Indiana/UCLA Prediction Thread

Seems like it’ll probably be fairly low scoring. UCLA has talent, obviously. I’m sure Chip Kelly didn’t leave the cupboard bare in that regard.

If IU plays a relatively clean game, meaning few if any turnovers, not a huge amounts of penalties, and no major mistakes on special teams…I’d say we’ll have a great chance to win.

Worried that UCLA will have a lot of energy and emotion coming in to the game though. And that we’ll give them reasons throughout to sustain that energy.

Close one. Could go either way. Cig probably usually finds ways to win games like this. But I’m skeptical yet…24-22 UCLA.
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Just skimming through some highlights of the Hawaii game, UCLA just didn’t look all that impressive against an equally unimpressive Hawaii.

UCLA’s QB made some VERY risky/dumb throws under pressure that are going to get him eaten alive in conference play. If we get even half the pressure we got last week against W IL on him, he’s gonna have a long day and our secondary a lot of fun.

38-13 W for the good guys.
I watched the UCLA vs. Hawaii highlights and they didn't look good at all. Now they have had two weeks to work on things so I expect better. Sounds like they should have their two tackles back so that should help some. QB seems like he can get flustered. Listened to a few UCLA podcasts and they all seem to be sharing concerns for what they saw.

Should be a good test for IU and if we can pass protect, then I expect a good day for IU.

I'll say 24-17 IU.
Prediction thread pops off when the Hoosiers are 2-0

Indiana 27

If the defense can get to Garbers since he can beat the D in the air and ground. UCLA gets some big plays but Indiana defense contains them enough with the offense having enough firepower to stay ahead through the game. I'm excited that DMac looks like he's going to play in this game. I want him to pop off so bad and get a day 2 draft spot. A big game against UCLA could move the needle but so many good mouths to feed and I'm happy to see every one of them get the grab.
If IU wins it will really open the eyes of a lot of people around the country. Prime time. UCLAs first BIG game.

However, I don't see it happening. Color me a pessimist. I'll happily eat crow and ask for second...

IU - 21
UCLA- 38
This is my view also. Both in that I doubt we can win AND that I would be delighted to be proven wrong.
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I don’t predict scores and usually not even wins but I have a good feeling about this game.
Coaching changes offer hope.

Cignetti is my 11th coaching change since I started following IU football under the leadership of coach Phil Dickens. Even John Pont ultimately proved to be fool’s gold.

I predict UCLA 27 - IU 17, if for no other reason than to lessen the disappointment or heighten the joy.
I’ll say Cignetti’s 14 years and coaching staff cohesion are enough to beat a first year head coach and Bienemy. Bryant will have the edge vs. a young UCLA QB. Front seven talent is good enough to get Bryant’s attacks home. WR and QB quality is good enough to minimize 3rd and long with the short passing game. RBs catching the ball could be the new wrinkle.

IU 34 - 20
Bright lights nationwide on Saturday night will surely cause some jitters at first. Adjustments will be made as the game is played. Even with a week off and two games of tape to study for UCLA, I see IU winning what I consider a game it needs to win. My first IU game that I can remember was watching was Earl Faison and there has always seemed to be one thing consistent, besides losing. Hopes are high, team is undefeated and come to their first legit opponent they can beat or upset ... and it's a dud. The fans don't come back ,the excitement is gone and it is rinse and repeat for another year.

I feel much different this time. Hang in long enough to get rid of the jitters being prime time Saturday night and the game is on. I feel this staff will do a much better job preparing the team for the big lights tonight. Coach Cig has plenty of experience of a night like tonight when he was an assistant coach at NC State and Alabama.

IU 34
Hmmmm....I know UCLA is not a good team. Still...this will get some notice. It was never a question who was the better team. I'm impressed. Go Hoosiers!
Hmmmm....I know UCLA is not a good team. Still...this will get some notice. It was never a question who was the better team. I'm impressed. Go Hoosiers!
We would have had been hanging on by a thread right now if this was the previous staff and wouldn’t have thrown a pass once we went up 14-0.