He's got a point

I don’t see a scenario where we aren’t improved over last season. We return 4 of 5 starters, we return our top 3 players, and we bring in talent.

our floor is by far the highest in a conference where everyone else that was decent finds themselves in rebuild mode.

Worst case scenario: We are marginally better, but with the league being down finish much higher in conference play. I don’t see how we could possibly be worse than a top 3 BT team, which should mean top 25 all season. That’s the floor.

I expect we will be better than that.

With the age and experience of this team, coupled with this no longer being the staff’s rookie year (better learning/system in place), I expect us to be much better, specifically at closing games.
I have never heard of Kyle Boone but read the piece interested in his analysis that brings him to his conclusion.

The sum total of his research and findings is that moving from a 12 seed to #13 (4seed) is quite an ask.

Impressive Analytical Journalism.
The guy literally starts the article off with the admission that he loves to be the shit stirrer. He literally throws it against the wall and then at the end of the year, points to what has stuck and claims victory.

"It brings me no joy so much joy to say "I told ya so."

So who will I inevitably be right about again this year after Monday's release of this season's preseason AP Top 25?"

Honestly I sort of agree. Not sure about unranked but not 13th and I don't think they run away with the BIG like some are saying. 20-30 in the country and 3rd in BIG is probably more realistic. And also would be a huge improvement from a year ago.
First year coach that catches fire at the end of year one, 3 to 4 starters >= age 22, improved guards, etc.

The markers of a really good college team are all there.

If Scoop is really that dude and Kopp can hit a few shots, IU is set.
After brief stints as a glorified secretary and insurance analyst naturally switched to sportswriting without ever having played any sports, but in Tulsa so has his finger on the pulse of collegiate BB. Did I miss anything?

Congratulating himself on pegging KY/UCLA as over-rated last year is lame given they finished the regular season ranked #5/#11 at 26/7 & 25-7 respectively. They both folded in the Tourney but happens every year - one bad game doesn't mean a team is "overrated". Oregon another story so he hit on 1 of 3 - hardly grounds for gloating.
I have never heard of Kyle Boone but read the piece interested in his analysis that brings him to his conclusion.

The sum total of his research and findings is that moving from a 12 seed to #13 (4seed) is quite an ask.

Impressive Analytical Journalism.
I am not saying he is totally wrong, but North Carolina was a 9 seed that is now #1. So the real question are...

Did IU turn a corner and is the team that we saw through the B1G tourney with some very good added pieces? Or are they the team that deserved a 12 seed while also getting beat in the round of 64. I believe they were gassed and are closer to the 13th ranked team.

Is North Carolina the team that piddled around must of the season and barely got in at the end of the season? Or, like IU, did the finally gel earning their way to the title game? In both instances, the teams where under first year HCs. In Indiana's case, it was a completely new system.

Time will tell.
Daniel’s great great great grandson.
You know he is. And I expect nostradumbass flowers from you

I’m on the record as never once rooting against any IU player to be the best version of themselves. Never ever once in my lifetime. I will always root for the best players to play and succeed. Best players = the guys who affect winning the most by playing winning basketball. Sounds obvious, but I want to be clear.
First year coach that catches fire at the end of year one, 3 to 4 starters >= age 22, improved guards, etc.

The markers of a really good college team are all there.

If Scoop is really that dude and Kopp can hit a few shots, IU is set.
Catch fire?
Lol…..they got drilled in their last game.
I know, I know. Everyone was so tired.
First year coach that catches fire at the end of year one, 3 to 4 starters >= age 22, improved guards, etc.

The markers of a really good college team are all there.

If Scoop is really that dude and Kopp can hit a few shots, IU is set.
IU isn't depending on a freshman recruit or a transfer to bring the production they had at their old school.

The hype usually starts with the potential of young talent or a transfer that will be the missing piece. The difference this time is Woody returning 3 seniors that were starters and our top scorers. No mystery with these 3. Add another senior starter to that. We start speculating how good JHS is and run the risk of over-hyping our freshmen. No worries, we still have JG, Bate, Trey and Duncomb as possible improved players.
The difference this time is Woody returning 3 seniors that were starters and our top scorers. No mystery with these 3.
If I was an IU fan I would definitely be excited about the upcoming season, but to suggest that there is no mystery about Davis and your point guard is not very accurate.

Did the light really come on for Davis during the halftime of the Michigan game? Time will tell if he can be consistently dominant. He needs to be for IU to achieve some of the lofty prognostications I read here.

Good luck!
The guy literally starts the article off with the admission that he loves to be the shit stirrer. He literally throws it against the wall and then at the end of the year, points to what has stuck and claims victory.

"It brings me no joy so much joy to say "I told ya so."

So who will I inevitably be right about again this year after Monday's release of this season's preseason AP Top 25?"

North Carolina, Kansas, and Indiana are all bait. Anger drives clicks and he chose 3 of the biggest fan bases to do it. Then he throws in Kentucky as underrated.

He may end up being right with his wild ass guess, but that article is garbage.
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Really going out on a limb there. This dude is an attention seeking whore.
No, I think he has a point, but the team we saw in the BTT was more indicative as to the one we new they could be last season. They had quite a few games where they either should’ve won and didn’t or they could’ve won. I know their overall record was 21-14, but it could’ve easily been 26-9 if they had learned how to finish games. A non fan who didn’t watch every game, like Boone, is mainly going to see them as their record without realizing how many close games they lost that they could’ve and should’ve won.
I'm from the school talk is cheap. I'll wait and see how this team progresses. Looking forward to the season.
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