Hanner's going dancing


Dec 1, 2012
Bradenton Beach FL
For those of you who care, former Hoosier Hanner Mosquera-Perea and his East Tennessee State teamates are in the dance. Seems kind of ironic but there he is. He scored 12 in pretty limited minutes and doesn't look like he's gotten a whole lot better. Wonder if some of his other "former" teammates are headed there too?
For those of you who care, former Hoosier Hanner Mosquera-Perea and his East Tennessee State teamates are in the dance. Seems kind of ironic but there he is. He scored 12 in pretty limited minutes and doesn't look like he's gotten a whole lot better. Wonder if some of his other "former" teammates are headed there too?

Peter Jurkin is on that team as well.
Hanner started every game but Jurkin still doesn't play.
ouch.... that's gotta burn like White Phosphorus.... Good for Hanner... hope he's straightened his life around...
When I looked earlier this year he was averaging about 1 point a game. Crean really had to turn over a lot of stones to find that gem. Much like with Jeramiah April clap clap clap.

We went to watch PJ in high school and I thought he'd be an OK player. At the time he looked to me like he'd be a garbage guy and defender/enforcer (for which Crean seems to have no use) like some of the Lville posts. To me he looked like a better prospect than George Leach, who I also saw play in high school. I really think his injuries hurt his mobility as if anything, he seemed to regress as a player, but i thought he looked much less mobile.
For those of you who care, former Hoosier Hanner Mosquera-Perea and his East Tennessee State teamates are in the dance. Seems kind of ironic but there he is. He scored 12 in pretty limited minutes and doesn't look like he's gotten a whole lot better. Wonder if some of his other "former" teammates are headed there too?

Good for him. Hopefully, they upset someone in the first round.

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