Dan Dakich

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Please, I'm not having this discussion with you, but laws have mostly been scrubbed, but how they're enforced... and how less legal things like perceptions and practices in hiring, lending, school boundaries, etc... It doesn't take much research or observation to see what goes on and has gone on.
Memphis is awful. Guy at work(white) got boxed in by a gang. He’s got a Buick verano with brand new rims. They were going to car jack him. He got away twice. He pulled over after calling the police. Still in the hood(guy isn’t bright). The officer turned it around on him. Asked WTF he was doing there. The culture of racism has caused this conundrum. The cops knew who they were. Since they don’t hurt the victim they just don’t care and let them eat. Maybe on the take. Owes favors etc… people will think this is an easy fix. It’s not. It’s embedded culture created by redlining and years of keep “them” in their place. It’s had far reaching affects that cross both races. Shock jocks, leaders, CEO’s, corporations from both groups use it to stay in power. Al sharptons etc..aren’t off the hook either.
A lot of sheep out th

Memphis is awful. Guy at work(white) got boxed in by a gang. He’s got a Buick verano with brand new rims. They were going to car jack him. He got away twice. He pulled over after calling the police. Still in the hood(guy isn’t bright). The officer turned it around on him. Asked WTF he was doing there. The culture of racism has caused this conundrum. The cops knew who they were. Since they don’t hurt the victim they just don’t care and let them eat. Maybe on the take. Owes favors etc… people will think this is an easy fix. It’s not. It’s embedded culture created by redlining and years of keep “them” in their place. It’s had far reaching affects that cross both races. Shock jocks, leaders, CEO’s, corporations from both groups use it to stay in power. Al sharptons etc..aren’t off the hook either.
Nor are the Karens that completely stir crap and "sigh" over every possible thing, making mountains out of molehills and perpetuating the victim class. They're not off the hook, either, and have greatly contributed to the social divide; be it by race, gender, political affiliation, whatever.
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How is any of that really racist? Do you really think Dan was hailing the race of his wife? No, he was making a very good point. White people in our culture can be diminished. You can bring up their race and blame all the ills of society on them without any repercussion. People who were never slave owners get blamed for slavery while those who were never slaves who think they are still influenced by the practice are coddled. Yeah, you know come to think of it you are right. We, because we are white have had tons of privilege. I don't buy that by the way. Name me one law on the books today that is tailor made to make white people have an upper hand?
I'll say it again, there is no way you are really a pastor. This has to be an act.
Radio, TV. You choose . Fox, daytime, mainstream. They speak to their audience to create outrage, controversy, conflict against the other side. It’s crazy how easy people fall for it. I work with people constantly outraged.
Colin Cowherd and Jim Rome have been doing it with sports talk forever. DD did that for awhile, but now seems to want a bigger audience I guess. I've never listened to any of his radio, podcasts, etc... I liked him as an analyst on college bball. Had great insights and the occassional weird comment was funny, ala Bill Walton once upon a time.
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?? What's your point, the fact that there's a pastor who said nutty (and some not so nutty) things 20+ years ago, excuses the guy who posts here and sometimes tries to offer spiritual and moral guidance to other posters, should be ignored or forgiven? What is Rev Wright's user name, and I'll question him when I read such content?

And you say no one questions this, but it says in your link "even campaign aides concede his rhetoric is inflammatory". That certainly implies questioning it and the article says Obama said he says things he doesn't agree with. So to me, the article itself questions his comments. Personally I like a Pastor who challenges the status quo, the direction of those in power and makes you think about these things. I would hope that Obama condemned some of those comments, but some also aren't wrong. Totally different perspective for a pastor in Chicago who ministers to what is probably almost a 100% black congregation.

Anyway, this is so far off-base it's not even inside the stadium (county?) anymore, which is why I said I'd not continue the discussion with VPM on the bball board, but I don't think your point is really relevant. VPM posts here, so pointing out nutty crap someone outside of this community says is not relevant to me. There's lots of nutty in this world.
Well We've officially bottomed out....

