How should history be taught in high school?

That syllabus was written by educators for educators.
Obviously not by English teachers. Written by someone who didn't proofread it, but just ran it through spellcheck and called it good.

The focus on this course..

Rather, this course offers a narrower focus, on that synthesizes...

4. To what extend did religions and empires improve human life?
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My son is starting his freshman year at the local, progressive public school. His required history course is World History.

I post this to get general discussion about whether this is the right concept of history to be taught to freshman (14-year-olds), and specific discussion about this course, and if it seems geared towards reaching a particular political viewpoint (not Dem v. Rep, but progressive v. anything else).

For me, I think the course description is designed to reach a progressive view of the world (and maybe an illiberal one, at that) and that this is too much historiography and too little actual history for 14-year-olds. Contra the course description, I actually do want my freshman to learn as much about the history of the world as you can pack into 176 days--he and his classmates haven't learned that yet, so they have nothing to "unlearn." I'm already looking for supplementation (if anyone has any they could recommend, that would be great).

Here's the description of the course from the syllabus (all emphasis in the original):


The focus on this course is not to learn as much as we can about as much of the history of the world as we can fit into 176 school days. Rather, this course offers a narrower focus, on that synthesizes select historical periods, themes, and ideas throughout human history in an attempt to craft an argument. Because that's what history is: an argument about the past. And to engage in an earnest study of World History requires us to ask historical questions -- questions to which there are no "answers," only evidence-based arguments.

In World History A, we will explore a number of essential questions that will guide our units of study, both in what we ask you to consume as budding historians (readings, film, art, music, and other modes of expression) and in how we assess you throughout the year. These questions may include:

1. Why and for whom does history matter?
2. How do we know what we know about the world and can we trust it?
3. What are the origins of inequality?
4. To what extend did religions and empires improve human life?
5. How did religion, trade, and empire unify the Old World System?
6. How should the early American empires be remembered? What story should be told about their historical significance?
7. How important was the European Age of Exploration? How much changed as a result?
8. How "enlightening" was the Enlightenment? To what extent did the Haitian Revolution challenge the global order?
9. Is progress inherently good? What were the global impacts of industrialization, imperialism, and nationalism?
10. How and why did liberal democracy decline in Germany after World War I? How and why did the Holocaust happen? Why did war (World War II) break out in the Pacific?
11. How and why did anti-colonial movements succeed in the post-war era?

In answering these questions--and these are just the ones we've come up with; you'll be creating questions of your own!--we will challenge some of our own preconceived notions about the history of the world --to unlearn some of what we have learned in hopes of broadening our perspective, deepening our fund of knowledge, and enhancing our critical thinking skills.


Semester 1

Unit 1: Introduction to World History/Perspectives in World History
Unit 2: Agricultural Revolution
Unit 3: Collective Myths: Empire in the Ancient World
Unit 4: Empires in the Old World
Unit 5: Empire in the Americas

Semester 2

Unit 6: Global System and the Rise of the West
Unit 7: Egalite for all? Enlightenment and Revolution in the Atlantic World
Untie 8: The Paradox of Progress: The Industrial Revolution, Imperialism, and World War I
Unit 9: World War II and the Holocaust
Unit 10: Decolonization Movements
This is awful. Sadly, those who propose this curriculum are not educated enough, or able to think deeply enough, to understand what this is.

There is so much to say I don’t know where to begin. So I’ll just make one point.

The focus on empires and imperialism is cherry-picked concepts simply to establish a negative atmosphere of western thought and accomplishments. The Crown Jewels of westernism are the concepts of consent of the governed, representative government, due process of law, separation of powers and separation of church and state. Breaking from the ideas of feudalism, nobility, monarchial and ecclesiastical governments was a good thing that should be the centerpiece of any discussion of world history. This struggle goes on to this day.

And “unlearning”. WTF is that? More learning is the antidote to unbalanced learning, not unlearning.
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My son is starting his freshman year at the local, progressive public school. His required history course is World History.

