Diversity Equity Inclusion

I don't know, Barkley's NBA success and the fact he is still very visible gives him credibility on the issue. Believe me, that is hard for me to type as watching Barkley on March Madness it is hard to believe he is ever right about anything.

I think he, or Jordan, saying "I played with guys better than any of you will ever be that couldn't make the NBA" would resonate at least a little.

Of course he has credibility, but he's thought of first and foremost as an Athlete, same as MJ, even though Jordan's business empire is incredibly impressive and successful.

My point is, if you want kids to look up to others than athletes, why have a bunch of athletes delivering that message? It's confusing.
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I don't know, Barkley's NBA success and the fact he is still very visible gives him credibility on the issue. Believe me, that is hard for me to type as watching Barkley on March Madness it is hard to believe he is ever right about anything.

I think he, or Jordan, saying "I played with guys better than any of you will ever be that couldn't make the NBA" would resonate at least a little.

I think eliminating scholarships and academic preference would help. Right now kids can see having a jump shot opens doors, and focus on that. If that stopped being true, if the only way to play ball in college is to have decent grades, priorities should adjust.

One thing Michael Lewis' book on the creation of the kids sports financial explosion spoke about is how this is happening in the Carmel's too. Become a lacrosse star and you will get into Harvard with a lower GPA than non-athletes. Grades stop mattering as much even in a Carmel. If you want to go to an elite school, athletics is the surest route. And we as a country are spending way, way, way, way too much trying to take advantage. It isn't just the financial aid, Varsity Blues had nothing to do with financial aid. It's getting past the gatekeepers.

Eliminate athletic preferences. Eliminate scholarships. Stop rewarding kids that don't do homework in favor of practice.
I had a scholarship to UCLA and countless others but couldn’t get admitted. Bending admissions rules I’m sure is prevalent in revenue sports but far less so in left handed sports, which are the majority of college athletes. Most schools aren’t bending the admissions rules for a sport that draws 500 fans
I support dropping all athletic scholarships, everywhere. So yes, that would also mean eliminating athletic preference. I want sports back to the best students at a school try out and make the team.

Barkley of all people has had some good quotes. Here he says he never talks to Black kids about being pro athletes, that is like talking to them about winning the lottery.

He also talks about how when he visits Black schools, all the kids want to be pro athletes. When he goes to White schools, he seldom heard kids saying they want to be pro athletes.

  • "I do this science experiment when I am in school. Let's say I am in a White school, I say 'how many want to play pro sports?' Less than 10% raise their hand. 'I wanna be a doctor, I wanna be a lawyer, I wanna be an engineer'. When I speak at Black schools, 90% of the kids want to play sports. 90%. There's a couple that wanna be doctors, which makes me proud, but 90% of the kids when I speak in Black schools... Our kids are brainwashed if they think they can only play sports or be entertainers. You have a better chance of being a doctor than being in the NBA."

That is the paradigm we have to change. A whole lot of our education problem comes from valuing the jump shot FAR more than the test.
I'm not sure i support the idea of dropping all athletic scholarships. There are so many kids that sports provided the motivation for them to become something great in something other than sports. athletic scholarships were a catalyst and integral to that process. i'm not sure we should be treating revenue and nonrevenue sports the same. i'm not a fan of nil and the rest either. but i still believe college athletics and scholarships are a net positive
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I'm not sure i support the idea of dropping all athletic scholarships. There are so many kids that sports provided the motivation for them to become something great in something other than sports. athletic scholarships were a catalyst and integral to that process. i'm not sure we should be treating revenue and nonrevenue sports the same. i'm not a fan of nil and the rest either. but i still believe college athletics and scholarships are a net positive

Sports offers a lot, the value of work and teamwork. That means sport is worth it, even without the pipe dream of college scholarships. How many kids that play high school football ever play in college? It's similar to the lottery, and a whole lot of money is spent trying to win it. Frankly some parently are spending more than they would on college. Once I read Lewis' book talking about $10,000 a season volleyball teams, wow.

The thing is I didn't know band kids in my youth. But I had two daughters do band. Those kids also learn the value of hard work and teamwork. No one gives them full-ride, NIL, lower acceptance scores.

A whole lot of people are wed to the "my kid can beat up your honor roll student" mythos.

