Dear Coach Cig, AD and IU

The designated seats sit such that moving either of them enough to change the location of the zip-tie would move it into the next seat. I'm not sure why you are so hell-bent on defending a policy that is pretty clearly intended to gouge the university's best customers. Check my posting history - I'm not an athletic department/director basher. But I hate policies that are implemented under false pretense. Particularly where they serve no discernable purpose and especially when they squeeze the very people who already actively support your program.
I’m not hell-bent on anything. Just telling you what my experience has been.
3. Replace the bench bleacher seats with SOMETHING, ANYTHING with a back. BEST would be chairbacks with a small holder for a drink.
My 2 cents. I'm on board with all these. But ... as a big boy former lineman ... seats you describe are killers and limit my attendance when the only option. Benches with seat backs through whole stadium would be a big improvement FOR SURE. Then, allow soft cushions in stadium.
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Oh Nice! I say we go Mr. Hoosier Pride but make the candy stripes the colors fo the rainbow!
Isn't IU f'd up enough without more of this 'pride' bullshit?
I understand (hope) your post was sarcasm..
"make the candy stripes the colors of the rainbow!"

Too bad John 3-16 guy is in prison or he could sit in the endzone.

That Hoosier Pride character cracks me up. Pretty bad, even for it's time.

I have always wanted a buffalo mascot though. Used to hear arguments against it that we'd be copying Colorado.
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Not an at the stadium thing but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get rid of our in game TV promo commercial. Retire Mr Braces and the "who needs a mascot" and "what is a Hoosier" crap. Has to be the absolute worst one of these type of PROMO commercials for ANY school. It is an embarrassment.
This... I cringe when that commercial comes on. It's now in year three... has the BLM piece inside of it aged well?
My 28 year old son and his IU alum friends can't stand it either. Get rid of this please!
Love that idea. Agree on mascot. Loved the buffalo video going thru town and to stadium and how neat to have one run out of tunnel. Yes the band. Great musicians we know that but put on a show like they do down south… great dance rhythm and dancers let’s go. And heaven help us if we had cheerleaders with short hair. Sorry if u have the talent and held back because u don’t have long hair to hold a white bow. This is the time now to see the big boys game day and start implementing
I get tired of seeing cheerleaders in 90 degree weather wearing long sleeves covered by a vest with old style white bobby socks. The SEC cheerleaders have it down pretty good.
Living in Buckyville the last 18 years... UW installs temporary chairbacks for like an extra $40 per season. They then have organizations install them for $1/back and $1 take down at end of season (I've done it with my sons' HS football team)... So $38 profit/back. I would guess they end up with about 30,000 installed (a third of Camp Randall). 30K x 38 is approx an additional $1.14M every season.
We do the same thing. They aren't that comfortable.
Also try sitting behind some of those broken down backrests. Crunch time.
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Isn't IU f'd up enough without more of this 'pride' bullshit?
I understand (hope) your post was sarcasm..
My post was certainly sarcastic, but I can't say IU is "f'd" up enough in any capacity.
11. Break your tradition of no mascot and usher in the era where this team doesn’t enter the stadium without one. Make it the buffalo. The same one that Nick’s endorses. Put a jersey on it just like they do at other schools and you are good to go.

the Marketing opportunities for IU adopting the Great American Bison as our mascot are endless

I always thought a guy that coincidentally resembled Indiana Jones would be a great football mascot. Indy was a smart college professor with no fear (except snakes). Have him ride out to the 50 on horseback (like the seminole). Have him crack a whip or fire off a few rounds from his six shooter. Wink and smile at the ladies. Call him "Indiana Stones" to avoid copyright, pull in a limestone reference, and highlight his "bravery"
"make the candy stripes the colors of the rainbow!"

Too bad John 3-16 guy is in prison or he could sit in the endzone.

That Hoosier Pride character cracks me up. Pretty bad, even for it's time.

I have always wanted a buffalo mascot though. Used to hear arguments against it that we'd be copying Colorado.
What's the John 3:16 guy in prison for?
I always thought a guy that coincidentally resembled Indiana Jones would be a great football mascot. Indy was a smart college professor with no fear (except snakes). Have him ride out to the 50 on horseback (like the seminole). Have him crack a whip or fire off a few rounds from his six shooter. Wink and smile at the ladies. Call him "Indiana Stones" to avoid copyright, pull in a limestone reference, and highlight his "bravery"
I think that's actually a great idea. Of course, the 6-shooter would never fly at IU. Probably not even a whip.

But some guy out there in his hat, fighting bad guys - I like the concept. Just call him 'Indy' to get around the copyright.
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"make the candy stripes the colors of the rainbow!"

Too bad John 3-16 guy is in prison or he could sit in the endzone.

That Hoosier Pride character cracks me up. Pretty bad, even for it's time.

I have always wanted a buffalo mascot though. Used to hear arguments against it that we'd be copying Colorado.
There are only so many mascots, there are bound to be a few duplicates. The buffalo/bison is in the State Seal, it's hard to argue that it has not been part of the "Indiana" identity for a long time.