If you ever had to fire someone

part of the strategy one would assume, who knows what trump and musk are really thinking, is you must create an enemy, ask most maggots they will tell you those losing their jobs don't do anything and just sit at home and draw 150k a year. Murdock and Musk two foreigners who helped kill the good ole USA from within
"what trump and musk are really thinking" ???

Trump and Musk are spoiled little rich boys playing government.

Whatever they're thinking, it's not thinking about how to help the little guy, the low income guy, or even the typical MAGA guy survive. Or even to provide essential services to the little guy (or business) who can't afford to pay $10 to send a letter through Fedex or UPS (look it up) or the elderly who need to get a timely deposit in their account just to live another month.

Trump and Musk have no clue what the little guy faces. Nor are they checking that their cuts don't really hurt anybody -- if they were, they'd be bragging about that too (but they aren't).
Explains a lot... Particularly the Higher Level of Consciousness you reflect in each new post...

Gonga la Lunga 🍺
Isnt that wild tho. I met him while I was having a burrito!! Whatever that stone bldg was across from the library had a burrito shop. They were delicious
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lol…do you really watch C-Span or are you f#cking around? You really are a hoot on here 🤣 I love it.

I watch it a lot, mostly weekends. BookTV and American History TV have tons of good stuff. Then there's lots of panel discussions, political and historical.

SC, tune into C-Span's Washington Journal on most weekday mornings.

It has a cross section of guest commentators. Also has callers from both parties.

Many conservative callers claim C-Span favors liberal guest commentators.

The moron to sensible ratio of the callers is about 5-1 (about like this forum). Makes that show unwatchable. But yes, Greta is a babe.
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