
We had a hummer fly into the window at the bar where I worked a few years back. It stunned it so badly that it couldn’t fly. I picked it up and held it and flipped its beak and it really surprised me how flexible it was. So yes it’s flexible and probably wouldn’t fit in tight areas.
seems like there's a marketing opportunity being missed here. Instead of Hims, maybe Hums... "having problems with your beak being soft and flexible....?"
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@kkot thank you. Atleast someone could see it for the lighthearted joke that it was.
@kkot thank you. Atleast someone could see it for the lighthearted joke that it was.

This thread needs more tits...

We’ve seen another uptick in hummers. I now have 15 feeders out and fix two gallons about every other day. I figure about another 2-3 weeks before they head out.
We’ve seen another uptick in hummers. I now have 15 feeders out and fix two gallons about every other day. I figure about another 2-3 weeks before they head out.
My feeders are busier than they've ever been now. Funny how early in the year, it was the least amount of activity I'd ever had, and now, 4-5 weeks later, it's the busiest. I'm making 6 cups of nectar every 2-3 days with 6 feeders. I also bought a couple of the little feeders to try and hand feed and hoping I can get them to come to those this year before they're gone. I'm in Rock Hill SC/Charlotte NC and guessing they won't start migration here til mid Sept.
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I assume the migration south is underway and that's the cause of the additional activity. I've been out west and hope I come home this week to near-empty feeders.
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I assume the migration south is underway and that's the cause of the additional activity. I've been out west and hope I come home this week to near-empty feeders.
I feel like my visit #s start dropping when they start migrating. My "regulars" hit the road and then it's just the transients who happen to find my feeders. This was a very different year though, and I haven't heard a good explanation for the initial scarcity, nor why they picked up a few weeks ago.
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I feel like my visit #s start dropping when they start migrating. My "regulars" hit the road and then it's just the transients who happen to find my feeders. This was a very different year though, and I haven't heard a good explanation for the initial scarcity, nor why they picked up a few weeks ago.
Would the numbers have picked up because the chicks had all hatched and now out on their own?
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Would the numbers have picked up because the chicks had all hatched and now out on their own?
Yeah, I'm sure that's part of it, but that happens every year and I don't remember getting a noticeable uptick like this year. Probably just that and that I'm starting to get more returnees each year, and that there's no bully on my front feeders running the others off. If I sit out there there are probably 7-8 that are just perching and coming down and feeding at all times. Pretty constant activity. Not at the levels I've seen at yours and others, but definitely the most I've had among my handful of feeders.
I think my hummers are getting ready to head south. Usually when they are getting ready to go there are a few days where the numbers increase at different times. By 10:30 in the morning it’s usually slow (5-10) at a time. At the same time this morning every feeder -15- had one or more on it. Maybe we’re picking up one heading south. Anyone farther north than Indy see a decrease? We live just outside of Nashville.
NW Indiana--hitting the feeders hard so we assume it travel time.
See ya next year--best eats in town (lotsa flowers here too).
Just wondering where you live for them to be leaving that late? The latest we’ve recorded them leaving was the third week of September.
I kind of wondered if some of the males around here (Charlotte NC area) haven't already started leaving. I just see very few males right now. Still have lots of females around. I think ours start leaving mid-late Sept and I see the last ones passing through into October.
I kind of wondered if some of the males around here (Charlotte NC area) haven't already started leaving. I just see very few males right now. Still have lots of females around. I think ours start leaving mid-late Sept and I see the last ones passing through into October.
I didn’t notice it till you brought it up about the males. I’ve only seen a few in the past couple of days.
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I didn’t notice it till you brought it up about the males. I’ve only seen a few in the past couple of days.
I don't know when I last saw a male at my house. I probably see a couple dozen throughout the day and can't always identify them, but I haven't notice a male in probably 2 weeks.