How do you deal with Islam?

I'd happily eat a ham sandwich in front of them. Don't know how a couple of 17-year-old girls put a 52-year-old man in the hospital, but I'm pretty sure they couldn't do that to me or most of us here.

I don’t know either, but it’s what was reported
Not to minimize the old guy's pain, but if you read the article, they pushed him and scratched his face, then he finished his shift, and only after that, did he go to the hospital and get a note from the doctor excusing him from two days' work.

Anyone here who has ever had employees knows what's up with that.
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Not to minimize the old guy's pain, but if you read the article, they pushed him and scratched his face, then he finished his shift, and only after that, did he go to the hospital and get a note from the doctor excusing him from two days' work.

Anyone here who has ever had employees knows what's up with that.

While I acknowledge your point... the point remains...

They actually are Assad supporters. I mean, that doesn't mean you get to kill civilians, of course, but this isn't just a slaughter of innocents. The Assad loyalists started an uprising.

Meanwhile, the Syrian government condemned any of their own who went too far and attacked civilians, and then also agreed to a crucial deal with the Kurds.

Of course, file all of this under "I'll believe it when I see it." But if this actually pans out, it could be very stabilizing for the region.


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