China/US War

Don't worry, according to some, Biden is buddies with China so you shouldn't have anything to worry about.
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Is China preparing to kill Americans while our government sits around ignoring China’s buildup?

I don't think ignoring is the best word:

President Joe Biden's biggest peacetime U.S. defense budget request of $886 billion includes a 5.2% pay raise for troops and the largest allocation on record for research and development, with Russia's war on Ukraine spurring demand for more spending on munitions.​

A year ago we were being told the Chinese invasion of Taiwan was imminent, that the Russian invasion of Ukraine made it so. At what point does this become like the Cold War where every day we were convinced we were seconds from a Russian attack? We talk about people skewing science because of money, couldn't people like Gordon Chang be making big money by predicting a Chinese attack?
Don't worry, according to some, Biden is buddies with China so you shouldn't have anything to worry about.
You know I made this post for discussion. I can see that’s a waste of time. Use your laughing emoji and move on.

China is a serious threat. Hopefully we’re doing things to keep up and to be prepared.

Do you emoji thing now.
Admit you're just desperate for a "But Trump".
Talk about TDS.
Nope, that is my opinion of Biden. He is a whore. Trump loves his money too, but he delivered product (mostly real estate) at some point in time, so he had a tangible benefit. People paid Joe (and Hunter) for Joe's "time" in the same manner they pay a prostitute for hers.

Beyond that, Biden has been a trash President. Take the contempt you think I might have for Joe Biden and double it and you are maybe getting close. I wish Donald F'ing Trump would disappear because he sucks all the air out of the room. He is too narcissistic to see that he is the ONLY way that sad sack of shit in office right now gets another chance to run this country (poorly).

ETA: And my comment was mainly for Hickory so he could leave his stupid ass smiley face and we could skip on past him.
Nope, that is my opinion of Biden. He is a whore. Trump loves his money too, but he delivered product (mostly real estate) at some point in time, so he had a tangible benefit. People paid Joe (and Hunter) for Joe's "time" in the same manner they pay a prostitute for hers.

Beyond that, Biden has been a trash President. Take the contempt you think I might have for Joe Biden and double it and you are maybe getting close. I wish Donald F'ing Trump would disappear because he sucks all the air out of the room. He is too narcissistic to see that he is the ONLY way that sad sack of shit in office right now gets another chance to run this country (poorly).
Now, you're just baiting dbm.

Now, you're just baiting dbm.

I don't like Joe in the same manner you all don't like Trump. I don't like Trump currently because he is going to screw this up.....again.

On China, both political parties have been abysmally stupid in handling them. Basically built the enemy that could potentially be shooting at my kids in a decade. We have the most short sighted leadership on the planet.
I don't like Joe in the same manner you all don't like Trump. I don't like Trump currently because he is going to screw this up.....again.

On China, both political parties have been abysmally stupid in handling them. Basically built the enemy that could potentially be shooting at my kids in a decade. We have the most short sighted leadership on the planet.
Americans in general have the attention span of gnats
You know I made this post for discussion. I can see that’s a waste of time. Use your laughing emoji and move on.

China is a serious threat. Hopefully we’re doing things to keep up and to be prepared.

Do you emoji thing now.
Lol you are the one acting like Biden is buddies with China in one thread and worried about China in another thread.

China is a threat but I don't see them attacking us directly. If anything it would be a proxy war or possibly something to hurt us through trade.

Taiwan has the most to worry about but it probably helps seeing Russia stall in ukraine.
Bulk go back in whatever hole you were in and stay away from my posts.
don't post on a public forum if you don't want other people to respond.

If you just want to talk with like minded folks then i heard truth social is awesome.
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Bulk go back in whatever hole you were in and stay away from my posts.
Awwww, stoll missed me.

Sorry I irritated your tragically thin skin by exposing your bullshit.
BTW, since this was such an honest attempt at discussion, do you ever plan on responding to Marvin in this thread? He made a pretty solid point, and even replied directly to your discussion starter.
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Is China preparing to kill Americans while our government sits around ignoring China’s buildup?

I don't think so.

A few thoughts:

(1) The Chinese government wants to grow its economy and technology (like every rationale country on Earth). It sends its students here to do that, it steals secrets, etc. to do that, and it spies on us to do that. I see no sign in anything they've done or that has been reported that they want a military conflict with the U.S.

