I'll believe it when I see it ...


Hall of Famer
Dec 13, 2010
but got confirmation from a pretty good source, Creans out and off to Alabama.

Uhhh . . . that means Bruce Pearl . . .

and Tom Crean both in the state of Alabama . . . the locals won't have the foggiest idea what hit them.

Sounds to me like BAMA has begun to see Pearl as a threat to its instate sports dominance . . . Auburn has been a patsy for almost all of its bball history, save for a few years when Barkley and a few other talents would inexplicably wander over there. BAMA's history has been more up and down, but better than Auburn - much better overall.

Personally, I think Pearl will own Crean, if what you're saying is true.

One other point: if this is true, this would put a silver dagger in the notion that coaches won't negotiate to take a filled position.

there are coaches that have let it be known through back channels that if the IU job becomes open, they might be interested, I think it is common place today.

Unfortunately non of those coaches are named Stevens.
I've heard them names ...

Billy Donavon and Shaka are at the top of the list.

At this point either is an upgrade.
Where did your source learn of this?

We all know someone that knows someone. It would be funny if it was traced back to one person in the athletic department. My source is a high school basketball coach that played AAU ball and is friends with a former player. The player got his information from a staff member.

The rumors serve as free advertisement to see who might secretly contact mutual friends in the industry.

Talked to one of my guys yesterday... Ran into him in Broad Ripple. Works for a former trustee. Told me "heard my boss talking directly to Glass. Glass said Crean's not going anywhere unless he leaves. We're not paying him his full buyout"
He said he heard those words directly from glass, not second hand info.

Maybe why Crean has been so emotional these last couple days.

Nearly stated crying when talking about Hanners injury, and then was too emotional to do the radio interview last night
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Brothers daughter plays AAU...

With a friend whose dad knows a staff member...

Told my brother it's a done deal.

I'm a total messenger here. Like I said believe it when I see it.
There's 0% chance they pay his full buyout no matter....

what happens. The whole buyout talk has been mostly a load of BS for some time. The money for a buyout has been there for a year now, but in reality, there in no way they ever pay the buyout.

The buyout is the most overplayed BS of this whole drama.
Did you just say...

...the source was: brother's daughter who has a friend whose dad knows a staff member?

Christ. I'd sooner put my faith in C-$. #Destiny
Only name I have heard is Marshall.

I have relatives in Bloomington. They know former assistant Ron Felling's family well. They are saying it is Marshall and Crean is gone.

However, some other rumors they have relayed have been totally bogus.
He left out "former roommate" & "at 31 flavors".

And "that makes us absolutely nothing".

Still, good enough for me. Like Milder I want to believe.

And I considered that. However, My brother has a good friend that knows someone in the athletic dept. So it's basically just 2 degrees of separation and neither are peegsters.

My brother isn't the type to follow recruits or read message boards. Considering his confidence in what and how he said it, I pondered for a bit and let the AOTF's know.

What I'm saying is this wasn't in the context of gossip or rumors.
that's been out there for about a week. Lots of sourced people

Claiming an announcement will be made two after the season ends. We shall see.

This is the same guy that told me that very thing

Money is there but they don't want to spend it unless they have to

"If it makes sense" being the key phrase they used. They being the person funding it
Now Patrick...

...this is Andy's OTF. Let's check our Premium attitude at the door.
I do so knowing ...

I have street cred out the wazoo around here.

Unless you believe CTC would just sit at home and collect...

there is no chance the full buyout is paid.

The salary from his new gig will/would be subtracted from the buyout.

Plus, it's more likely they negotiate a buyout and part ways.

They buyout is not an obstacle, smart thinking is.
This is a heart warming post.

Thanks for sharing your info. Even if it ends up not being true, it's fun to fantasize. It's like thinking about what you'd do with the money if you won the lottery. It brings joy for a few minutes.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I can't see it happening if he thinks Bryant picks IU. That whole visit and Peegs saying IU leads for Bryant throws a wet blanket on the situation for me.

Posted from Rivals Mobile

At the time the contract was given I'm sure they were hoping it wouldn't end like this.

Forcing him out is probably unrealistic and they're not paying him his full contract buyout. The leaving scenario makes a lot of sense but until jobs open up post season Crean can't leave to go anywhere. IU has to reactive once other jobs open in getting the deal done to get him to a new spot and landing someone like Marshall or Shaka before their contracts get renegotiated.
Whenever a big job opens all the mid major hot name coaches get extensions with buyouts

If people think IU will open up, there will be a mad dash to secure your coach
When I was in junior high my best friend lived next to an usher. He would give us pass outs to give to Ron Felling and his tailgating group, then he would sneak us into football games for free. Did that for 3 years for Ron. Seemed like a nice guy. Always have us something off the grill for the pass-outs.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

Which is why I'm nervous Crean gets stubborn and decides to make them force him out. Which I've heard they won't do because Glass refuses to pay his full buyout.
It's more than that.

Crean can't choose to sit at home and collect the buyout. He is contractually required to search for a job, either coaching or broadcasting or something related. If he doesn't, or if he accepts a sweetheart deal for far less than he's worth, IU will sue him, and he'll end up eating a large chunk of the buyout himself.

And, for his part, Crean can't just pick up and leave. If he leaves before July 1, he owes IU $8 million.

That's yet another reason a negotiated exit is the only way this ends.

I am very skeptical of just about any of the rumors floating around the past two years concerning the buyout, because they only make sense in the context of the very erroneous views of how buyouts work held by fans. People actually involved would not hold those views.

The thing is...

I just said a lot of this stuff to Ziz below, but, most (all?) of these rumors about the buyout reflect a very erroneous view of how buyouts work, and I would not expect people in the AD to hold that view.

A great example is the talk of Crean beating it out of dodge. He can't. If he leaves before July 1, he owes IU $8 million.

The other big issue is the idea that the money even needs to "be there" for the buyout. It doesn't. Even if Glass calls up Crean this afternoon and tells him to pack his things and get the hell out, IU will never pay Crean the buyout. They'll pay some of it, of course, but there was never a need to have $12 million set aside, because IU will never, ever, ever pay him $12 million.

Now, if someone heard a rumor that a big-time donor set aside a couple of million to help cover the portion of the buyout that IU believes might actually need to be paid, that would make sense. But that's not what the rumors have said.


Haven't heard that part about searching or broadcasting

That can't be too hard to do. Being on CBS or ESPN as a consultant seems pretty easy to get.

"Searching" for a job is pretty easy. If it happens mid summer it's not like he has to take the first job available. Reasonable to think he'd have a full season to find jobs the following and show up on CBS for 1 year

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