Doyel: Crean denies Interest

Doyel is now saying that Missouri wants Gregg Marshall not Tom Crean. He is pulling out all the stops.
This would normally be when surf board Fred comes out and says Crean in the guy for the future. So far crickets.

Athletics Director Fred Glass declined an interview request with IndyStar on Wednesday, though his support for Crean through past episodes of rockiness with Indiana's fan base has been sturdy and well-documented.
The most important line in that piece is the last one.

Athletics Director Fred Glass declined an interview request with IndyStar on Wednesday, though his support for Crean through past episodes of rockiness with Indiana's fan base has been sturdy and well-documented.
His support for Crean in the past very much has been sturdy and well-documented -- which makes his silence in the present case deafening.
Of course Crean's going to deny interest now. After today's loss, things will get interesting very quickly.
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Of course Crean's going to deny interest now. After today's loss, things will get interesting very quickly.
Ok. I don't post rumors. I know the assistant Strategic communications director at mizzu. There is, right now, no truth to the Crean hire there. Take it for what it's worth. This is not sarcasm. He was a student of mine. No news on his end
Doyel is an ass hat. A few years ago, when he was relatively new to the Indy Star, he was extremely critical of Crean, even suggesting it was time to pull the plug, during the 2014-15 season. Now, he is acting as if the fanbase has lost its collective mind because we have the audacity to want more than zero trips to the Elite Eight since 2002.

He is working in a failing industry and plays the whore to get attention to the paper.
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It is funny how Doyel thinks he is onto some big breaking news here! Doyel is a legend only in his own head.
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Doyel is an ass hat. A few years ago, when he was relatively new to the Indy Star, he was extremely critical of Crean, even suggesting it was time to pull the plug, during the 2014-15 season. Now, he is acting as if the fanbase has lost its collective mind because we have the audacity to want more than zero trips to the Elite Eight since 2002.

He is working in a failing industry and plays the whore to get attention to the paper.
I do not read him. It is all nonsense and I suspect five years from now he will not have a job because nobody reads the newspaper anyone. Well at least he will be able to follow his boy Tom around 24/7 at that point.
Really, though, what would you expect Crean to say at this point? He still has a team that has at least one more game to play. Plus, he has contractual matters to consider as well.
Ok. I don't post rumors. I know the assistant Strategic communications director at mizzu. There is, right now, no truth to the Crean hire there. Take it for what it's worth. This is not sarcasm. He was a student of mine. No news on his end

No hire will be made until an interview happens. Glass will have to approve that interview. MIZZOU will request it the day after IU loses. No source.
It'd go over real smooth if 3 hours before his last game at IU Crean would say he's talking to Mizzou.

Of course he's going to deny anything until IUs done playing.

It's stupid to even ask the question as there is no coach in the world that would admit it's true while he still has games left.
No hire will be made until an interview happens. Glass will have to approve that interview. MIZZOU will request it the day after IU loses. No source.

But if/when we make the NIT, do they wait for that to be over too? Or just the Big 10 tourney?
Since no one else has mentioned this: what else would TC say right before a game?

Doyle sent me a tweet that said and I quote: I agree with your points that the team and fans are disconnected from TC, but that "recruiting is just fine"

Let that sink in.
Doyle sent me a tweet that said and I quote: I agree with your points that the team and fans are disconnected from TC, but that "recruiting is just fine"

Let that sink in.
Well at least he responded to you. He blocked me because he did not like my comment. The guy is still on the tom crean apology tour and he is never going to say that a new coach is needed. Never.
Yes but Marshall turned Missouri down 3 years ago & he would have to take a pay cut to go there.

Marshall isn't going to freaking Mizzou.

He didn't kick this much ass at Wichita to end up at Mizzou.

Indiana is the kind of job he wants, I bet. Or at least I hope that's the case. I'd like to think we're still a top 10 job.
Doyel is an ass hat. A few years ago, when he was relatively new to the Indy Star, he was extremely critical of Crean, even suggesting it was time to pull the plug, during the 2014-15 season. Now, he is acting as if the fanbase has lost its collective mind because we have the audacity to want more than zero trips to the Elite Eight since 2002.

He is working in a failing industry and plays the whore to get attention to the paper.
I would be willing to bet that both he and the Star got a call from IU after he wrote the fire Crean article a while back. He's watching his back... no way he's 100% behind what he says and writes. It's part of his job I guess.
I would be willing to bet that both he and the Star got a call from IU after he wrote the fire Crean article a while back. He's watching his back... no way he's 100% behind what he says and writes. It's part of his job I guess.

He even admits that he's a little....zany?
Part of me just wants Crean fired just so Doyel looks like a complete fool. The new coach should ban him for the press conferences!
No, he should be front and center and new coach takes zero questions from him. Dorklye would end up being Arnold Horshack..
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Ok Dorkyel, Im ready baby!
Looks like I just missed Bob Kravitz on JMV. That must have been a good old fashioned Kool Aid fest for Tommy boy.
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Give Farley a Diet Coke and a tablecloth red checkered shirt and he's a dead ringer.
Marshall is not going to football school Mizzou. IU needs to not miss out on the next great coach at IU. Tubby got fired at Kentucky and he won a National Title!
Looks like I just missed Bob Kravitz on JMV. That must have been a good old fashioned Kool Aid fest for Tommy boy.
Listened to it and Kravitz said he sees no way that Crean won't be back. He said he talked to Crean and he sad he is happy at IU and that he has thick skin and doesn't worry about what people are saying.
Listened to it and Kravitz said he sees no way that Crean won't be back. He said he talked to Crean and he sad he is happy at IU and that he has thick skin and doesn't worry about what people are saying.
Not really sure there is any news here. Coaches are never going to say they want out publicly. At some point, Glass has to make a decision. Does he retain Crean and extend his contract or does he tell Crean that he is going to make the change. I don't see how they can continue under the status quo. Rumors will strengthen if they do not extend Crean and recruiting will be more difficult. I just don't see how fans will accept extending Crean when they look at the body of work over 9 years and when they examine what next year is shaping up to be but Glass can override all of that by offering an extension.