I post this to get general discussion about whether this is the right concept of history to be taught to freshman (14-year-olds), and specific discussion about this course, and if it seems geared towards reaching a particular political viewpoint (not Dem v. Rep, but progressive v. anything else).

For me, I think the course description is designed to reach a progressive view of the world (and maybe an illiberal one, at that) and that this is too much historiography and too little actual history for 14-year-olds. Contra the course description, I actually do want my freshman to learn as much about the history of the world as you can pack into 176 days--he and his classmates haven't learned that yet, so they have nothing to "unlearn." I'm already looking for supplementation (if anyone has any they could recommend, that would be great).

Here's the description of the course from the syllabus (all emphasis in the original):


The focus on this course is not to learn as much as we can about as much of the history of the world as we can fit into 176 school days. Rather, this course offers a narrower focus, on that synthesizes select historical periods, themes, and ideas throughout human history in an attempt to craft an argument. Because that's what history is: an argument about the past. And to engage in an earnest study of World History requires us to ask historical questions -- questions to which there are no "answers," only evidence-based arguments.

In World History A, we will explore a number of essential questions that will guide our units of study, both in what we ask you to consume as budding historians (readings, film, art, music, and other modes of expression) and in how we assess you throughout the year. These questions may include:

1. Why and for whom does history matter?
2. How do we know what we know about the world and can we trust it?
3. What are the origins of inequality?
4. To what extend did religions and empires improve human life?
5. How did religion, trade, and empire unify the Old World System?
6. How should the early American empires be remembered? What story should be told about their historical significance?
7. How important was the European Age of Exploration? How much changed as a result?
8. How "enlightening" was the Enlightenment? To what extent did the Haitian Revolution challenge the global order?
9. Is progress inherently good? What were the global impacts of industrialization, imperialism, and nationalism?
10. How and why did liberal democracy decline in Germany after World War I? How and why did the Holocaust happen? Why did war (World War II) break out in the Pacific?
11. How and why did anti-colonial movements succeed in the post-war era?

In answering these questions--and these are just the ones we've come up with; you'll be creating questions of your own!--we will challenge some of our own preconceived notions about the history of the world --to unlearn some of what we have learned in hopes of broadening our perspective, deepening our fund of knowledge, and enhancing our critical thinking skills.


Semester 1

Unit 1: Introduction to World History/Perspectives in World History
Unit 2: Agricultural Revolution
Unit 3: Collective Myths: Empire in the Ancient World
Unit 4: Empires in the Old World
Unit 5: Empire in the Americas

Semester 2

Unit 6: Global System and the Rise of the West
Unit 7: Egalite for all? Enlightenment and Revolution in the Atlantic World
Untie 8: The Paradox of Progress: The Industrial Revolution, Imperialism, and World War I
Unit 9: World War II and the Holocaust
Unit 10: Decolonization Movements

Brad thanks for including me but as said by others, this is way beyond what I experienced and makes me think of what my standard history classes were like growing up in Bedford and graduating from BNL in the late 80's.

This syllabus reminds me, as mentioned before, more along my humanities courses I had at IU. So I'm personally relieved that this kind of offering is made available to high schoolers again from personal experience in that the Humanities classes made 100 times more of a connection than my public schooling did. Most of the time it bored me and hardly connected. Humanities classes were more like sociology classes than memorizing dates, but they better explained why our country reacts the way it does to things and why it likely led to the decisions that were made.

To me that's what I believe learning history is about. The understanding of how and why things are that they are. Why decisions were made and the intent behind them ...leaving it up to myself to determine if it was a logical decision and if the intent was good natured or pure competitive thinking.

For example Eugenics is a fascinating story and one, which I had no idea, took a hold of the country in the early 1900's. Basically the rich and powerful believed our future society should be developed in the same manner that we breed animals. Got to the point that you and your wife took a test (created by some old powerful white dude) and got placed into groups. If you were determined a moron, you and all of your kids were sterilized because like breeding, we don't want to pass that trait on.

