Harris vs. Trump 2024

You can tell this race is close. All media full on campaigning for their favorite.

Even PBS and NPR have dropped even their usual pretense (pretend pretense?) of even handedness. It's been a non-stop roar by NPR campaigning for Kamala today...

To paraphrase... "Next we bring on a scientist who who voted for Trump in 2020 but will not this time since he says Trump is so dangerous to the country. This man says Kamala's detailed and intelligent plans, to continue growing the economy and improve the security of our borders is what caused him to switch his vote, along with Trump being so threatening. This former Trump supporter feels the more people learn about Kamala and hear her discuss her plans, the stronger her support will be. The interview, next..."

Move to different major networks, tone is like this, "A Kamala adviser laments that the campaign has been too short for voters to get to know the real and wonderful Kamala. That clip right after we dig into whether Trump really did say Mother Teresa was a lying bitch as reportedly overheard at a campaign stop by a former Trump voter."

Checked out CNN, same thing. CNBC and MSNBC of course always. Fox the other way for Trump.
You can tell this race is close. All media full on campaigning for their favorite.

Even PBS and NPR have dropped even their usual pretense (pretend pretense?) of even handedness. It's been a non-stop roar by NPR campaigning for Kamala today...

To paraphrase... "Next we bring on a scientist who who voted for Trump in 2020 but will not this time since he says Trump is so dangerous to the country. This man says Kamala's detailed and intelligent plans, to continue growing the economy and improve the security of our borders is what caused him to switch his vote, along with Trump being so threatening. This former Trump supporter feels the more people learn about Kamala and hear her discuss her plans, the stronger her support will be. The interview, next..."

Move to different major networks, tone is like this, "A Kamala adviser laments that the campaign has been too short for voters to get to know the real and wonderful Kamala. That clip right after we dig into whether Trump really did say Mother Teresa was a lying bitch as reportedly overheard at a campaign stop by a former Trump voter."

Checked out CNN, same thing. CNBC and MSNBC of course always. Fox the other way for Trump.
Neato. Super cool story.
Bloomington 😄

Act of Voter Intimidation

Just wanted to share my experience today around 5:15PM. I voted early off Walnut at the polling station and it was fast and easy. As I went outside to take a selfie of my voting sticker while I was still in front of the building, a man screamed, "If you vote for Harris, you're a [f slur]". There was one other family near me and they also seemed startled, as it looked like they were about to enter the building.
I am guessing this was probably just a frat guy driving by (it all happened so fast and I couldn't see them), but by no means should this be acceptable. I did call the Monroe County Democratic Party headquarters and the chairman gave me a call back (currently playing phone tag), but it's appreciated. I highly doubt they'll be able to find out who did this, but just wanted to let others know what occurred.

Good summary of Trump's scandals below. Almost any of them would have ended the political prospects and political career of any normal person. Trump is not normal and the loyalty of many for Trump is not normal. We're living in a very strange time in US history.

Again half the country isn’t loyal to trump. For many it’s a referendum on the last four years and woke politics. Trump is a man placeholder
Again half the country isn’t loyal to trump. For many it’s a referendum on the last four years and woke politics
I didn't say have the country is loyal to Trump. A significant percent are so loyal that there is absolutely nothing Trump could say or do that will change their complete and total loyalty to him. Others that are voting for him are hoping that someone will restrain his craziness (they say that here). They're gambling. They might be right, but it's not a bet I'd make.
I didn't say have the country is loyal to Trump. A significant percent are so loyal that there is absolutely nothing Trump could say or do that will change their complete and total loyalty to him. Others that are voting for him are hoping that someone will restrain his craziness (they say that here). They're gambling. They might be right, but it's not a bet I'd make.
If that second group is wrong, they lose a lot, too because Trump probably sets the party and the conservative movement back decades.
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I didn't say have the country is loyal to Trump. A significant percent are so loyal that there is absolutely nothing Trump could say or do that will change their complete and total loyalty to him. Others that are voting for him are hoping that someone will restrain his craziness (they say that here). They're gambling. They might be right, but it's not a bet I'd make.
It’s a bet I’ll take any day over what we saw the last four years
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If that second group is wrong, they lose a lot, too because Trump probably sets the party and the conservative movement back decades.
I do think the conservative movement will be set back significantly if Trump wins. A Trump loss is necessary for the party to take a good hard look at itself and make revisions necessary to make it a viable long-term national party. MAGA-Republican party (particularly the culture) is not viable.
I think my predictions were too low. We're winning the popular vote.