Just replying to the slam against Van. What’s the problem? Van trys to post on here and gets shit all the time. To my knowledge he’s never gone after any other poster personally.
So you bring politics into it?
So you bring politics into it?
Where’s politics? I brought a highly respected former President’s pastor in the conversation as a comparison. If you assumed politics, that’s on you. You’ve had your say, so drop it.
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Where’s politics? I brought a highly respected former President’s pastor in the conversation as a comparison. If you assumed politics, that’s on you. You’ve had your say, so drop it.
Give me a break. That wasn't some innocent inclusion of the pastor. kkott was spot on in his response.
Give me a break. That wasn't some innocent inclusion of the pastor. kkott was spot on in his response.
Is race relations more political or moral? Also was Dan racist in his point from his post? Not at all. He is just talking about how white people in our society are a target of vitriol. He brought up race and it was racist in some people's minds. Yet there are those of non white races who can say anything about white people and it's not racist. Is that really fair and good for society?
Is race relations more political or moral? Also was Dan racist in his point from his post? Not at all. He is just talking about how white people in our society are a target of vitriol. He brought up race and it was racist in some people's minds. Yet there are those of non white races who can say anything about white people and it's not racist. Is that really fair and good for society?
Stop while you’re behind….
Is race relations more political or moral? Also was Dan racist in his point from his post? Not at all. He is just talking about how white people in our society are a target of vitriol. He brought up race and it was racist in some people's minds. Yet there are those of non white races who can say anything about white people and it's not racist. Is that really fair and good for society?
You're confusing me with someone that gives a crap what Dakich says about anything other than basketball.

Go post it on the cooler.
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I admit to being behind in some areas. But one thing I am not is a dog chasing a whistle. If someone uses the word racist I don't run I think. I analyze.
of course the one crying about racism in this thread is you, and why: because you're upset you can't trumpet your (or your wife's) whiteness, without sounding like an imbecile? A defining characteristic of racism is the limiting of opportunities because of the color of your skin. What opportunities have you been denied for being white?

I get notifications about the achievements of women in aviation, because it's cool and empowering for women and parents and young girls to see women achieving in a field they largely haven't. So far I've not heard of any white male pilots complaining because they're not equally lauded for that achievement, but I know two who would if they were pilots!
I admit to being behind in some areas. But one thing I am not is a dog chasing a whistle. If someone uses the word racist I don't run I think. I analyze.
I guess in your mind you are thinking and analyzing, From the outside, it doesn’t appear that way.
of course the one crying about racism in this thread is you, and why: because you're upset you can't trumpet your (or your wife's) whiteness, without sounding like an imbecile? A defining characteristic of racism is the limiting of opportunities because of the color of your skin. What opportunities have you been denied for being white?

I get notifications about the achievements of women in aviation, because it's cool and empowering for women and parents and young girls to see women achieving in a field they largely haven't. So far I've not heard of any white male pilots complaining because they're not equally lauded for that achievement, but I know two who would if they were pilots!
Celebrating people for immutable characteristics is dumb no matter what those characteristics are. Good pilots are good pilots. Accomplishments are accomplishments. Needing to add a modifier to those is dumb no matter if the modifier is black, white, man, woman or other.
of course the one crying about racism in this thread is you, and why: because you're upset you can't trumpet your (or your wife's) whiteness, without sounding like an imbecile? A defining characteristic of racism is the limiting of opportunities because of the color of your skin. What opportunities have you been denied for being white?

I get notifications about the achievements of women in aviation, because it's cool and empowering for women and parents and young girls to see women achieving in a field they largely haven't. So far I've not heard of any white male pilots complaining because they're not equally lauded for that achievement, but I know two who would if they were pilots!
So if your son becomes a pilot you say, "so what, you are just using your male privilege". My belief is we should celebrate all people's accomplishments equally. If we have to celebrate some more than others then we have to ask why we do that? Is it because we never thought they could do it in the first place? What does that say about our preconceptions?
I guess in your mind you are thinking and analyzing, From the outside, it doesn’t appear that way.
Why don't you think. Why would Dan bringing up his wife's race be racist? He isn't saying blacks are terrible. In fact Sage Steele said to him, "Dan, you like the Moca". I'm sure how you spell Moca to refer to a black person. Again, what Dan did was call out those who bring up race and are not fair with it. You celebrate Black Pride and it's wonderful. You celebrate White Pride and you are a Klansman. You can't tell me that there is a backlash for those who say they are proud of their white race. What will they hear? "You have white privilege so of course. The Founders were white and many owned slaves so you have no right. Blah Blah Blah".
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