How strong is LEO?

The schedule has been tough but we were supposed to be competitive with those teams. With a functioning offense we would have been and win at least 2 of those. This is probably the worst offense I have seen from Indiana in the last 35 years. This year is not just a product of the schedule, it’s the product of Allen giving the reigns of half the team to someone who was totally unproven and looks to be in way over his head.
Because we had one decent season in the last 50 years, we’re suddenly supposed to compete with OSU, PSU, MI, MSU…you know, teams that have been consistently good, or even great, for a long time?

I want IU to be competitive with these programs. I want a coaching staff that can build IU into a program that is respected. I believe IU has the resources to do such a thing. It probably ain’t gonna be the current coaching staff. The staff changes have killed as much as anything else.
Fine, look at the glass as empty.

I guess MSU is overrated since we hung with them. You even concede that we should have beaten UC, a top ten team. The Iowa game would have been a blow out for past IU teams. IMO, ditto for the PSU game.

It is your choice to be miserable.
Most of us stopped sucking iufb's dick years ago
I posted before this season that I was worried about our fan base's expectations. That we very well might have one of the better teams we've ever had, and finish with "only" 7 or 8 wins. I didn't see the offense being as bad as it has been though. And I don't think anyone could have predicted that through 9 games, we'd have played 6 top 10 teams. And that Purdue would be top 25. So combining the hyper tough schedule, with a regression in our offense, we'll most likely only post 3-5 wins.

This is where LEO faces its first true test. Most importantly, will the 2022 recruits, the ones we care most about especially, stick with the LEO program? Next down the list in importance, will potential transfers keep being attracted by LEO? Winning will cure this next one, but will our fanbase continue to support LEO if we miss a bowl game this year? And next year? Our defense is going to lose A LOT this offseason. We don't have a proven Quarterback. We'll either have a bad OC (If Sheridan stays), or an unproven one if he gets fired. We'll have to play Cincinnati on the road. We'll still be in the B10 east. How good will NW, Nebraska, and Purdue be (actually think this is one of our easier crossover years as of today).

I myself am struggling to not be snarky and sarcastic about Allen and his LEO branding. As the game was ending Saturday, I sent a bunch of texts venting that "At least the band is spelling his name at halftime. And also spelling out LEO." By nature, I don't like these "gimmick" phrases like "Row the boat", LEO, Turnover chains, etc... Rather, I prefer coaches that teach and demand excellence in executing their own particular jobs, the little things, every day. And that will breed larger, more noticeable successes. Saban, Belichik, Ferentz, these guys coach this way, and the results are much more repeatable and sustainable.

So, to answer my own title's question. I don't know? If its real, and genuine, I think we'll see our guys grind out the rest of this season, and battle for a potential bowl spot. 6-6 is possible, albeit unlikely...if LEO is real. If its just clappy clappy stuff like our former basketball coach, I worry that we'll flame out down the stretch this season. And recruits and transfers will pick up on it too.

I hope LEO is real, and I hope its strong and truly is foundational. Allen has time to iron out the wrinkles if it is. If it isn't though...not good.
Pardon my ignorance, but what is LEO?
Pardon my ignorance, but what is LEO?
I had to Google it after it kept rearing its shiny little head. It stands for IU football’s unbridled hope, Tom Allen’s self proclaimed rallying cry, our current motto “Love Each Other” hence the acronym, LEO. I think it is designed to give the illusion, whether real or imagined, of a family atmosphere/sum greater than individual numbers, added up type-of-deal. Some may argue it “Let’s Eat Outside” but as Covid numbers continue to drop along with the temperature, this seems to have taken on a nod of less flavor.
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I had to Google it after it kept rearing its shiny little head. It stands for IU football’s unbridled hope, Tom Allen’s self proclaimed rallying cry, our current motto “Love Each Other” hence the acronym, LEO. I think it is designed to give the illusion, whether real or imagined, of a family atmosphere/sum greater than individual numbers, added up type-of-deal. Some may argue it “Let’s Eat Outside” but as Covid numbers continue to drop along with the temperature, this seems to have taken on a nod of less flavor.
LEO doesn’t win games!
1997-2001 Cameron went 18-37 (0.327)
2002-2004 DiNardo went 8-27 (0.229)
2005-2006 Hoeppner went 9-14 (0.391)
2007-2010 Lynch went 19-30 (0.388)
2011-2016 Wilson went 18-38 (0.321)
2016-present Allen is 24-22 (0.522)

He's winning more games than anyone else we've had in 25 years.