Both of these polls would fit in perfectly in my newly created MAGA victory celebration thread. Please feel free to contribute these and any others. We don't want them to get lost in the shuffle amidst this myriad of pages of this Harris vs Trump 2024 general election thread...
Just an interjection regarding the guy in the 2nd tweet...He was part of a 5 person CNN post townhall gaggle of undecided voters. Of the 5, 3 said they were now going to vote for Harris while 2 remain undecided. This guy said something to the effect that he appreciated Harris response to his question (and the effort she made afterwards to speak with him in person...

He is stauchly pro-life,so for him that is a deal breaker and he said he can't vote for her. But he also seems pretty reluctant to vote for Trump as well. I'd say stauch pro-life voters are critical for Trump's chances, so if this guy (and others) end up not voting I'd say that is overall a net positive for Harris...
Well we know the opposite is true of Trump. The intelligent,sensible people who were part of his Admin have all ran away from him as fats as they can. He will undoubtedly fill any second Admin with syncophants and yes men because he needs to have people he knows will back him and support any of the attempts he will make to circumvent the normal process.

As to KH's response regarding intelligent people and studying difficult issues to reach a consensous, I actually think that's the proper balance to strike. It's one of the main issues Cuban cites for why he's supporting her, and the productive discussions he's had with her and her staff. Trump's an idiot, he needs to surround himself with more rational,intelligent people. Not less...

The first tweet from Monroe Harless strikes me as incredibly lacking in self awareness. You're making an issue about people leaving a VP's staff, and at the same time supporting a moron who lost more cabinet members in a single 4 yr term than any POTUS. And unlike the nameless functionaries that nobdy has heard of which populate any VP's staff, these are esteeemed and well known members of a Presidential staff. Some of whom required Senate confirmation to ascend to their positions...
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Seriously dude, that's one of those "Nick Jonson" interviews where he goes around cherry picking to be able to stuff MAGA types into his video...There's a whole cottage industry of these clowns who try to pretend that asking 10 people and utilizing their answers is an anecdotal method of making any realistic determination of anything.

Are we supposed to be shocked that ultra conservative Amish folks believe in the "deep sate" and the ones who are voting are overwhelmingly choosing Trump? On the other hand, water is wet...
Wrong. They have the black book with all the kid diddler clients. They have all the blackmail material that he kept on everyone. The people have a right to know who committed these horrendous crimes and then they need to be tried.

No one gives a shit about a list of people who flew on the plane and maybe visited the island once. Many never committed a crime. Who are the pedos? They know.
You sound as wacko as those Latinos for Trump who attended that roundtable he held in Florida earlier this week. One of the figures seated on stage with Trump referred to Obama and Harris as two of the worst participants in "human trafficking". The other attendees cheered their agreement, while Trump just sat there nodding his approval with that goofy grin on his face...
Our crazed conspiracies cause things like below to happen. Yet some don't care, make up anything if it might help politically

Hell Allan Lichtman and his family are even recieving deat threats. For the first time since he's been making predictions...

Hell Allan Lichtman and his family are even recieving deat threats. For the first time since he's been making predictions...

Two or three of our MAGA posters post as if they hate the guy for merely doing what he does every election. He’s predicted, using his model, Democrats and Republicans as winners. Somehow his model predicting Harris this time is really unpopular with the MAGAs and has at least generated “fighting words.”

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