Don’t understand the Purdue fans joy

You must be in a state of depression being an IU fan, can't win nothing, hell can not even make it to the tournament! Purdue did not lose by 30 because they have Edey, TRUE, but they still played in the Finals! Now Image IU without Bob Knight, wait, we already know, they are second tier BT Team! FACT! Yes Purdue fans are proud of their team!
Branch McCracken won at IU
pu has never won with anybody
I’ve seen several Purdue fans stating it was a great year and amazing ride. I don’t understand the joy. This was the #1 team for nearly all of the last two years and had the national player of the year as well. They got beat pretty badly the last 25 minutes of the championship game. They were outclassed, out coached. They lose by 30 if not for Edey. They could hardly get a shot off in the 2nd half. Doesn’t seem joyous to me.

How many Purdue threads are you going to start? Please STFU
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I guess if you are the #1 team two straight years and have the #1 player it’s OK to get blown out in the 2nd half of the championship game. Marv Levy / Buffalo Bills mentality
If you’ve never won it, like the Bills and Purdue, you don’t expect to win it, so you and your fans can look at the season as a success. When IU was peaking in the 70’s, 80’s, and early 90’s, the team and fans expected to win the title every year.

This is one of the reasons why IU fans are so neurotic. Too many of us of a certain age still have those expectations lingering in our psyche and it makes us miserable to see what’s happening now. Purdue fans will be content just to have a good season (B10 champs/Sweet 16). I remember hearing Robbie Hummel say, after they finally made the FF, that it didn’t matter at this point if Purdue won it all. I was like, WTF?
I guess I’m wrong. Last week every news article was about how great Purdue is and can’t be stopped. For some reason I thought Purdue returned their entire team from the previous season and had the best team in America (per Tom Izzo) this year. I thought UConn lost 4 key guys from the previous year? Am I missing something- how is second place acceptable? They are no greater a team than San Diego St
A good year but nothing great. Aren’t #1 seed’s supposed to get to the final 4 ? NC St has reason to celebrate
Only one winner every year!
Everyone else is a loser.
That’s competitive athletics.
No participation trophies.
Only IU fans remember the 2002 tourney. As time moves on, all this will fade for Purdue because the winner is who people talk about, never the runner up. Calipari actually won a NC and the Kentucky mouth breathers are dancing in the streets that he is gone because he hasn’t done anything since.
The storyline always is about who took the crown. All the other pieces just fall to the background.
A whole host of teams in the conference have been in the final game prior to Purdue and lost. It’s not unprecedented. Hell, Illinois damn near won it and would have done so undefeated.
All this stuff, it all fades. Only the winner remains.
Branch McCracken won at IU
pu has never won with anybody
Even Mike Davis beat Purdue like a drum and got to the same level.
It stings for them right now, as it would for any fan. It disappears with time and in the end, the story is all about what UCONN has done the past two years.
I’ve seen several Purdue fans stating it was a great year and amazing ride. I don’t understand the joy. This was the #1 team for nearly all of the last two years and had the national player of the year as well. They got beat pretty badly the last 25 minutes of the championship game. They were outclassed, out coached. They lose by 30 if not for Edey. They could hardly get a shot off in the 2nd half. Doesn’t seem joyous to me.
I’m flying from my home in Las Vegas today to Florida. Spoke to a guy wearing puke grab at airport. He was so salty when I asked about the game. I just laughed and since he was rude I told him to get use to it as it’s their new norm
I guess I’m wrong. Last week every news article was about how great Purdue is and can’t be stopped. For some reason I thought Purdue returned their entire team from the previous season and had the best team in America (per Tom Izzo) this year. I thought UConn lost 4 key guys from the previous year? Am I missing something- how is second place acceptable? They are no greater a team than San Diego St
The media and officiating rallied around the Purdue redemption story while Purdue players said they were playing to silence haters. Painter filled the kids’ heads with a fantasy, and reality made a hard landing last night.
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The media and officiating rallied around the Purdue redemption story while Purdue players said they were playing to silence haters. Painter filled the kids’ heads with a fantasy, and reality made a hard landing last night.
I feel it's a very similar situation to Iowa's women. They were a average-to-decent team with one freakish player that overshadowed everything else. They were talked about in the media and among themselves as being a team of destiny, this was their year, they could taste the championship. Then they finally ran into a team that was better and had a plan to deal with their freak.

Painter should have used Iowa's women as a cautionary talking point in the locker room, and as a reality check for himself. Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. But no champion wins it on "destiny" or because they have a player who is a media darling.

I saw Hurley screaming at his team "Finish! Finish!" when the game was almost certainly already won. But he would not take that for granted.