Dave Portnoy from Barstool in Bloomington eating Mother Bears Pizza. Link

I strenuously beg to differ. I will give you the fact that the ambience in LZ is super low key and not at all up to the standards of places like Peter Lugars or Keens. The steaks at LZ are high quality and prepared very well, at least when ive been there.
Was really focusing on the food, too. Keen’s was a little too Irish for my taste (in terms of atmosphere), and PL drips with big city steakhouse vibe that can be a little off putting. Oh, and that $63 filet always seems overpriced, even if my expense account is the benefactor. But I do think the food in both of those places, as well as several others in NY, Chicago, Miami, Dallas and other metro areas, is well above what LZ offered the last time I dined there. The price was certainly lower, I just didn’t find it to be a very good value, and I’m obviously not as bullish on the Bton dining scene as are some others.To each his own.
Feast is alive and seems to be doing very well. it’s my favorite restaurant in bloomington. Farm was also terrific until covid hit, and now it seems to have slipped a notch. Zagreb’s is very good, and it’s close in quality to peter Lugar’s (and far cheaper). It’s funny to see portnoy suddenly reviewing the bloomington pizza scene, and I generally agree with his reviews. Bloomington has a lot of mediocre pizza.
Haven’t been to Farm in awhile but we’ve always liked their breakfast. Malibu has a killer grilled salmon and good Manhattan. It’s a good pick-me-up-and-throw-me-down before a night B-ball game. Makes me want to yell after two of ‘em. I don’t think I’ve ever had three without sex afterwards so I stop at two on Game Day.
I like mother bears. Can’t say I’ve ever eaten a cheese pizza in my life. Dante’s inferno plus onion or Monte Cristo. Deep dish. Don’t like New York style pizza.

Farm was very underwhelming when I had it.

Nicks and Irish Lion are two of my favorite downtown joints. Stromboli and Biz fries, follow it up with apple walnut cake for dessert after the jaunt down to Irish Lion.

Doner Kebab food truck is good.

If I want really good food, though, I stay at home for whatever the wife cooks up.
No one has mentioned one of my favorite pizzas at DeAngelo’s, if you like the thinner crust type. Two other east side establishments to try (non pizza) are Truffles/56 degree Bar near the big Kroger and Hive at 10th and the 46 bypass. Samira on the town square had a great Middle Eastern lunch buffet before covid. It doesn’t attract the students, but more of the retired professor types, appearance-wise anyway. I like Trojan Horse, surprisingly for their Steak and Shake-type cheeseburgers (and gyros). My wife and I like to slide the sensuous looking oysters at Irish Lion. The Owlery is a good vegetarian place for lunch, kind of reminiscent of The Tao, back in its day. That said, Bloomington doesn’t have a decent, traditional Chinese place, which is surprising to me. The Scenic View has a great fish taco and half off Bloody Mary’s on Sundays. Fish sandwich’s are pretty good at Big Woods. Sweet Grass on the south side of town has a good, fried green tomato BLT and a smaller place next to it has authentic tamales of various kinds in an upscale setting with fine wines. Have I told you I like to eat? Now, about that pizza...

My girls like LongFei for Chinese, but I’ve never been.
But I do think the food in both of those places, as well as several others in NY, Chicago, Miami, Dallas and other metro areas, is well above what LZ offered the last time I dined there.
Oh, heavens yes. I couldn't care less about ambiance and all that. Probably the best steak here in Evansville is at a place that has a sign out front that's half broken and grown over with vegetation, has crappy laminated menus, and gaudy Christmas decorations up all year round.

It's all about the food. Ambiance is for somebody trying to impress somebody else.

LZ has a really good steak. But it simply does not compare to what you can get at places like Jeff Ruby's or Keen's or Bern's in Tampa. But that is not a knock at all against LZ.
I don’t like sweet tomato or marinara sauce on my pie. Mother bears tastes like it has extra sugar in their sauce. Last time I ate their, it was really bad
Honestly if you like cracker type crust, I think a frozen Jack's pizza is as good as anything you can get in B-town. I start with their pepperoni pizza, add my own fresh sliced mushrooms and maybe some greens, bake it in a HOT oven on a pizza stone (or on the grill) and it's pretty damn good for a $2.50 pizza.