Anyway what I didn't know was that the state of Indiana was a massive leader of the eugenic philosophy. In 1907 we were the first state to pass a law that legalized the mass sterilization of determined social misfits. Which is horrific to consider but it led to insane amounts of sterilizations of blacks, Hispanics, native Americans which obviously took out generations of people, etc. Sterilization excuses went into the 70's before it was finally eliminated to my understanding.

Anyway, I'm going way too long on the Eugenic popular philosophy that semi originated from Indiana that I had no idea about until my humanities classes in college. But it helps better understand why things seem to be how they are and allows me to be a better problem solver and much better understand why things are.

To me that's my ultimate purpose of teaching history. It's not about indoctrinating a belief, it's all about learning why and how things happened to make us better equipped to be problem identifiers and problem solvers in the current environment that we live in.

Reminds me of the Floyd riots and arguments. I live in the Twin Cities and obviously there were water cooler level arguments vs discussions. For me I went back to my IU humanities classes where the creation of the Black panther party and why was an interesting history lesson and it's all about the feeling and fear of police brutality on the black community. Learned about the Chicago lake shore riot in the early 1900's to the Watt's riot to the Rodney King riot, etc. All of these blow ups are because a society believes a certain about the creation and institution of police roles. That's where we need to help solve a problem. Anyway, my point was basically why were people surprised after an incident that was first publicly reported from the police as a minor incident (which ended up being a blatant CYA public disclosure) only to have the videos of it hit the web.

It was a situation that the community firmly believes they are in and we've seen uprising over this type of situation many times. In other words, why were so many people surprised? As much as I wasn't surprised by some of the responses defending the cop response.

It's historically been presented multiple times.

When are the deep thinking problem solvers going to properly and creatively come up with a remedy to this because, history shows us it will light up again as it has since slavery was outlawed and the share croppers formed the original police forces.

Sorry, way too long of a ramble but to me again, that's the value that history teaches us. How things came to be but leaves myself with the ability to personally judge it from understanding why.
My son is starting his freshman year at the local, progressive public school. His required history course is World History.

I post this to get general discussion about whether this is the right concept of history to be taught to freshman (14-year-olds), and specific discussion about this course, and if it seems geared towards reaching a particular political viewpoint (not Dem v. Rep, but progressive v. anything else).

For me, I think the course description is designed to reach a progressive view of the world (and maybe an illiberal one, at that) and that this is too much historiography and too little actual history for 14-year-olds. Contra the course description, I actually do want my freshman to learn as much about the history of the world as you can pack into 176 days--he and his classmates haven't learned that yet, so they have nothing to "unlearn." I'm already looking for supplementation (if anyone has any they could recommend, that would be great).

Here's the description of the course from the syllabus (all emphasis in the original):


The focus on this course is not to learn as much as we can about as much of the history of the world as we can fit into 176 school days. Rather, this course offers a narrower focus, on that synthesizes select historical periods, themes, and ideas throughout human history in an attempt to craft an argument. Because that's what history is: an argument about the past. And to engage in an earnest study of World History requires us to ask historical questions -- questions to which there are no "answers," only evidence-based arguments.

In World History A, we will explore a number of essential questions that will guide our units of study, both in what we ask you to consume as budding historians (readings, film, art, music, and other modes of expression) and in how we assess you throughout the year. These questions may include:

1. Why and for whom does history matter?
2. How do we know what we know about the world and can we trust it?
3. What are the origins of inequality?
4. To what extend did religions and empires improve human life?
5. How did religion, trade, and empire unify the Old World System?
6. How should the early American empires be remembered? What story should be told about their historical significance?
7. How important was the European Age of Exploration? How much changed as a result?
8. How "enlightening" was the Enlightenment? To what extent did the Haitian Revolution challenge the global order?
9. Is progress inherently good? What were the global impacts of industrialization, imperialism, and nationalism?
10. How and why did liberal democracy decline in Germany after World War I? How and why did the Holocaust happen? Why did war (World War II) break out in the Pacific?
11. How and why did anti-colonial movements succeed in the post-war era?

