Icepocalypse 2025.

In and Out fries are pretty bad. Bland, even with the animal style helping out. I appreciate the potatoes being fresh and unprocessed. Something about the prep that makes them blah.
Yeah, I'm not going out of my way to get In 'n Out.

However, if you like pastrami...

That's a bridge too far also, but my favorite fast food option out here.

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Yeah, I'm not going out of my way to get In 'n Out.

However, if you like pastrami...

That's a bridge too far also, but my favorite fast food option out here.

I don’t think I even noticed The Hat out on the west coast. Since I love pastrami, I’ll keep it in mind. Does it hold up to Canter’s?
I've never been, but understand it's supposed to be the standard. A buddy who lives out here took me to the Hat about 16-17 yrs ago and told me it was the best pastrami in LA. I just believed him and have stuck with it. Probably been 5 or 6 times. I don't get to LA much anymore.
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We went to pickup our click list tonight, the Kroger guy said they have maxed out on click list the last three days, in his previous 2.5 years it has happened twice. I asked if they had bread, he said white hamburger buns was all.

I don't really get it. Yes, for people in the deeper country, I do get it. I am in suburbia. I will be out easily by Tuesday even if it is 18 inches. Really I will be out far sooner, my Soul has winter tires and the Outback has AWD. People living in town, the time of problems is not going to be a week. Barring massive power outages. Back in the blizzard of 79, our main snowplows were road graders, we didn't pretreat, and most people had rear wheel drive. Times have changed.
Blizzard of '78. I was living in some apartments south of Blowmengton HS, across from a Marsh. My roommate was a Pepsi addict and going crazy because the Marsh was closed

I call my friend who is living just west of downtown in an apartment that has little heat anyway. I tell him to meet me in front of the Bluebird in an hour or so. I go outside (this was after the main snow was over) and my car is completely buried. I spend at least an hour shoveling it out. Some girls in the apartment next to my car felt sorry for me and invited me in and made hot chocolate. By this time, it's about 2 hours since I told my buddy to meet me.

I had a '68 manual 3 speed on the floor, 6 cylindar Camaro. Very light car. I could drive right on top of the snow. The only other vehicles I saw out on Walnut was the National Guard. I go up by the Bluebird and threw open the passenger door - I didn't want to stop because I was afraid I'd get stuck. My friend jumps in the car and we somehow made it to another friend's apartment on 10th street on the other side of 46.

The 3 of us went out later and rescued my friend's roommate whose car was stalled by the railroad underpass on 10th street. We are trying to push his car and get it started when the IU police show up. The cop rolled his window down about half an inch and said "You guys can't be here". We just cracked up. He got pissed and left.

I think that was when the Waiting On Columbus album by Little Feat came out. We played the shit out of that album.

I'll bet everyone who was at IU at that time has a story like that. It was a fantastic time. Later that year IU had to extend Spring Break by a week or two and then we had to have Saturday classes after that - because of a coal strike. Crazy winter that year.
Blizzard of '78. I was living in some apartments south of Blowmengton HS, across from a Marsh. My roommate was a Pepsi addict and going crazy because the Marsh was closed

I call my friend who is living just west of downtown in an apartment that has little heat anyway. I tell him to meet me in front of the Bluebird in an hour or so. I go outside (this was after the main snow was over) and my car is completely buried. I spend at least an hour shoveling it out. Some girls in the apartment next to my car felt sorry for me and invited me in and made hot chocolate. By this time, it's about 2 hours since I told my buddy to meet me.

I had a '68 manual 3 speed on the floor, 6 cylindar Camaro. Very light car. I could drive right on top of the snow. The only other vehicles I saw out on Walnut was the National Guard. I go up by the Bluebird and threw open the passenger door - I didn't want to stop because I was afraid I'd get stuck. My friend jumps in the car and we somehow made it to another friend's apartment on 10th street on the other side of 46.

The 3 of us went out later and rescued my friend's roommate whose car was stalled by the railroad underpass on 10th street. We are trying to push his car and get it started when the IU police show up. The cop rolled his window down about half an inch and said "You guys can't be here". We just cracked up. He got pissed and left.

I think that was when the Waiting On Columbus album by Little Feat came out. We played the shit out of that album.

I'll bet everyone who was at IU at that time has a story like that. It was a fantastic time. Later that year IU had to extend Spring Break by a week or two and then we had to have Saturday classes after that - because of a coal strike. Crazy winter that year.
OMG what a story!!! LOVE it..

Remind me to tell my story about IU winning the 87' championship, and my buddies and I drive up from Vincennes to b'town after the game. There were still people climbing light poles on Kirkwood when we got there. 19, walking into bars getting served. ..
Ok that really is the story so I guess you don't have to remind me. but it was really fun! :)
OMG what a story!!! LOVE it..

Remind me to tell my story about IU winning the 87' championship, and my buddies and I drive up from Vincennes to b'town after the game. There were still people climbing light poles on Kirkwood when we got there. 19, walking into bars getting served. ..
Ok that really is the story so I guess you don't have to remind me. but it was really fun! :)
I didn't go down to Bloomington that night because I knew there would be a riot. But I went down after we beat UNLV and it was crazy enough.
I didn't go down to Bloomington that night because I knew there would be a riot. But I went down after we beat UNLV and it was crazy enough.
You didn't go, but I drove an hour and 10 min just to go to jail!! hahahaha... but didn't get arrested. It was much more fun to watch.
Ahhhh take me back please !!!
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I didn't go down to Bloomington that night because I knew there would be a riot. But I went down after we beat UNLV and it was crazy enough.

We were at the fountain for that win. A police car was stopped, no one in it, blocking cars from coming down 7th. Some guys showed up and started rocking it. I thought we were seconds from a real riot.

For the championship, we watched it at a buddy's house. He owned a guitar gallery between Nick's and Pizzeria. We all went in, he opened up, set amps outside, and musicians would stop and play. It was a blast.
We were at the fountain for that win. A police car was stopped, no one in it, blocking cars from coming down 7th. Some guys showed up and started rocking it. I thought we were seconds from a real riot.

For the championship, we watched it at a buddy's house. He owned a guitar gallery between Nick's and Pizzeria. We all went in, he opened up, set amps outside, and musicians would stop and play. It was a blast.
We went to the Fountain from Briscoe in '76. Never seen anything like it. People were just deliriously happy and going crazy.

The crowd took the dolphins and eventually I think they call were given back.

Pretty good party in '79, when we beat Purdue for the NIT championship, too, but it was raining. Lots of mud sliding. lol
We went to the Fountain from Briscoe in '76. Never seen anything like it. People were just deliriously happy and going crazy.

The crowd took the dolphins and eventually I think they call were given back.

Pretty good party in '79, when we beat Purdue for the NIT championship, too, but it was raining. Lots of mud sliding. lol
87 at the fountain was a lot of fun too.

Shooter was on kirkwood with a radio listening to Fisch do post game and high fiving strangers. That dude parties.
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All the rage with my daughter’s crew

Pea starch? WTF?

They must have changed it very recently. Last month when I was there with my grandkids - it's their favorite place, too, but because of the play areas - I ate some of theirs and I thought they were pretty good. i'm a French fry connesurier and I don't consider waffle fries to be be french "fries".
Friend of mine lives about 1 1/2 hours west of New Orleans. She posted a video of a freaking blizzard outside her house.
On Facebook?

Send her this on messenger
How are you keeping warm you dirty old bird 🤫🤫🤫🤫
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It’s a balmy 1 degree right now.

Bring your animals in, people, or make accommodations for them.