For Chinese, anyone remember Leung Cheung? It was a long time ago but I remember it being pretty good.
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My girls like LongFei for Chinese, but I’ve never been.
Thanks for the tip. I’ll check it out cause sometimes I just need me some Chinese. I always have to get a big fat egg roll, for the same reason I always have to order a taco when I get Mexican, even when I get a big combination plate with it..remember the question never asked, cause it just tastes so darn good! When you say “my girls” do you mean your young kids or female office staff, what I always called “my girls” before retiring? Younger people probably don’t know the traditional Chinese restaurants like Lotus Garden in Indy. They might be more inclined to be in tune with a Panda Express or God forbid, a Mr Hibachi feeding trough. I’ve only been there twice, just to make sure I didn’t like it, walking out with about 5 almond cookies in each pocket. Those who like it only go for one reason-to overeat...the satisfaction of feeling like you’ve pulled one over on the Chinaman, having engorged more than your fair share for the price. Hell, you eat crap you don’t even like, just because it’s there, all paid for. I bet fat ladies stuff their Tupperware before hiding it in their underwater. Ever wonder why they shuffle so funny in the lot? Egg rolls between the thighs. Why not, when dinner later that day is free! I’ll never go there again, just so I won’t insult my Ego. He doesn’t care for it either, but I will try LongFei on Grant St (see, I already looked it up). The first impression is always the most telling and it starts with the egg roll and duck sauce or taco and salsa.
Bloomington has a very hard time catering to the different clientele. Like Evansville people want piles of food for under ten bucks. Regardless of quality. You list some pretty nice places that don’t often get mentioned. I like Feast but sadly it didn’t last. Pizza is a very subjective matter. I like all types except cracker crust tavern style. Don’t get me started on St. Louis style. Provel cheese should never exist.
I had St Louis Pizza once and never ate a second slice. Nasty
I strenuously beg to differ. I will give you the fact that the ambience in LZ is super low key and not at all up to the standards of places like Peter Lugars or Keens. The steaks at LZ are high quality and prepared very well, at least when ive been there.
LZ isn’t the same type of product as steakhouses in big cities and isn’t trying to be The steaks are good, the ambience is basically picnic table. And old posters
It is a great place to go on game day for red meat and red wine or beer. Only thing I have gotten there that I didn’t like was the ribs.

comparing it to St Elmo or anywhere in that genre is dumb. Enjoy it for what it is.
Oh, heavens yes. I couldn't care less about ambiance and all that. Probably the best steak here in Evansville is at a place that has a sign out front that's half broken and grown over with vegetation, has crappy laminated menus, and gaudy Christmas decorations up all year round.

It's all about the food. Ambiance is for somebody trying to impress somebody else.

LZ has a really good steak. But it simply does not compare to what you can get at places like Jeff Ruby's or Keen's or Bern's in Tampa. But that is not a knock at all against LZ.
Agreed. It’s a good steak for Bton.
Oh, heavens yes. I couldn't care less about ambiance and all that. Probably the best steak here in Evansville is at a place that has a sign out front that's half broken and grown over with vegetation, has crappy laminated menus, and gaudy Christmas decorations up all year round.
Thought for sure you were going to talk about Haub House when I started reading this.
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I had St Louis Pizza once and never ate a second slice. Nasty

LZ isn’t the same type of product as steakhouses in big cities and isn’t trying to be The steaks are good, the ambience is basically picnic table. And old posters
It is a great place to go on game day for red meat and red wine or beer. Only thing I have gotten there that I didn’t like was the ribs.

comparing it to St Elmo or anywhere in that genre is dumb. Enjoy it for what it is.

There was study done where they took the same people, and the same wine, and asked them to sample and rate the wine while in different locations. They discovered that people rated the taste of the same wine higher each time they went from an average location to something “nicer”.

I have no issue saying LZ is kind of a dumpy spot compared to Peter Lugar, or Keens. I also think its kinda dumpy, but whatever. Little Zagrebs has access to the same steak cuts, the same salt and pepper and grill techniques that these other steak houses have, and I suspect you are blinkered by the nice white table cloth, big city vibes, and otherwise fancy atmosphere going on.

Its cool that you like these other places more. Why would I try to convince you otherwise? Whatever you like is all good, but I wont say your review is dumb either.
For Chinese, anyone remember Leung Cheung? It was a long time ago but I remember it being pretty good.
I remember Leung Cheung, we called it the "black lung". As I recall, it was cafeteria style, served more than just chinese food, things like fried chicken. I remember pointing at one of the entrees and asking the elderly lady serving the food (a local or "townie" - "Cutters" is a made up name from the movie) 'and what's that?" She responded "that's the Chinese, son".

Loved the locals, any of you younger posters know what they were really called by the students?
Mother Bears is nothing even close to Portnoy's preferred NY/New Hampshire style pie. It's not at all apples to apples. MB is kind of it's own style. I love it, but if I'm in the mood for NY/NH, or a Chicago stuffed pizza, I obviously wouldn't go to MB. Likewise, when I'm in the mood for a Mother Bear's pizza nothing else will do.
When I was at IU '69-'73 there was a good Chinese restaurant on the northeast corner of Walnut and the 46 bypass. It had the goldfish pond in the lobby and all that, being of the traditional Chinese style, which they all were back then.

