I'm fine with Coach Cig saying Ohio State sucks because he explained it perfectly. Imagine finally getting a shot to coach in one of the top conferences in the NCAA, arrive at the school, and then get asked a million times how you possibly think you can win at INDIANA? That had to bristle him up and yes we can all say, "well, he should have just taken it and kept his mouth shuts" but that is exactly what most of the other IU Coaches would have done and perhaps why IU has never been 10-0 in the past. Not the words, but the shut up and take your medicine IU mentality. Cig had had enough and he wanted to make a statement that IU under his watch would take a backseat to nobody. So, OSU got to give their rebuttal yesterday . . . fine, even if their style of rebuttal was classless.
At season's end the fact remains, IU football is far and away better than ever and OSU is one more loss to Mich away from calling for their coaches head. Hell, if they lose a second time to Oregon hell will feeze over in Columbus. Meanwhile, I'm still pinching myself wondering where IU will play in the post-season. Go HOOSIERS, beat Purdue because . . . Purdue SUCKS !!!