Here is an article about parents who push their kids to be their best in athletics, but not in academics. AEI is center-right:

We seem to have our priorities backwards. I suspect in schools, in papers and social media, a good high school basketball team gets more positive mentions than the champion science olympiad team.
I had a scholarship to UCLA and countless others but couldn’t get admitted. Bending admissions rules I’m sure is prevalent in revenue sports but far less so in left handed sports, which are the majority of college athletes. Most schools aren’t bending the admissions rules for a sport that draws 500 fans

Varsity Blues was about bending admittance rules in left-handed sports. No one is going to waste a football scholarship at USC. But rowing, fencing, etc? Sure,
Sports offers a lot, the value of work and teamwork. That means sport is worth it, even without the pipe dream of college scholarships. How many kids that play high school football ever play in college? It's similar to the lottery, and a whole lot of money is spent trying to win it. Frankly some parently are spending more than they would on college. Once I read Lewis' book talking about $10,000 a season volleyball teams, wow.

The thing is I didn't know band kids in my youth. But I had two daughters do band. Those kids also learn the value of hard work and teamwork. No one gives them full-ride, NIL, lower acceptance scores.

A whole lot of people are wed to the "my kid can beat up your honor roll student" mythos.

Here is an article about parents who push their kids to be their best in athletics, but not in academics. AEI is center-right:

We seem to have our priorities backwards. I suspect in schools, in papers and social media, a good high school basketball team gets more positive mentions than the champion science olympiad team.
agreed on all fronts. but i think sports offer more than just the value of work and teamwork for many. they offer the motivation and excuse to do things they may not otherwise do. i would have never graduated from college but for playing a sport. i can say that holds true for probably half of my teammates. hundreds of thousands of kids throughout the years. but again i agree with what you write
Varsity Blues was about bending admittance rules in left-handed sports. No one is going to waste a football scholarship at USC. But rowing, fencing, etc? Sure,
i've not seen it. but i can tell you from personal experience there were no admission rules bent for me. i have a folder somewhere with all of my rejection letters. maybe times are different today. i don't know.
We can not if you keep blocking the way.
Who is blocking you and how? I actually have been in hiring position and can tell you that in interviews the only color that matters is green. If there is any pressure to hire based on color, it is in your favor.

Are racists out there? Invariably. However, it isn't in nearly the numbers you are indicating. You are completely capable of being as successful as any other person if you go out and make it happen. You have the ability to make sure your kids are in that position. Honestly, more than anything in life, being white isn't winning the lotto anymore, it is being born into a family of responsible parents no matter their color and then hopefully making the right decisions from there.

I see that difference in my own family from comparing myself and siblings to some of my cousins. Parents matter.
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I know that is rhetorical, and obviously I cannot speak for Black families. But I theorize they don't trust the system. I know in my poor neighborhood I always heard the rich people didn't want us to succeed. It was gospel they actively wanted to keep us down.
I believe a lot of it is the people who want to succeed are held back by their family or peer group.

It's hard to break away from a way of life. And when you have to fight anyway, to get ahead, many just find it easier to fall back to a way of life they know.

Their family and peer groups encourage them if they're athletes or musicians or entertainers. Academics not so much.

Addendum: This also holds true for other ethnic groups - poor whites are held back just as much by their peer group. Conversely, Asians are pressured by their peer groups to succeed.
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I believe a lot of it is the people who want to succeed are held back by their family or peer group.

It's hard to break away from a way of life. And when you have to fight anyway, to get ahead, many just find it easier to fall back to a way of life they know.

Their family and peer groups encourage them if they're athletes or musicians or entertainers. Academics not so much.

Addendum: This also holds true for other ethnic groups - poor whites are held back just as much by their peer group. Conversely, Asians are pressured by their peer groups to succeed.
peer groups are incredibly important. in ways more impt than parents
You have an education, why aren’t you rich?

peer groups are incredibly important. in ways more impt than parents
My family on both sides are farmers. My dad's side had no use for education. Neither did my maternal grandfather, really, but my maternal grandmother encouraged education and my mom got her degree and became a teacher. My dad - a HS dropout - encouraged education, because he saw how hard life was without it.

But most of the kids in my class thought those of us who went to college were uppity and were resentful. I realize that now, but it was hard to fight at the time.

My parents were the big difference for me.
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My family on both sides are farmers. My dad's side had no use for education. Neither did my maternal grandfather, really, but my maternal grandmother encouraged education and my mom got her degree and became a teacher. My dad - a HS dropout - encouraged education, because he saw how hard life was without it.

But most of the kids in my class thought those of us when went to college were uppity and were resentful. I realize that now, but it was hard to fight at the time.

My parents were the big difference for me.
Love this. It's those qualities we seek in Dream Team members. That balance of street smarts and academics. It's why our record is what it is.