And he's doing it in a Big Ten East that has 3 of the top 7 winningest programs of all time. All the other coaches got to skip OSU/UM/PSU every few years.
This is not a fair comparison. TA was handed the keys to a program vastly different then what KW inherited. One was working with a program that had started going to bowls, the other a dumpster fire. They actually took an initial step back immediately with TA missing bowls in 2 consecutive years and going 2-7 in conference both years.
Wow...that is crude (so much for this being a family site idiot) and stupid. Dont know who you think you are...but you ar just another loser...go are embarrassing yourself beyond the pale...
Social media of any type has never purported to be a family site for the thinly skinned. Sports message boards, in particular, lure jock/ex-jock/jock wanted-to-be-but-never-were types so what you see here is the talk heard more often in stinky locker rooms filled with wet towel whipping boys…men, if you will, having a little fun as if having just done more serious battle against stiff competition. Male genitalia is often referenced here in glib conversation, as if in downward glance standing in tightly quartered urinary troughs of Memorial Stadium. Never admire a fellow man’s watch in such position, no matter how impressed you are by his Rolex, or at least don’t verbalize your glee with a boisterous, “Nice watch, Dude!”
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It does help to win games! There are a lot of aspects to LEO - all are positive. Team greater than self! Toughness, togetherness, best player plays, accountability, vale’s that are transferable to live long experiences. It is not an illusion!
Illusions are the created realities of Man’s imagination. You can be whatever you wanna be when it’s only “me”. LEO has life, as seen written on subway walls and tenement halls as “LEO lives!” It’s ALIVE!” I say.
Social media of any type has never purported to be a family site for the thinly skinned. Sports message boards, in particular, lure jock/ex-jock/jock wanted-to-be-but-never-were types so what you see here is the talk heard more often in stinky locker rooms filled with wet towel whipping boys…men, if you will, having a little fun as if having just done more serious battle against stiff competition. Male genitalia is often referenced here in glib conversation, as if in downward glance standing in tightly quartered urinary troughs of Memorial Stadium. Never admire a fellow man’s watch in such position, no matter how impressed you are by his Rolex, or at least don’t verbalize your glee with a boisterous, “Nice watch, Dude!”

Paper bags pack power. When one doesn’t see, one believes! I’ll take my chances when even wrong can feel oh, so right. Trojan Horse for lemon-buttered oysters after a shower?
Serious question. What's wrong with you?
Serious question. What's wrong with you?
Serious answer-don’t take me so seriously. Life is meant to be fun, even when it’s with the wrong crowd. What some don’t get, others do, just not you. Have you ever experienced Macri’s hot Italian sausage? I’ll see if he can join us for lunch. Cloth napkins will be provided.
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Serious question. What's wrong with you?
Your world must be small in accepting only that which you already know. How dull is a world in which all robots have been programmed the same? Sportswriters take heed…don’t write what is expected for it all sounds the same after awhile as a once sharp knife eventually dulls. Have a fresh take and by all means Don’t Suck doing it!
This is not a fair comparison. TA was handed the keys to a program vastly different then what KW inherited. One was working with a program that had started going to bowls, the other a dumpster fire. They actually took an initial step back immediately with TA missing bowls in 2 consecutive years and going 2-7 in conference both years.
I get it you loved coach Wilson despite his many personal flaws and declining recruiting at the end of his term as coach. I took out his first year and he was .447 although he did drive off a lot of the players that first year which he created so the chart was correct including his first year. You also ignore the reality that PU had a horrible coach when Wilson was at IU and replaced him with a better coach at PU.
Serious answer-don’t take me so seriously. Life is meant to be fun, even when it’s with the wrong crowd. What some don’t get, others do, just not you. Have you ever experienced Macri’s hot Italian sausage? I’ll see if he can join us for lunch. Cloth napkins will be provided.
Ah, the Old Chicago! One of my all time favs.
I posted before this season that I was worried about our fan base's expectations. That we very well might have one of the better teams we've ever had, and finish with "only" 7 or 8 wins. I didn't see the offense being as bad as it has been though. And I don't think anyone could have predicted that through 9 games, we'd have played 6 top 10 teams. And that Purdue would be top 25. So combining the hyper tough schedule, with a regression in our offense, we'll most likely only post 3-5 wins.

This is where LEO faces its first true test. Most importantly, will the 2022 recruits, the ones we care most about especially, stick with the LEO program? Next down the list in importance, will potential transfers keep being attracted by LEO? Winning will cure this next one, but will our fanbase continue to support LEO if we miss a bowl game this year? And next year? Our defense is going to lose A LOT this offseason. We don't have a proven Quarterback. We'll either have a bad OC (If Sheridan stays), or an unproven one if he gets fired. We'll have to play Cincinnati on the road. We'll still be in the B10 east. How good will NW, Nebraska, and Purdue be (actually think this is one of our easier crossover years as of today).

I myself am struggling to not be snarky and sarcastic about Allen and his LEO branding. As the game was ending Saturday, I sent a bunch of texts venting that "At least the band is spelling his name at halftime. And also spelling out LEO." By nature, I don't like these "gimmick" phrases like "Row the boat", LEO, Turnover chains, etc... Rather, I prefer coaches that teach and demand excellence in executing their own particular jobs, the little things, every day. And that will breed larger, more noticeable successes. Saban, Belichik, Ferentz, these guys coach this way, and the results are much more repeatable and sustainable.

So, to answer my own title's question. I don't know? If its real, and genuine, I think we'll see our guys grind out the rest of this season, and battle for a potential bowl spot. 6-6 is possible, albeit unlikely...if LEO is real. If its just clappy clappy stuff like our former basketball coach, I worry that we'll flame out down the stretch this season. And recruits and transfers will pick up on it too.

I hope LEO is real, and I hope its strong and truly is foundational. Allen has time to iron out the wrinkles if it is. If it isn't though...not good.
LEO is real and LEO will be effective. We just have to stick with each other, Love Each Other and LOVE the team.