(2) The Chinese government is not stupid or suicidal. The U.S. has a vast nuclear arsenal and is still the most technologically advanced military humanity has ever seen. From what I read, we are also the most advanced in comparison to the #2 military in human history. In addition, we have a vast ocean separating us. I'm confident in predicting China will never invade the United States or even make motions to do so, and I'm confident they won't be shooting at our kids in a decade.

(3) Unlike Putin and Russia, I don't see China rushing to invade other nations or even get involved in other conflicts. They would love to be able to project their power better, but again, who doesn't want to do that?

(4) I don't think we are ignoring China's military aspirations. But what should we do? Higher taxes to spend more on defense?
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I don't think so.

A few thoughts:

(1) The Chinese government wants to grow its economy and technology (like every rationale country on Earth). It sends its students here to do that, it steals secrets, etc. to do that, and it spies on us to do that. I see no sign in anything they've done or that has been reported that they want a military conflict with the U.S.

(2) The Chinese government is not stupid or suicidal. The U.S. has a vast nuclear arsenal and is still the most technologically advanced military humanity has ever seen. From what I read, we are also the most advanced in comparison to the #2 military in human history. In addition, we have a vast ocean separating us. I'm confident in predicting China will never invade the United States or even make motions to do so, and I'm confident they won't be shooting at our kids in a decade.

(3) Unlike Putin and Russia, I don't see China rushing to invade other nations or even get involved in other conflicts. They would love to be able to project their power better, but again, who doesn't want to do that?

(4) I don't think we are ignoring China's military aspirations. But what should we do? Higher taxes to spend more on defense?
Thank you for your honest attempt at discussion. I eagerly await stoll's reply with bated breath. He is eager to talk about this, as evidenced by his thoughtful participation in this thread so far.
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I don't think so.

A few thoughts:

(1) The Chinese government wants to grow its economy and technology (like every rationale country on Earth). It sends its students here to do that, it steals secrets, etc. to do that, and it spies on us to do that. I see no sign in anything they've done or that has been reported that they want a military conflict with the U.S.

(2) The Chinese government is not stupid or suicidal. The U.S. has a vast nuclear arsenal and is still the most technologically advanced military humanity has ever seen. From what I read, we are also the most advanced in comparison to the #2 military in human history. In addition, we have a vast ocean separating us. I'm confident in predicting China will never invade the United States or even make motions to do so, and I'm confident they won't be shooting at our kids in a decade.

(3) Unlike Putin and Russia, I don't see China rushing to invade other nations or even get involved in other conflicts. They would love to be able to project their power better, but again, who doesn't want to do that?

(4) I don't think we are ignoring China's military aspirations. But what should we do? Higher taxes to spend more on defense?
Number 4
You know I made this post for discussion. I can see that’s a waste of time. Use your laughing emoji and move on.

China is a serious threat. Hopefully we’re doing things to keep up and to be prepared.

Do you emoji thing now.
It is a waste of time Stoll. These people like where we are at. Vote Dem it'll all be over sooner. At this point idk if we make it to another election. If God turned around and looked he would blast us all off this planet.
I don't think ignoring is the best word:

President Joe Biden's biggest peacetime U.S. defense budget request of $886 billion includes a 5.2% pay raise for troops and the largest allocation on record for research and development, with Russia's war on Ukraine spurring demand for more spending on munitions.​

A year ago we were being told the Chinese invasion of Taiwan was imminent, that the Russian invasion of Ukraine made it so. At what point does this become like the Cold War where every day we were convinced we were seconds from a Russian attack? We talk about people skewing science because of money, couldn't people like Gordon Chang be making big money by predicting a Chinese attack?
You don’t believe they will eventually invade Taiwan? Have we done everything we can to dissuade them from invading?

I don’t think they’re worried Biden will do much and they will invade.
You don’t believe they will eventually invade Taiwan? Have we done everything we can to dissuade them from invading?

I don’t think they’re worried Biden will do much and they will invade.

Isn't it the Republicans (some of them) claiming that Biden is doing too much for Ukraine?

Now you think China is thinking Biden won't do anything to help Taiwan? Seems like most people would assume the closer relationship with Taiwan would mean that we would help them at least as much as we are helping Ukraine (not the opposite).

Pelosi also visited Taiwan last fall when she was speaker. That is definitely not a sign to China that we don't care about Taiwan's safety.

Outside of always thinking Biden is doing it wrong, the viewpoint that China isn't worried about Biden doesn't make much sense.