Just south of there on the same side of the street was Pancho Villas, a Mexican joint in an spanish style old house. Tuesday was taco night...all you can eat for one price. My roommate and I consumed 27 between the two of us, plus multiple beers. He ate more than me, being an All-State HS football player from Brazil, IN. He walked on at IU his freshman year after transferring right away from DePauw, but didn't last long. He was great in intramurals though and we are friends to this day. Have I told you I still love tacos?

One more good restaurant on that same street but closer to town was Grove's. It was there until at least the late '70's and served comfort food as I recall. I remember going there with my folks several times after attending football games, back when we had Hoosier Hundred season tickets on the 20 yd line, sec A. Those were the days, yes they were...John Pont followed by Lee "Clown" Corso in his red jumpsuit. Never will forget his grand entrance coming in on the red, double decker British bus. What a showman he was!
Mother Bears is nothing even close to Portnoy's preferred NY/New Hampshire style pie. It's not at all apples to apples. MB is kind of it's own style. I love it, but if I'm in the mood for NY/NH, or a Chicago stuffed pizza, I obviously wouldn't go to MB. Likewise, when I'm in the mood for a Mother Bear's pizza nothing else will do.
No. No no no.

Mother Bears is not good. You’re not weaseling out of being wrong or having a bad palate claiming style difference.

In fact, most pizza’s that don’t have a thin, crackery crust or aren’t deep dish are bad.

I remember the first time I heard about “Detroit style” pizza. I laughed my ass off. That kind of slop is exactly what the goons in Detroit should be eating.

Around 70% of IU is either Chicago area or from Indiana I believe. To a T the Hoosiers all love MB because they don’t know any better, the Chicago students get drunk, eat it and move on.
I remember Leung Cheung, we called it the "black lung". As I recall, it was cafeteria style, served more than just chinese food, things like fried chicken. I remember pointing at one of the entrees and asking the elderly lady serving the food (a local or "townie" - "Cutters" is a made up name from the movie) 'and what's that?" She responded "that's the Chinese, son".

Loved the locals, any of you younger posters know what they were really called by the students?
Before Leung Cheung it was a cafeteria called Benders.
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Just south of there on the same side of the street was Pancho Villas, a Mexican joint in an spanish style old house. Tuesday was taco night...all you can eat for one price.

Panchos was my favorite back in the late 70s, early 80s. I damn near cried when they closed down. Remember the margarita machine?
Have to admit that I wasnt planning on debating about the best pizza in a college town ad nauseam but we always got the "big ten" from Pizza Express. It came with two drinks, breadsticks and tootsie rolls that were melted from the heat of the pizza for $10.

It probably tasted like shit but I was always drunk when I had it.

The previous posts talking about Bears Place...have one Harry Bear during Thurs night kareoke and its going to be an early night.
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Panchos was my favorite back in the late 70s, early 80s. I damn near cried when they closed down. Remember the margarita machine?
Do not recall the margarita machine for the ice cold beer but will see if my old roommate does tomorrow when we make our annual phone call to sing “The 500” song to each other in a Race Day morning tradition. We went to many races together, back in the 70’s and 80’s.

For many years I always parked free on the neighborhood streets just west of Memorial Stadium. The Pancho Villa’s house was my landmark on what street to turn on off Walnut. It later became a strip club or some other porn related enterprise of that human nature. “Pancho lives!” should have been spray painted on the tenement walls but wasn’t.
No. No no no.

Mother Bears is not good. You’re not weaseling out of being wrong or having a bad palate claiming style difference.

In fact, most pizza’s that don’t have a thin, crackery crust or aren’t deep dish are bad.

I remember the first time I heard about “Detroit style” pizza. I laughed my ass off. That kind of slop is exactly what the goons in Detroit should be eating.

Around 70% of IU is either Chicago area or from Indiana I believe. To a T the Hoosiers all love MB because they don’t know any better, the Chicago students get drunk, eat it and move on.
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I remember Leung Cheung, we called it the "black lung". As I recall, it was cafeteria style, served more than just chinese food, things like fried chicken. I remember pointing at one of the entrees and asking the elderly lady serving the food (a local or "townie" - "Cutters" is a made up name from the movie) 'and what's that?" She responded "that's the Chinese, son".

Loved the locals, any of you younger posters know what they were really called by the students?

When I was at IU '69-'73 there was a good Chinese restaurant on the northeast corner of Walnut and the 46 bypass. It had the goldfish pond in the lobby and all that, being of the traditional Chinese style, which they all were back then.

Just south of there on the same side of the street was Pancho Villas, a Mexican joint in an spanish style old house. Tuesday was taco night...all you can eat for one price. My roommate and I consumed 27 between the two of us, plus multiple beers. He ate more than me, being an All-State HS football player from Brazil, IN. He walked on at IU his freshman year after transferring right away from DePauw, but didn't last long. He was great in intramurals though and we are friends to this day. Have I told you I still love tacos?