In answering these questions--and these are just the ones we've come up with; you'll be creating questions of your own!--we will challenge some of our own preconceived notions about the history of the world --to unlearn some of what we have learned in hopes of broadening our perspective, deepening our fund of knowledge, and enhancing our critical thinking skills.


Semester 1

Unit 1: Introduction to World History/Perspectives in World History
Unit 2: Agricultural Revolution
Unit 3: Collective Myths: Empire in the Ancient World
Unit 4: Empires in the Old World
Unit 5: Empire in the Americas

Semester 2

Unit 6: Global System and the Rise of the West
Unit 7: Egalite for all? Enlightenment and Revolution in the Atlantic World
Untie 8: The Paradox of Progress: The Industrial Revolution, Imperialism, and World War I
Unit 9: World War II and the Holocaust
Unit 10: Decolonization Movements

OPRF is lost
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I mentioned centralized Europe as the traditional seat of Roman power. The Byzantium empire (the continuation of the roman empire following the sack of rome), which consisted of Constantinople, was just a regional power for a period of time, getting overrun by the muslims, persians. Justinian was the only emporer who did much--he briefly recaptured Italy, but other than that--a very regional powerhouse.
Correct, generally the Balkans and Anatolia... and later only small holdings and the city itself. Still the Roman Empire, ruled by a Roman Emperor and peopled by Romans.

The term Byzantine was created much later by a historian only to separate classical Roman from later Roman. There was no such thing as the Byzantine Empire at least according to the people who ruled it, fought it, and lived in it.

Mehmed even claimed the Ottomans were the new Romans. Which is why they took the crescent and star as their symbol. Which was the symbol of the city of Constantinople and became the crescent and star now used by Muslims.
You guys aren't thinking big enough. After Justinian, Byzantium became too weak to deal with the Germanic tribes in the West, and the Pope turned to a little known guy named Charlemagne to revive the Western imperium and protect Rome. That imperium lasted well past 1453, until 1806. So really, you can say the Roman Empire didn't truly fall until Napoleon came along.
Not in high school.

Good teachers do provide context.

No public school teacher is teaching that.

I will say, however, it didn't take us long to know Manifest Destiny was mostly crap.

This isn't happening at public schools.
The curriculum cited was high school. It sounds anti american. I am tired of our tax dollars foing to fund discontent for this country.
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You guys aren't thinking big enough. After Justinian, Byzantium became too weak to deal with the Germanic tribes in the West, and the Pope turned to a little known guy named Charlemagne to revive the Western imperium and protect Rome. That imperium lasted well past 1453, until 1806. So really, you can say the Roman Empire didn't truly fall until Napoleon came along.
Some just claim that the Roman Empire became a church.
It’s very simple. Smart people don’t want teachers with an agenda bastardizing their children’s education. People who write self marginalized white men as much as you are precisely the type of teachers we don’t want. Varying viewpoints great. Pushing predilections. No.

It hasn’t registered but Brad doesn’t suffer fools. That’s why he doesn’t respond to you. He is smarter than I. I’m like a woodpecker with you and hickory. Dumb and dumber
Brad is a smart guy. Auburn will be his “Paul on the road to Damascus” moment. It will all become clear to him. His spot on the DREAM TEAM awaits.
My son is starting his freshman year at the local, progressive public school. His required history course is World History.

I post this to get general discussion about whether this is the right concept of history to be taught to freshman (14-year-olds), and specific discussion about this course, and if it seems geared towards reaching a particular political viewpoint (not Dem v. Rep, but progressive v. anything else).

For me, I think the course description is designed to reach a progressive view of the world (and maybe an illiberal one, at that) and that this is too much historiography and too little actual history for 14-year-olds. Contra the course description, I actually do want my freshman to learn as much about the history of the world as you can pack into 176 days--he and his classmates haven't learned that yet, so they have nothing to "unlearn." I'm already looking for supplementation (if anyone has any they could recommend, that would be great).

Here's the description of the course from the syllabus (all emphasis in the original):


The focus on this course is not to learn as much as we can about as much of the history of the world as we can fit into 176 school days. Rather, this course offers a narrower focus, on that synthesizes select historical periods, themes, and ideas throughout human history in an attempt to craft an argument. Because that's what history is: an argument about the past. And to engage in an earnest study of World History requires us to ask historical questions -- questions to which there are no "answers," only evidence-based arguments.

