. Found out my daughters cheer coach died in a plane crash yesterday down in Florida. Just devastating news. She texted my niece yesterday before she died...a happy birthday text. My niece hasn't been in cheer for years. This was a special lady and all the girls who came in contact with her loved her. She was 60 but had the energy of a 20 year old. Really a bummer
The donor has also paid off Manchin and Sinema to get them to buck their party (or former party).

And this is why there needs to be limits on the amount of money/gifts you can give to politicians.

Just further proof that politicians don't represent us...they represent those that pay them.
You mean like a contribution limit? What a novel idea.
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Ease up....Having a rough day. Found out my daughters cheer coach died in a plane crash yesterday down in Florida. Just devastating news. She texted my niece yesterday before she died...a happy birthday text. My niece hasn't been in cheer for years. This was a special lady and all the girls who came in contact with her loved her. She was 60 but had the energy of a 20 year old. Really a bummer
Fing awful. Very sorry to hear that. Find out if it was Joe Hoopsier’s rotten plane. Sue the piss out of him
In Thomas’ public appearances over the years, he has presented himself as an everyman with modest tastes.

“I don’t have any problem with going to Europe, but I prefer the United States, and I prefer seeing the regular parts of the United States,” Thomas said in a recent interview for a documentary about his life, which Crow helped finance.

“I prefer the RV parks. I prefer the Walmart parking lots to the beaches and things like that. There’s something normal to me about it,” Thomas said. “I come from regular stock, and I prefer that — I prefer being around that.”
In Thomas’ public appearances over the years, he has presented himself as an everyman with modest tastes.

“I don’t have any problem with going to Europe, but I prefer the United States, and I prefer seeing the regular parts of the United States,” Thomas said in a recent interview for a documentary about his life, which Crow helped finance.

“I prefer the RV parks. I prefer the Walmart parking lots to the beaches and things like that. There’s something normal to me about it,” Thomas said. “I come from regular stock, and I prefer that — I prefer being around that.”
I am sure he just forgot to mention his love for super yachts and all male clubs
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The donor has also paid off Manchin and Sinema to get them to buck their party (or former party).

And this is why there needs to be limits on the amount of money/gifts you can give to politicians.

Just further proof that politicians don't represent us...they represent those that pay them.
Just imagine how angry conservatives are going to be when they find out there is someone actually doing what they've accused George Soros of doing all these years.
Ease up....Having a rough day. Found out my daughters cheer coach died in a plane crash yesterday down in Florida. Just devastating news. She texted my niece yesterday before she died...a happy birthday text. My niece hasn't been in cheer for years. This was a special lady and all the girls who came in contact with her loved her. She was 60 but had the energy of a 20 year old. Really a bummer

Brutal, sorry to hear
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Ease up....Having a rough day. Found out my daughters cheer coach died in a plane crash yesterday down in Florida. Just devastating news. She texted my niece yesterday before she died...a happy birthday text. My niece hasn't been in cheer for years. This was a special lady and all the girls who came in contact with her loved her. She was 60 but had the energy of a 20 year old. Really a bummer
Sorry for the loss that family,friends, and colleagues are experiencing.
Ease up....Having a rough day. Found out my daughters cheer coach died in a plane crash yesterday down in Florida. Just devastating news. She texted my niece yesterday before she died...a happy birthday text. My niece hasn't been in cheer for years. This was a special lady and all the girls who came in contact with her loved her. She was 60 but had the energy of a 20 year old. Really a bummer
Sorry to hear that I-ftw. Seriously, people like that who are in our kids' lives are true gems and it sucks to have something like this happen. I'll keep you, your family and everyone this woman touched in your community in my prayers.
Ease up....Having a rough day. Found out my daughters cheer coach died in a plane crash yesterday down in Florida. Just devastating news. She texted my niece yesterday before she died...a happy birthday text. My niece hasn't been in cheer for years. This was a special lady and all the girls who came in contact with her loved her. She was 60 but had the energy of a 20 year old. Really a bummer

Sorry to hear that.
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The first rule of ethics is to avoid the impropriety or the appearance of impropriety. This is what Hillary Clinton was guilty of when she was SecState. She violated the "appearance of impropriety" part of ethics by hosting heads of states and others who subsequently donated to the Clinton foundation (or whatever it was called). People here defended her tooth and nail on that, despite the fact that President Obama specifically told them they needed to separate themselves from that charity.

This is not a whatabout. I think Thomas has not avoided the appearance of impropriety part of ethical behavior. Now, if I had a long-term friend with private jets and yachts, I could have gone on trips with that friend without violating any laws. It's OK. However, I didn't have friends like that and if I did, I'm sure I would have reported those things.
She violated the "appearance of impropriety" part of ethics by hosting heads of states and others who subsequently donated to the Clinton foundation (or whatever it was called).

To my knowledge, the Clintons never personally benefited from any of the monies donated to their foundation. Certainly not the case here with Thomas.