One more good restaurant on that same street but closer to town was Grove's. It was there until at least the late '70's and served comfort food as I recall. I remember going there with my folks several times after attending football games, back when we had Hoosier Hundred season tickets on the 20 yd line, sec A. Those were the days, yes they were...John Pont followed by Lee "Clown" Corso in his red jumpsuit. Never will forget his grand entrance coming in on the red, double decker British bus. What a showman he was!

NE corner of Walnut and the 46 bypass would be next to McDonalds.

there was a mex restaurant on the northeast corner of Walnut and 17th st for a while. (maybe not their original location).

i know it was there back in the early/mid 80s.

great tacos, and a waitress i had a crush on.

since we're expanding this topic, anybody remember,

Fergie's, SE corner of 3rd and Jordan and later the location of Night Owl convenience mart.

Scotty's, a McDonald's type place on the east side of south Walnut north of 2nd st back in the 60s.

Village Inn Pizza on College Ave. (thin crust, which i'll compare to the original Pizza Hut pizza, back when the Hut had really good pizza).

Little Italy Pizza, just west of The Von Lee on Kirkwood. (very good also, but wasn't there that long).

anybody know if the south side Dairy Queen still has Spanish Burgers?
NE corner of Walnut and the 46 bypass would be next to McDonalds.

there was a mex restaurant on the northeast corner of Walnut and 17th st for a while. (maybe not their original location).

i know it was there back in the early/mid 80s.

great tacos, and a waitress i had a crush on.

since we're expanding this topic, anybody remember,

Fergie's, SE corner of 3rd and Jordan and later the location of Night Owl convenience mart.

Scotty's, a McDonald's type place on the east side of south Walnut north of 2nd st back in the 60s.

Village Inn Pizza on College Ave. (thin crust, which i'll compare to the original Pizza Hut pizza, back when the Hut had really good pizza).

Little Italy Pizza, just west of The Von Lee on Kirkwood. (very good also, but wasn't there that long).

anybody know if the south side Dairy Queen still has Spanish Burgers?
A few other old places...The Hour House at Third and ? (Behind the Acacia House) where the Subway is now, the infamous one that Jerrod lived above and lost all that weight because of it. There was the Colorado Steakhouse on College as you came in. Yes, I ate at the Mexican place you speak of, after a Bucket Game we had just lost. It was in an old Howard Johnson’s, I believe. Sulley’s used to be a nice restaurant where Malibu is now. I think it used to be Whiteside’s, a men’s clothing store at one time, if not next door. Bruce’s was a great breakfast joint on Second St. It had lots of IU sports memorabilia like Kent Benson’s shoes. The Gables was always good for late night pizza or grilled cheese sandwich when not playing pinball. I saw the movie, Fantasia, in the Von Lee theater. Everyone was stoned and really got off on the dancing artichokes.
A few other old places...The Hour House at Third and ? (Behind the Acacia House) where the Subway is now, the infamous one that Jerrod lived above and lost all that weight because of it. There was the Colorado Steakhouse on College as you came in. Yes, I ate at the Mexican place you speak of, after a Bucket Game we had just lost. It was in an old Howard Johnson’s, I believe. Sulley’s used to be a nice restaurant where Malibu is now. I think it used to be Whiteside’s, a men’s clothing store at one time, if not next door. Bruce’s was a great breakfast joint on Second St. It had lots of IU sports memorabilia like Kent Benson’s shoes. The Gables was always good for late night pizza or grilled cheese sandwich when not playing pinball. I saw the movie, Fantasia, in the Von Lee theater. Everyone was stoned and really got off on the dancing artichokes.

The Mexican place was called Larados when I was there. AKA Shitrados
You are the one that is dumb. How bout that?

Sorry Indiana pizza sucks, I wish it was better too.
Your implication that students from Indiana eat the pizza becuse they don't know any better yet the Chicago students only eat it because they are drunk is dumb and it makes you look silly.

It was a dumb better.
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A few other old places...The Hour House at Third and ? (Behind the Acacia House) where the Subway is now, the infamous one that Jerrod lived above and lost all that weight because of it. There was the Colorado Steakhouse on College as you came in. Yes, I ate at the Mexican place you speak of, after a Bucket Game we had just lost. It was in an old Howard Johnson’s, I believe. Sulley’s used to be a nice restaurant where Malibu is now. I think it used to be Whiteside’s, a men’s clothing store at one time, if not next door. Bruce’s was a great breakfast joint on Second St. It had lots of IU sports memorabilia like Kent Benson’s shoes. The Gables was always good for late night pizza or grilled cheese sandwich when not playing pinball. I saw the movie, Fantasia, in the Von Lee theater. Everyone was stoned and really got off on the dancing artichokes.
I was in HS but when I went to games with my Parents we often went to a round restaurant out by the mall called Butterfields that was pretty good.