In World History A, we will explore a number of essential questions that will guide our units of study, both in what we ask you to consume as budding historians (readings, film, art, music, and other modes of expression) and in how we assess you throughout the year. These questions may include:

1. Why and for whom does history matter?
2. How do we know what we know about the world and can we trust it?
3. What are the origins of inequality?
4. To what extend did religions and empires improve human life?
5. How did religion, trade, and empire unify the Old World System?
6. How should the early American empires be remembered? What story should be told about their historical significance?
7. How important was the European Age of Exploration? How much changed as a result?
8. How "enlightening" was the Enlightenment? To what extent did the Haitian Revolution challenge the global order?
9. Is progress inherently good? What were the global impacts of industrialization, imperialism, and nationalism?
10. How and why did liberal democracy decline in Germany after World War I? How and why did the Holocaust happen? Why did war (World War II) break out in the Pacific?
11. How and why did anti-colonial movements succeed in the post-war era?

In answering these questions--and these are just the ones we've come up with; you'll be creating questions of your own!--we will challenge some of our own preconceived notions about the history of the world --to unlearn some of what we have learned in hopes of broadening our perspective, deepening our fund of knowledge, and enhancing our critical thinking skills.


Semester 1

Unit 1: Introduction to World History/Perspectives in World History
Unit 2: Agricultural Revolution
Unit 3: Collective Myths: Empire in the Ancient World
Unit 4: Empires in the Old World
Unit 5: Empire in the Americas

Semester 2

Unit 6: Global System and the Rise of the West
Unit 7: Egalite for all? Enlightenment and Revolution in the Atlantic World
Untie 8: The Paradox of Progress: The Industrial Revolution, Imperialism, and World War I
Unit 9: World War II and the Holocaust
Unit 10: Decolonization Movements
Saw this starting in 7th grade with mine and it varies from teacher to teacher. You have to just kind of de-program them at home.
There are deeper complexities at play. Don’t know ask me what, it’s just what I’ve been told.
You have to focus on white folks doing extraordinary things too much if you teach that way. "History is just about a bunch of old white men colonizing everyone, look how horrible they are...." That is the bent that gets put on history because the leftist POV controls academia and academia kicks out our teachers. When you get into a recitation of facts you end up being really Eurocentric because that continent has had a far greater influence on world events than just about any other area.

Did things happen in other areas that shaped regions? Absolutely. Does most of that matter in a larger discussion about the to date bent of history? Not really. When you tie that reality with the modern leftist's worldview, the two cannot mix. So instead it becomes a judgment game where they bend history to their POV. It really is as simple as that.
No you’re projecting with the race issue. Nothing is leaving white men behind. You can’t view data or information objectively bc your opinions are colored by a woke lens that poisons everything you post, think, and likely do. You’re the sub we don’t want teaching our kids.

You can drive them around tho
Can’t you see Bloom coming in to sub for shop class wearing his Ugg boots?
SC, do you think Karl would recognize his teachings of communism if he were to visit China, North Korea, or Cuba ?

Not saying Marx's philosophy had merit, just saying it was too utopian to ever be implemented as dreamed up by him.
The theory totally discounts the overarching primacy of human nature.
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The theory totally discounts the overarching primacy of human nature.

Mass, good point.

Speaking of human nature, can you solve the age old debate for me about whether man is naturally good or evil :) ?
You have to focus on white folks doing extraordinary things too much if you teach that way. "History is just about a bunch of old white men colonizing everyone, look how horrible they are...." That is the bent that gets put on history because the leftist POV controls academia and academia kicks out our teachers. When you get into a recitation of facts you end up being really Eurocentric because that continent has had a far greater influence on world events than just about any other area.

