I sold a ton of stock on Mondays close.

<showing my ignorance>

How does this short term selling and buying work from a tax standpoint? Do you even take that into consideration?

</showing my ignorance>
In taxable accounts anything held less than a year is short term and taxed at normal rates. Anything longer than a year is long term and is taxed at a lower rate.

Capital gains tax rate 2025​

The following rates and brackets apply to long-term capital gains sold in 2025, which are reported on taxes filed in 2026.
Tax rateSingleMarried filing jointlyMarried filing separatelyHead of household
0%$0 to $48,350$0 to $96,700$0 to $48,350$0 to $64,750
15%$48,351 to $533,400$96,701 to $600,050$48,350 to $300,000$64,751 to $566,700
20%$533,401 or more$600,051 or more$300,001 or more$566,701 or more
Lots of buying opportunities right now. If I wasn’t so damn cash poor because of my kids school costs I’d sell my Carmel home and put the proceeds into the market. I’d probably put it in some kinda fund and let it compound. The older I get the less I want to own my home. Even if the market conservatively earns 5% year over year I think that would exceed the value of my real estate. Am I wrong? It’s def a question I would ask my advisor if I was in position to make a move.
Lots of buying opportunities right now. If I wasn’t so damn cash poor because of my kids school costs I’d sell my Carmel home and put the proceeds into the market. I’d probably put it in some kinda fund and let it compound. The older I get the less I want to own my home. Even if the market conservatively earns 5% year over year I think that would exceed the value of my real estate. Am I wrong? It’s def a question I would ask my advisor if I was in position to make a move.

Unless you're going to live in a van, you've gotta live somewhere and that's gonna be a cost.
In taxable accounts anything held less than a year is short term and taxed at normal rates. Anything longer than a year is long term and is taxed at a lower rate.

Capital gains tax rate 2025​

The following rates and brackets apply to long-term capital gains sold in 2025, which are reported on taxes filed in 2026.
Tax rateSingleMarried filing jointlyMarried filing separatelyHead of household
0%$0 to $48,350$0 to $96,700$0 to $48,350$0 to $64,750
15%$48,351 to $533,400$96,701 to $600,050$48,350 to $300,000$64,751 to $566,700
20%$533,401 or more$600,051 or more$300,001 or more$566,701 or more

Don't forget about NIIT of 3.8% once HHI is over $250k
Unless you're going to live in a van, you've gotta live somewhere and that's gonna be a cost.
I considered that as well. Makes more sense when I’m ready to downsize. I don’t really love the idea of renting, but if compounding interest exceeds my housing cost I would consider that option. I don’t really want another mortgage either so I could consider paying cash unless that makes me cash poor again.
Doesn’t change the fact that you sold for bad reasons. It’ll cost you with future investments. Blind squirrel, broken clock, you know the drill.
Two weeks in and I am still ahead with dry power to buy. I didn't sell every position rather the ones at risk. Trump is looser.
I can't believe this shit is going to turn out well. I spent 28 years of my life training and teaching how to defeat the Sovit Union. I know they invaded; they can't be trusted. Berating a leader of Ukraine, destroying the Atlantic alliance is not my America. I lost my best friend to this political movement, and I am out. Trumps majority got a c- in high school history, which is really a F, and they haven't read a book in forty years.
Market if flying today and I bought up some great bargains the last week. Thanks for unloading your shares.