Parents definitely make a difference but so too do peers. that's why it's such a struggle for kids in marginalized communities to get ahead. when your peers are getting ready for college, taking visits, talking about schools, you naturally want to as well. when that isn't what's going on with your crew and school you get left behind. many parents are marginalized kids are just trying to put food on the table. they don't have time to figure out fafsa shit
A “who do ya know” system certainly concentrates opportunity in these same hands longer.

BUT “affirmative action” was never intended to lower standards, and that’s what happened in the long run, and that has had an adverse impact on its acceptance by the general society, and makes it more leery or other fixes like DEI, which appears to be just more demographic-based “winner picking”
Lowering standards was inherently both a prereq to, and a by-product of, AA.
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Who is blocking you and how? I actually have been in hiring position and can tell you that in interviews the only color that matters is green. If there is any pressure to hire based on color, it is in your favor.

Are racists out there? Invariably. However, it isn't in nearly the numbers you are indicating. You are completely capable of being as successful as any other person if you go out and make it happen. You have the ability to make sure your kids are in that position. Honestly, more than anything in life, being white isn't winning the lotto anymore, it is being born into a family of responsible parents no matter their color and then hopefully making the right decisions from there.

I see that difference in my own family from comparing myself and siblings to some of my cousins. Parents matter.
Keep taking away AA, voting rights, scholarships, funding for public schools, and red-lining just to name a few.
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Sports offers a lot, the value of work and teamwork. That means sport is worth it, even without the pipe dream of college scholarships. How many kids that play high school football ever play in college? It's similar to the lottery, and a whole lot of money is spent trying to win it. Frankly some parently are spending more than they would on college. Once I read Lewis' book talking about $10,000 a season volleyball teams, wow.

The thing is I didn't know band kids in my youth. But I had two daughters do band. Those kids also learn the value of hard work and teamwork. No one gives them full-ride, NIL, lower acceptance scores.

A whole lot of people are wed to the "my kid can beat up your honor roll student" mythos.

Here is an article about parents who push their kids to be their best in athletics, but not in academics. AEI is center-right:

We seem to have our priorities backwards. I suspect in schools, in papers and social media, a good high school basketball team gets more positive mentions than the champion science olympiad team.
I think the highlighted reasons are overblown.

What I think sports teaches is that life isn't fair and that reality is about not getting what you want all the time, and realizing that some people are great at something and others aren't.
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I believe a lot of it is the people who want to succeed are held back by their family or peer group.

It's hard to break away from a way of life. And when you have to fight anyway, to get ahead, many just find it easier to fall back to a way of life they know.

Their family and peer groups encourage them if they're athletes or musicians or entertainers. Academics not so much.

Addendum: This also holds true for other ethnic groups - poor whites are held back just as much by their peer group. Conversely, Asians are pressured by their peer groups to succeed.
I think you have hit a problem, large sections of America just do not value education (and sometimes hard work or even work). This is handed down, and does impact areas of Whites as well as areas of Blacks.

A corollary to this, attitude toward police. Many seem shocked when the Black community isn't helpful toward police solving a crime. I don't think that is much more likely in poor White areas. There is a certain handed down "mind your own business" and "don't be a snitch" built in.
I think the highlighted reasons are overblown.

What I think sports teaches is that life isn't fair and that reality is about not getting what you want all the time, and realizing that some people are great at something and others aren't.

I think sports do what I said, I just think a lot of other things do as well. My youngest had been very flighty, did well in school but wasn't the hardest worker in anything she did. Then she discovered color guard, and she worked like a dog to get good at it. And the realization that she did get good carried over to other areas. She seemed to suddenly mature. Finding that thing that she liked, but that she had to pull her own weight for the unit to succeed, worked wonders.
I've got to admit - Lucy's trolling is amateurish, compared to you.
Total Al Sharpton/ Joe Briben marketing, Always reminding people how they are hopelessly lost. Inferior. not worthy. Stand up and fight.
I am proud that I have more confidence in blacks capabilities than their chosen race baiters that that have figured out that there is personal gain, in keeping their own people down. ... Wait, isn't that how slavery started to begin with? History, lather rinse repeat. The worst enemy of that black, is their own self absorbed promotionalist.
I think sports do what I said, I just think a lot of other things do as well. My youngest had been very flighty, did well in school but wasn't the hardest worker in anything she did. Then she discovered color guard, and she worked like a dog to get good at it. And the realization that she did get good carried over to other areas. She seemed to suddenly mature. Finding that thing that she liked, but that she had to pull her own weight for the unit to succeed, worked wonders.
Yeah, again, I think the teamwork thing is overblown. I watch my kids play sports and watch my son's hockey practices. A few get it, most do not. Both my kids have plenty of kids on their teams who bitch and moan and are awful teammates and the coaches let them get away with it. And if you are a good athlete, teamwork isn't even a thing--it's all about taking it coast to coast, etc. (at least at Jr. High ages). I admit, my kids aren't on the best travel teams, but then, if you have to do that to get the benefits, it's not really endemic to "sports," is it?

