Dukes of MAGA 😂

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Now that you say that, I think we played it that way too.
A quick text to the HS friends group chat shows that I was mixed up. Had to be below the punchee's waist, and below the puncher's shoulders. The below the shoulder rule came about because every time Tommy R got tackled, he'd throw the sign while he was on the ground and claim he could nut punch everyone around him.
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I quick text to the HS friends group chat shows that I was mixed up. Had to below the punchee's waist, and below the puncher's shoulders. The below the shoulder rule came about because every time Tommy R got tackled, he'd throw the sign while he was on the ground and claim he could nut punch everyone around him.
We didn't punch nuts which is barbarous. We punched arms.

Also, in school loved to play a game where one guy would hold a pencil between his forefinger and thumb, parallel to the floor. Other guy took his pencil and tried to break the held pencil. If he broke it, he got to whack the other guy across the knuckles as hard as possible with his pencil. If he didn't, you switched and the other guy got a shot.

Pencil whacks on the knuckles hurt. Very much.
We didn't punch nuts which is barbarous. We punched arms.

Also, in school loved to play a game where one guy would hold a pencil between his forefinger and thumb, parallel to the floor. Other guy took his pencil and tried to break the held pencil. If he broke it, he got to whack the other guy across the knuckles as hard as possible with his pencil. If he didn't, you switched and the other guy got a shot.

Pencil whacks on the knuckles hurt. Very much.
#farmkidtuff #childless50yearolds

We couldn't afford to be breaking no pencils. We mostly got 1 before school started and then another in your Christmas stocking along with the single scurvy orange from a Florida trip someone's rich family member took. They'd bring back a case of Florida's finest and pass them out at a rate of 1/kid.

Throwing the pound sign with your hand was an arm punch to the person who looked. Same rules as the OK sign.


You had to "wipe it off" though or you got punched in the arm twice by the person who had the punch lingering on their arm.