Why across the board? Most other government spending is actually down historically. Non defense discretionary spending was 3.1% of GDP in 2019 which is an all time low. Twenty shared that Defense spending is down. It is all that entitlement spending that I guarantee you a bunch of MAGA voters are getting a piece of that is driving the debt.
https://www.cbpp.org/research/federal-budget/non-defense-discretionary-programs#:~:text=Since 2010%2C NDD spending has,below the long-term average.
And again, streamline that or whatever, but realize that this is a drop in the bucket, you will still have over a trillion dollar deficit, and the majority of this looks politically motivated. So while in reality it accomplishes next to nothing, it does have the way for your political opposition to ram it in hard using the new rules being made up on the fly right now.