McCollom is this year's MVC coach that is going to step up a level. I just really hope it isn't at Indiana. I get it that he did well at the D2 level. I get it that he was able to get lots of MVC wins this year. I watched a few of them. Stirtz is their difference maker. When they have nothing working, he makes plays. They won close games against really bad teams like good coaches do. Can he eventually figure out major college basketball...probably. Will there be lots of growing pains...yes.
Here is another analogy. Trent Sisley was an excellent player at the smaller high school level. He would have scored a crazy # of points this year if he had stayed. The #'s would probably blow you away because he would have dominated. Instead of doing that, he leveled up before entering major college basketball. Why did he do that? He knew that it would help his transition to playing at a P5. Coyle did a good job interviewing him, his Montverde coach, and dad. It was clear that he made the wise choice of developing at a higher level this year. He practiced against D1 players all season and in every practice. Everyone knows he will be a better player next year at IU because of this.
On the flip side, BM stayed at the lower levels of coaching and did amazing. He is still playing at a lower level and doing very well. However, just like with Trent, leveling up a little bit at a time would really benefit him before going to the P5 level. Is IU a blue blood program? If they hire BM, it will show that they are not. IU would show the it's just another school with old banners.
IU needs a HUGE boost in order to do a 180 as a program. You need a guy that knows how to prepare and win at a major college Championship level. Chris Beard...Jay Wright...Stevens or just hope that change means improvement.
Is UK, UNC and Duke blue bloods?
None of them hired Beard, Wright or Stevens, so I guess they aren't blue bloods.
If IU hires BM and he comes here and kills it, will IU get you to reinstall their blue blood status?