Did things happen in other areas that shaped regions? Absolutely. Does most of that matter in a larger discussion about the to date bent of history? Not really. When you tie that reality with the modern leftist's worldview, the two cannot mix. So instead it becomes a judgment game where they bend history to their POV. It really is as simple as that.
I think it’s worse than this. Teaching western civ and U.S. history today causes a students to detach themselves from the history and traditions that made the US what it is. The detachment has a number of negative consequences including diminishing the importance of natural rights and destruction of a national cohesion.
I think it’s worse than this. Teaching western civ and U.S. history today causes a students to detach themselves from the history and traditions that made the US what it is. The detachment has a number of negative consequences including diminishing the importance of natural rights and destruction of a national cohesion.

Now if we only could agree on what made us great up to this time and should we change anything as we look to the future ?
Now if we only could agree on what made us great up to this time and should we change anything as we look to the future ?
Opportunity drive capitalism initiative courage - the things that drove men to venture west
Coupled with guns germs and Steele shit

The opposite of what this Dem party stands for. Why work hard for the gov to take it and give it to someone else who didn’t take risk etc
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Now if we only could agree on what made us great up to this time and should we change anything as we look to the future ?
Why should there be disagreement about natural rights, consent of the governed, due process etc? The agenda of those who teach and dwell on disagreement are the problem. They are drinking their own piss.
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Why should there be disagreement about natural rights, consent of the governed, due process etc? The agenda of those who teach and dwell on disagreement are the problem. They are drinking their own piss.

My take on natural rights includes the right to have free and independent thought.

Thus by virtue of having independent thought there is bound to be disagreement.

The problem facing us at this point is how do we agree to disagree without drinking our own piss.
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My take on natural rights includes the right to have free and independent thought.

Thus by virtue of having independent thought there is bound to be disagreement.

The problem facing us at this point is how do we agree to disagree without drinking our own piss.
We can’t have a country or a society without common ground to start with. Discussing what that is and the effect it has deserves it’s on thread.
We can’t have a country or a society without common ground to start with. Discussing what that is and the effect it has deserves it’s on thread.

CoH, agree we often ignore the values we share and focus instead on our disagreements.

The way political discourse is handled as can be seen with negative television ads and social media platforms the values we share are getting lost in the shuffle.
Why should there be disagreement about natural rights, consent of the governed, due process etc? The agenda of those who teach and dwell on disagreement are the problem. They are drinking their own piss.

Is there any real disagreement on those aspirations? The discussions should be about how and where we have reached them, and how and where we have not. It seems that many don't want to hear about how and where we have fallen short.
Is there any real disagreement on those aspirations? The discussions should be about how and where we have reached them, and how and where we have not. It seems that many don't want to hear about how and where we have fallen short.
Of course we fall short. A large part of natural rights are aspirational. We will always have tension between natural rights and necessary sovereign authority. I don’t think there is an educational purpose to dwelling on our history of failing short. That doesn’t mean you ignore it because failure is a learning experience. When we teach U S history, the failed articles of confederation are barely mentioned for good reasons. Our human rights progress through history is undeniable, undisputed, and permanent. A big part of doing better is based on a belief we are doing good.
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CoH, how does corporations having the same right of free speech as we the people factor into all this?
I think that whole notion of something is inherently wrong with corporate free speech is pretty ignorant. I agree with reasonable time and place restrictions , I see no sense in a restriction based upon in what capacity a human being is speaking.
My son is starting his freshman year at the local, progressive public school. His required history course is World History.

I post this to get general discussion about whether this is the right concept of history to be taught to freshman (14-year-olds), and specific discussion about this course, and if it seems geared towards reaching a particular political viewpoint (not Dem v. Rep, but progressive v. anything else).

For me, I think the course description is designed to reach a progressive view of the world (and maybe an illiberal one, at that) and that this is too much historiography and too little actual history for 14-year-olds. Contra the course description, I actually do want my freshman to learn as much about the history of the world as you can pack into 176 days--he and his classmates haven't learned that yet, so they have nothing to "unlearn." I'm already looking for supplementation (if anyone has any they could recommend, that would be great).

