Edey camping in the lane for 14 Seconds and walks - no call

Let’s plant your massive 7’4” 305 pound giant under the bucket, what possible advantage do I have there?
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NCAA Tournament teams will make it a track meet and Edey won’t get 3 steps down the court before a layup or dunk on the other end of the court.
I assume both feet have to leave the lane at the same time? Can’t just straddle the line. This rule is called so rarely I’m not even sure I know the exact rule.
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I assume both feet have to leave the lane at the same time? Can’t just straddle the line. This rule is called so rarely I’m not even sure I know the exact rule.
The is was discussed on main rivals page...
Lifting your foot doesn't count as exiting the lane.
It absolutely does if the other foot is outside the lane. Painter actually reminds the refs of it regularly.

Guess you can have one foot outside lane and lift other one up 3 second resets...
I like Edey (nice kid) but honestly I don't think he's going to scrap in there. If I was the other team, I'd put a goon on him, not to hurt him, but to play some rough Laimbeer ball.

Edit: cant type on a phone or tablet
From the NCAA 2022-23 Men's BBall Rulebook:

Section 9. Three Seconds in the Lane

Art. 1. The three-second lane is the area in the frontcourt that is bounded by and includes the end line, the free-throw lane lines and the free-throw line, and includes such lines.

Art. 2. It is a violation for a player to have any part of the body remain in the three-second lane for more than three consecutive seconds while the ball is in control of that player’s team in his frontcourt.

a. The three-second violation rule is not in effect when a team is in control of the ball for a throw-in.

Art. 3. The three-second count is suspended when a player who, having been in the three-second lane for less than three seconds, dribbles or moves in immediately to try for field goal. The player shall not pass the ball instead of trying for goal. In this case, it is a violation when a player exceeds three seconds in the lane and there is no try for goal.


Three-Second Violation: Appendix V, Major Rule Differences

NFHS - Both feet must be placed on the court outside the free-throw lane to avoid a three-second violation.

NCAA: Men – Same as NFHS. Women – Both feet must be placed on the court outside the free-throw lane to avoid a three-second violation
Other schools student sections should start counting every time Edey gets in the lane in the NCAA Tournament.

Like most fans, the twitter guys doesn't understand 3 seconds. He was not in there for 14 seconds because when a shot is attempted, 3 seconds is reset. Further, you do not have definitively every single part of your body out of the lane - that is not how the game is called.

From what I saw, he was in there for about 7 seconds, so obviously he is in there too long and it should have been called. But it was nowhere near 14 seconds.
Like most fans, the twitter guys doesn't understand 3 seconds. He was not in there for 14 seconds because when a shot is attempted, 3 seconds is reset. Further, you do not have definitively every single part of your body out of the lane - that is not how the game is called.

From what I saw, he was in there for about 7 seconds, so obviously he is in there too long and it should have been called. But it was nowhere near 14 seconds.
Plus, it's not exactly an unknown among refs (and fans, announcers, coaches, players, etc...) that Edey camps. Even in that clip, the announcer (maybe Bardo) says "Edey's camping in the lane", and then he proceeds to stay in there another several seconds. For whatever reason, refs have decided to ignore this with Edey (similar to how they do with stepping across the baseline when inbounding a ball). I think it's because of Painters continual whining about all the fouls they miss on Edey. I know if I was an opposing Coach, I'd ask the refs before the game if they are enforcing it or its a point of emphasis (to ignore) and say that we noticed in film review how often he camps in the lane, just to put it in their mind and find out if they are ignoring it for some reason. If I was guarding him, I'd be yelling and counting as soon as I noticed he was camping again. Hard enough to guard him anyway, let alone if they are taking away one of your advantages.
Plus, it's not exactly an unknown among refs (and fans, announcers, coaches, players, etc...) that Edey camps. Even in that clip, the announcer (maybe Bardo) says "Edey's camping in the lane", and then he proceeds to stay in there another several seconds. For whatever reason, refs have decided to ignore this with Edey (similar to how they do with stepping across the baseline when inbounding a ball). I think it's because of Painters continual whining about all the fouls they miss on Edey. I know if I was an opposing Coach, I'd ask the refs before the game if they are enforcing it or its a point of emphasis (to ignore) and say that we noticed in film review how often he camps in the lane, just to put it in their mind and find out if they are ignoring it for some reason. If I was guarding him, I'd be yelling and counting as soon as I noticed he was camping again. Hard enough to guard him anyway, let alone if they are taking away one of your advantages.
It was Grant Hill who was probably calling his first Purdue game of the entire year. Someone like Bardo who has seen Edey 10-15 times this year is probably immune to it by now, but when you have a partisan announcer noticing it, it says something.
Plus, it's not exactly an unknown among refs (and fans, announcers, coaches, players, etc...) that Edey camps. Even in that clip, the announcer (maybe Bardo) says "Edey's camping in the lane", and then he proceeds to stay in there another several seconds. For whatever reason, refs have decided to ignore this with Edey (similar to how they do with stepping across the baseline when inbounding a ball). I think it's because of Painters continual whining about all the fouls they miss on Edey. I know if I was an opposing Coach, I'd ask the refs before the game if they are enforcing it or its a point of emphasis (to ignore) and say that we noticed in film review how often he camps in the lane, just to put it in their mind and find out if they are ignoring it for some reason. If I was guarding him, I'd be yelling and counting as soon as I noticed he was camping again. Hard enough to guard him anyway, let alone if they are taking away one of your advantages.

1. In terms of calling 3 seconds, the lead official (the guy on the endline) is responsible. That guy's primary area is the paint, so he is watchin activity in the paint where it is off-ball, as well as activity in the paint that is not a drive. So it is often difficult to focus on 3 seconds when you are watching everything that happens in the paint.

2. An inbounder can absolutely run back/forth after a made basket, even if there is a timeout after the made basket. Further, when there is NOT a made basket, the inbounder can move left/right and forward/backwards up to two feet.
1. In terms of calling 3 seconds, the lead official (the guy on the endline) is responsible. That guy's primary area is the paint, so he is watchin activity in the paint where it is off-ball, as well as activity in the paint that is not a drive. So it is often difficult to focus on 3 seconds when you are watching everything that happens in the paint.

2. An inbounder can absolutely run back/forth after a made basket, even if there is a timeout after the made basket. Further, when there is NOT a made basket, the inbounder can move left/right and forward/backwards up to two feet.
#1, I agree it's not an easy call to monitor as it's often happening away from action and contact, BUT, it seems it would be easier to notice when the guy is 7'4" and 300+. #2, I was just saying that there are rules that don't get enforced as much (ie. stepping over the inbounds line as someone is inbounding the ball; not running back and forth). But, stepping across is rarely called and TJD is such a bad offender I'd get after him if I was CMW because I don't want to see it called needlessly. My point was, that it is rarely called, as is 3 seconds and fouls in general, on Edey.
It was Grant Hill who was probably calling his first Purdue game of the entire year. Someone like Bardo who has seen Edey 10-15 times this year is probably immune to it by now, but when you have a partisan announcer noticing it, it says something.
I think you meant nonpartisan announcer. Grant Hill was not pulling for either team.
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That was a miss. The appropriate instruments for you uguys would be a washboard, five gallon pickle bucket, a XX jug, a banjo and some coonskin caps.

I sometimes do enjoy dressing in that attire, I can admit. Especially when attending a Ricky Skaggs or Billy Strings event.
Goddamn, you are so unfunny
I thought you weren't a troll that made substantive posts. I could be wrong, but the only posts I've ever seen you make are going after other posters and name-calling: it's almost like you get off from it and have no other life purpose, lol. You are a loser.

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