Coach K


All-Big Ten
Apr 8, 2004
How about a different potential next coach to talk about. The top 7 are obvious wants and Alford probably makes the list as a candidate even if many do not want him. I really like the other Coach K in Utah. I think Krystkowiak is a really solid coach. I never really thought he'd leave that part of the country but maybe money talks. He was selected and coached PAC-12 All Stars for their China trip in 2014. I was returning from a China business trip and sat on the plane between him and Cheikh N'diaye the Frosh Oregon St. center at the time so maybe I only like him because of that trip.

Here is a list of other young coaches and some that are not talked about a lot. If IU goes the route they went when they hired Knight, maybe the next coach is from this list.

I expect they probably don't have enough experience for what IU wants but Shaka's replacement at VCU, Wade is looking really good these days. Mitch Henderson at princeton is number 1 on the list and he grew up in indiana, played at Princeton and was an assistant for Carmody at NW.

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