Here's the description of the course from the syllabus (all emphasis in the original):


The focus on this course is not to learn as much as we can about as much of the history of the world as we can fit into 176 school days. Rather, this course offers a narrower focus, on that synthesizes select historical periods, themes, and ideas throughout human history in an attempt to craft an argument. Because that's what history is: an argument about the past. And to engage in an earnest study of World History requires us to ask historical questions -- questions to which there are no "answers," only evidence-based arguments.

In World History A, we will explore a number of essential questions that will guide our units of study, both in what we ask you to consume as budding historians (readings, film, art, music, and other modes of expression) and in how we assess you throughout the year. These questions may include:

1. Why and for whom does history matter?
2. How do we know what we know about the world and can we trust it?
3. What are the origins of inequality?
4. To what extend did religions and empires improve human life?
5. How did religion, trade, and empire unify the Old World System?
6. How should the early American empires be remembered? What story should be told about their historical significance?
7. How important was the European Age of Exploration? How much changed as a result?
8. How "enlightening" was the Enlightenment? To what extent did the Haitian Revolution challenge the global order?
9. Is progress inherently good? What were the global impacts of industrialization, imperialism, and nationalism?
10. How and why did liberal democracy decline in Germany after World War I? How and why did the Holocaust happen? Why did war (World War II) break out in the Pacific?
11. How and why did anti-colonial movements succeed in the post-war era?

In answering these questions--and these are just the ones we've come up with; you'll be creating questions of your own!--we will challenge some of our own preconceived notions about the history of the world --to unlearn some of what we have learned in hopes of broadening our perspective, deepening our fund of knowledge, and enhancing our critical thinking skills.


Semester 1

Unit 1: Introduction to World History/Perspectives in World History
Unit 2: Agricultural Revolution
Unit 3: Collective Myths: Empire in the Ancient World
Unit 4: Empires in the Old World
Unit 5: Empire in the Americas

Semester 2

Unit 6: Global System and the Rise of the West
Unit 7: Egalite for all? Enlightenment and Revolution in the Atlantic World
Untie 8: The Paradox of Progress: The Industrial Revolution, Imperialism, and World War I
Unit 9: World War II and the Holocaust
Unit 10: Decolonization Movements

partly playing devil's advocate here, but not sure what the gripes are about. the last 600 years of world history have absolutely been dominated by (primarily) Western imperialism/ colonization followed by nationalism/ de-colonization/ rise of the US Empire. Most modern conflicts are still being shaped by these systems. State borders arbitrarily drawn through nations and patronage from outside powers are still wreaking havoc in the ME. Central/ South America still deal with the long shadow the Spanish Empire and the subsequent Communist revolutions. Europe is at war again as Russia tries to push the West off its borders. China, still reacting to imperialism, locked in an Asian Cold War with the US and allies. Dueling economic systems and social contracts. industrialization and post-industrialization. Semester 2 covers all the hits.

the systems of empire aren't pretty. let's not candy coat it for the kiddies.
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Wait, Brad doesn't like rush? Very un Canadian.
Beginning to think he's a Bieber fan.

Justin Bieber Flirt GIF
partly playing devil's advocate here, but not sure what the gripes are about. the last 600 years of world history have absolutely been dominated by (primarily) Western imperialism/ colonization followed by nationalism/ de-colonization/ rise of the US Empire. Most modern conflicts are still being shaped by these systems. State borders arbitrarily drawn through nations and patronage from outside powers are still wreaking havoc in the ME. Central/ South America still deal with the long shadow the Spanish Empire and the subsequent Communist revolutions. Europe is at war again as Russia tries to push the West off its borders. China, still reacting to imperialism, locked in an Asian Cold War with the US and allies. Dueling economic systems and social contracts. industrialization and post-industrialization. Semester 2 covers all the hits.

the systems of empire aren't pretty. let's not candy coat it for the kiddies.
Good devils advocate position. And certainly one view of world history. Why should it take precedence over others, though?

I’d be happier if that were the AP curriculum. The one for 14 year olds should instill historic knowledge, not of “how to make a historical argument” but of the various narratives out there and the known facts.