Franklin, HC at Ped $tate may be in trouble


Hall of Famer
Mar 22, 2017

I've always thought the guy was a weasel...

I'm don't think it would be a good thing for us if they're without him this Fall... I've always thought we had a fighting chance against them as long as he's the HC...

He's been coated in Teflon his entire career there though so maybe he'll last one more season...
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TA is going to end up falling into being HC at PSU.
I'm wondering how many games Allen lasts as the p$u faithful watches their highly rated defense drop to the low-20's... I'm guessing he'll be gone by..., or before..., their 9th game...

This stuff with Franklin might turn out to be even more serious than it seems (for his job retention). Last November he was sitting on a $$$$$$ 64 mil Buyout and it most likely is still hovering in that range... Those interference with the doctors charges might just give p$u exactly the lever they need to dump him "for cause" and avoid the buyout... Could be too much of a potential windfall to ignore...
I'd like to see what more comes out about this because there's a lot of weirdness around this:
  • this doctor is suing Penn State for firing him
  • the situation surrounding the player was because of a suicide attempt and subsequently pulling his position on the team and scholarship not forcing players to play a la Kevin Wilson
  • apparently Franklin and Penn State athletics were dropped from the lawsuit because of a mistake in filing on the doctor's lawyers part
  • one of the allegations is the medical staff weren't allowed to blocking the Nike symbol when taping players but Penn State showed proof that was untrue
I'm not sure the coach who has an almost .700 win% at Penn State, better conference win% than JoePa, 4 top 10 finishes, and 5 NY6 bowl berths is the one we need in charge to have a fighting chance against. PSU can't swing with the big boys but if OSU and Michigan are 1a and 1b, PSU is clear 2. I'd rather have a new coach coming in mid offseason to play against than the established HC.

Would be hilarious to see CTA fall upwards to the head coach position, especially since he has HC experience and Kotelnicki doesn't. If he gets ousted I assume it would go to Terry Smith who has the AHC tag and has been at PSU as long as Franklin has.
The Dr. claimed wrongful termination. Nothing will come of this. Zero. The original case was thrown out.
He is not suing Franklin nor Penn State Athletics, who were dismissed as defendants after the statute of limitations expired in 2020.
A few people posting in this thread seem to be under the impression that we will play PSU this season.
You are correct (and I stand corrected), we won't see them again until 2025... I think that's the 2nd time I've made that error... I guess I really wanted to see them this Fall... 🙄😖

Penn State lost this case and the fired team doctor was awarded $5.25 million.


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