Re hard work, I don't see it much. Sure they go to practice, because their parents are driving them and reminding them. But I don't see many kids, anywhere, working on their game in the yard or driveway. Again, I'm talking here about the average kids, which mine are.

Another thing sports does, though, for many, is to socialize them into how to compete and still be somewhat civil. Some prima donnas don't learn that lesson, but quite a few do. That's worth something.
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Total Al Sharpton/ Joe Briben marketing, Always reminding people how they are hopelessly lost. Inferior. not worthy. Stand up and fight.
I am proud that I have more confidence in blacks capabilities than their chosen race baiters that that have figured out that there is personal gain, in keeping their own people down. ... Wait, isn't that how slavery started to begin with? History, lather rinse repeat. The worst enemy of that black, is their own self absorbed promotionalist.
you have no idea sir.
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Total Al Sharpton/ Joe Briben marketing, Always reminding people how they are hopelessly lost. Inferior. not worthy. Stand up and fight.
I am proud that I have more confidence in blacks capabilities than their chosen race baiters that that have figured out that there is personal gain, in keeping their own people down. ... Wait, isn't that how slavery started to begin with? History, lather rinse repeat. The worst enemy of that black, is their own self absorbed promotionalist.
I can put trump and desantis in the same group
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I can put trump and desantis in the same group
One of your groups teach you how your can not achieve

Trump Desantis actually promoted Blacks and Blacks achieved.

I think you should keep your self loathing to yourself. You are helping no one. ... But if Blacks achieve that kills your message doesn't it Al. CAn't let that happen can you, since you are only a grifter.
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The fact we have wealthy populists here shouldn't obscure most are poorer. Scotch-Irish without a college degree tend toward being poorer nationalists. It is exactly my roots, and what JD Vance wrote about in Hillbilly Elegy.

And victimhood is a huge part of the grievance. There has to be a reason we are poor, they keep us down is a biggie. The other popular one I recall was the idea to get money one could not have morals.
Gave me a laugh last weekend to see the partying rednecks flying the MAGA flag on their boat. My money is on the Asian immigrants who are curing cancer and managing successful businesses.
One of your groups teach you how your can not achieve

Trump Desantis actually promoted Blacks and Blacks achieved.

I think you should keep your self loathing to yourself. You are helping no one. ... But if Blacks achieve that kills your message doesn't it Al. CAn't let that happen can you, since you are only a grifter.
What have trump or desantis done to help black people?
I don't know, Barkley's NBA success and the fact he is still very visible gives him credibility on the issue. Believe me, that is hard for me to type as watching Barkley on March Madness it is hard to believe he is ever right about anything.

I think he, or Jordan, saying "I played with guys better than any of you will ever be that couldn't make the NBA" would resonate at least a little.

I think eliminating scholarships and academic preference would help. Right now kids can see having a jump shot opens doors, and focus on that. If that stopped being true, if the only way to play ball in college is to have decent grades, priorities should adjust.

One thing Michael Lewis' book on the creation of the kids sports financial explosion spoke about is how this is happening in the Carmel's too. Become a lacrosse star and you will get into Harvard with a lower GPA than non-athletes. Grades stop mattering as much even in a Carmel. If you want to go to an elite school, athletics is the surest route. And we as a country are spending way, way, way, way too much trying to take advantage. It isn't just the financial aid, Varsity Blues had nothing to do with financial aid. It's getting past the gatekeepers.

Eliminate athletic preferences. Eliminate scholarships. Stop rewarding kids that don't do homework in favor of practice.

i suppose. I just think if you parade up a few guys that made many millions, if not billions, based on the game of basketball, that it will encourage more than discourage. They can say whatever they want about how hard it would be to make it to the league, but these kids are going to look at them and say, that's who we want to be. That's kind of what kids do.
I can't help you, although I would be willing to try. You've created your own cave to dwell in, or you are running one hell of troll. In today's world and advancements, I am 99% in on troll. Good luck.
I'm not a troll, I speak facts. YOU want to keep the US in the status quo of the fifties.
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