Do we give China the benefit of the doubt

I doubt we do. A GPS built by a Chinese company can be exploited to track vehicles and cut their engines.

Cybersecurity startup BitSight said it found six vulnerabilities in the MV720, a hardwired GPS tracker built by MiCODUS, a Shenzhen-based electronics maker, which claims more than 1.5 million GPS trackers in use today across more than 420,000 customers worldwide, including companies with fleets of vehicles, law enforcement agencies, militaries and national governments. BitSight said in its report that it also found the GPS trackers used by Fortune 50 companies and a nuclear power plant operator.​
The most severe flaw is a hardcoded password that can be used to gain complete control of any GPS tracker, access to vehicles’ real-time location and past routes, and remotely cut off fuel to vehicles. Because the password is embedded directly into the code of the Android app, anyone can dig around the code and find it.​
Fortunately, the article says the US is not a particularly big customer, just in the "thousands". But militaries, law enforcement, and nuclear plants, should not use code built overseas unless there is no possible exception.

we're also getting all our telecom networks components and chips from China.

so are there any US communications they don't have access to?
talk about inflation. aye aye aye. the cost for everyday items would go through the roof. there's a price to pay for safer work places, cleaner air & water, workers with health insurance, workers who can sue their employers, etc x 1000.

keep the lies after lies after lies and false propaganda coming.

yes, some things might go up very slightly, but labor is a smaller and smaller price factor in most things anymore, especially with more and more automation and robotics every day.

for the country and the economy and the citizenry, the pluses would far outweigh any negatives.

as for healthcare costs, all citizens need healthcare regardless of if they work for a repatriated electronics manufacturer or McDonalds, so we'll have that healthcare cost regardless..

why we need a Medicare For All type universal system like the rest of the industrialized world, where we can cover everyone for half the per capita rate we now are paying, and so health care costs no longer will factor in to offshoreing or staffing or hours decisions anymore for employers, or health coverage factoring in for employees on where they work, or if they want to go out on their own and start a business.
I am Chinese. So does that mean I am a communist and therefore a dick?

You really are quite a simple-minded crustacean.
Comprehension, Separate questions but being a simple minded toad apparently above your level of understanding.
yes, some things might go up very slightly, but labor is a smaller and smaller price factor in most things anymore, especially with more and more automation and robotics every day.

slightly? lol

drug mules would switch to smuggling cheaper home goods over the border. sounds like a party.

Yeah, it is a security issue. **** China, we should be extricating ourselves from them.

On paper, it looked like a fantastic deal. In 2017, the Chinese government was offering to spend $100 million to build an ornate Chinese garden at the National Arboretum in Washington DC. Complete with temples, pavilions and a 70-foot white pagoda, the project thrilled local officials, who hoped it would attract thousands of tourists every year.
But when US counterintelligence officials began digging into the details, they found numerous red flags. The pagoda, they noted, would have been strategically placed on one of the highest points in Washington DC, just two miles from the US Capitol, a perfect spot for signals intelligence collection, multiple sources familiar with the episode told CNN.
Also alarming was that Chinese officials wanted to build the pagoda with materials shipped to the US in diplomatic pouches, which US Customs officials are barred from examining, the sources said.

Among the most alarming things the FBI uncovered pertains to Chinese-made Huawei equipment atop cell towers near US military bases in the rural Midwest. According to multiple sources familiar with the matter, the FBI determined the equipment was capable of capturing and disrupting highly restricted Defense Department communications, including those used by US Strategic Command, which oversees the country’s nuclear weapons.
…multiple sources familiar with the investigation tell CNN that there’s no question the Huawei equipment has the ability to intercept not only commercial cell traffic but also the highly restricted airwaves used by the military and disrupt critical US Strategic Command communications, giving the Chinese government a potential window into America’s nuclear arsenal.
“This gets into some of the most sensitive things we do,” said one former FBI official with knowledge of the investigation. “It would impact our ability for essentially command and control with the nuclear triad. “That goes into the ‘BFD’ category.”…
Former officials described the probe’s findings as a watershed moment. The investigation was so secret that some senior policymakers in the White House and elsewhere in government weren’t briefed on its existence until 2019, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

how does the saying go?

"the oldest trick in the book".

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