Couldn't be happier. How about you?


Nov 17, 2012
Mobile, Alabama
Now that the decision is made I hope we can:
  • Focus on the future
  • Get excited about a fresh approach
  • Remove some baggage
I applaud Crean for:
  • Working hard
  • Trying to do it right
I applaud Glass for:
  • Keeping his focus on goals (BIG and National success)
  • Not settling because it's easier
I'm ready (Win or lose) for fundamentals like:
  • Defense (Wins championships)
  • Ball control (can't stand turnovers)
  • Half time adjustments (Losing w Crean seems like same game in Groundhog Day format)
What say you Hoosiers and visitors?

Now that the decision is made I hope we can:
  • Focus on the future
  • Get excited about a fresh approach
  • Remove some baggage
I applaud Crean for:
  • Working hard
  • Trying to do it right
I applaud Glass for:
  • Keeping his focus on goals (BIG and National success)
  • Not settling because it's easier
I'm ready (Win or lose) for fundamentals like:
  • Defense (Wins championships)
  • Ball control (can't stand turnovers)
  • Half time adjustments (Losing w Crean seems like same game in Groundhog Day format)
What say you Hoosiers and visitors?

Not excited until we get another coach who will bring us to great heights. Crean had good students who went to class and did well in them. I applaud him for many things. Yet there is no doubt the product on the floor was very hard to watch. Not only were there turnovers,but the offense and defense schemes were just bad.

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