Glad We Didn't Get This Guy!


Hall of Famer
Mar 22, 2017

He sounded like real trouble coming out of high school got a third chance and reverted to form.

Couple the above with the 3 to 5 players (lost track of the actual count) plus one staff member currently suspended and under investigation and they have some real trouble up there.

They've done their best to keep things as quiet as possible but if the press ever does their job they are in for some serious scrutiny as to how they operate up there.

He sounded like real trouble coming out of high school got a third chance and reverted to form.

Couple the above with the 3 to 5 players (lost track of the actual count) plus one staff member currently suspended and under investigation and they have some real trouble up there.

They've done their best to keep things as quiet as possible but if the press ever does their job they are in for some serious scrutiny as to how they operate up there.
One of a coach's prime responsibilities is to avoid putting, or keeping, thugs on campus no matter how well they play. That would include character checks during recruiting and writing and enforcing good sound team rules.
One of a coach's prime responsibilities is to avoid putting, or keeping, thugs on campus no matter how well they play. That would include character checks during recruiting and writing and enforcing good sound team rules.
Please, Travlinhoosier, forgive me for I am just an ignorant hick from Southern Indiana but, what is "a character check" and how does one go about conducting one?
I promise, I'm not looking for an argument. It's just the first time I have ever encountered the term and I'm curious.
“The biggest mistake coaches make is taking borderline cases and trying to save them. I’m not talking about grades now, I’m talking about character. I want to know before a boy enrolls about his home life, and what his parents want him to be.”

Bear Bryant
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References. Family, coach, teachers maybe. It's no guarantee but it should be a decent filter.
Okay, I admit I am not an expert on this subject but, I've never heard of a coach who does't talk to high school coaches, AAU coaches (when appropriate), or go to the recruit's home and meet mom, dad, siblings ...
Okay, I admit I am not an expert on this subject but, I've never heard of a coach who does't talk to high school coaches, AAU coaches (when appropriate), or go to the recruit's home and meet mom, dad, siblings ...
But do they ask all the right questions and pay attention to all the answers?
But do they ask all the right questions and pay attention to all the answers?
Well, that is certainly up to the individual coach and he might be able to get some clues without asking anything -- if he's looking for them.
If he's not asking "the right questions" or paying attention to clues, then he's going to have problems. If he has enough problems, he's going to lose his job.
I guess I have no problem with that system.

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