Afraid to ask but what has Biden done that would make China think he wouldn't help Taiwan?
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You don’t believe they will eventually invade Taiwan? Have we done everything we can to dissuade them from invading?

I don’t think they’re worried Biden will do much and they will invade.

We have provided Taiwan with one hell of a military. I don't know what more we can do. Compare it to Ukraine. If Russia is willing to fight to the last man, they will eventually win as they have such numerical superiority. If China is willing to take massive casualties, they can take Taiwan. There is no way I know of to avoid that, the numerical difference is overwhelming.

Think of WWII. One Tiger might be better than 3 Shermans, but it isn't better than 4. As long as we could build and crew 4 Shermans for every Tiger, there was nothing Germany could do but lose.

Biden proposed higher defense spending and the largest R&D budget for the military in our history. Our tech superiority is how we make it too costly for China (if they have plans for an invasion).

Biden ain't the greatest president in history, I'm just not sure what more we can do. But simply put, if they want Taiwan there isn't anything anyone can do short of nuclear war to stop it. We just work on the theory that they won't want to pay the price.
I don't think ignoring is the best word:

President Joe Biden's biggest peacetime U.S. defense budget request of $886 billion includes a 5.2% pay raise for troops and the largest allocation on record for research and development, with Russia's war on Ukraine spurring demand for more spending on munitions.​

A year ago we were being told the Chinese invasion of Taiwan was imminent, that the Russian invasion of Ukraine made it so. At what point does this become like the Cold War where every day we were convinced we were seconds from a Russian attack? We talk about people skewing science because of money, couldn't people like Gordon Chang be making big money by predicting a Chinese attack?
You've got to give Joe credit - he knows how to buy votes.
I don't think ignoring is the best word:

President Joe Biden's biggest peacetime U.S. defense budget request of $886 billion includes a 5.2% pay raise for troops and the largest allocation on record for research and development, with Russia's war on Ukraine spurring demand for more spending on munitions.​

A year ago we were being told the Chinese invasion of Taiwan was imminent, that the Russian invasion of Ukraine made it so. At what point does this become like the Cold War where every day we were convinced we were seconds from a Russian attack? We talk about people skewing science because of money, couldn't people like Gordon Chang be making big money by predicting a Chinese attack?
It was imminent until the Russians stepped on their dick and ran into a US trained military force that didn't roll over.

Do you honestly think Russia's failure didn't make China sit up and take notice?
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Looks like China might be gaining a valuable ally in Saudi Arabia. Recent peace brokered with Iran by China. Oh and more production cuts coming as well.

Who exactly thought it would be a good idea to turn Saudi Arabia into a “pariah”?
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It was imminent until the Russians stepped on their dick and ran into a US trained military force that didn't roll over.

Do you honestly think Russia's failure didn't make China sit up and take notice?

There is no way of knowing. It is possible. I suspect China has a lot of faith in its military and believes it is superior to Russia's.

China is faced with a very difficult battle if she chooses. At Normandy we had total air superiority, there was virtually no German navy to intervene, we were largely up against 2nd and 3rd line units, and the Germans had zero idea it was about to happen. It was still touch and go.

Taiwan has an air force, they have subs, they have anti-ship missiles, air defense, and they have our satellite intel to warn them. Where our roughly 100-mile crossing from UK to Normandy was completely unopposed, China could expect to be met with a lot of missiles for most of the distance.

And the thing China wants most, Taiwan Semiconductor, would be a smoldering ruin by the time they got there.

Our wargames may not be accurate, there is a lot of guesswork. But if an invasion fleet appeared, much of it would be sunk. Much of her air force shot down. Taiwan would be devastated. Much like Ukraine, what would China get from a country completely ruined at that cost?

I know you know about Fulda Gap far more intimately than I do. Did we not expect a Soviet force to pour right through year after year after year? I don't recall it happening.

it is possible China will, I can't say no. I can say there are people who make a great deal of money and prestige out on the circuit predicting it just as people did predicting the Russians fighting through the Fulda Gap.
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There is no way of knowing. It is possible. I suspect China has a lot of faith in its military and believes it is superior to Russia's.

China is faced with a very difficult battle if she chooses. At Normandy we had total air superiority, there was virtually no German navy to intervene, we were largely up against 2nd and 3rd line units, and the Germans had zero idea it was about to happen. It was still touch and go.

Taiwan has an air force, they have subs, they have anti-ship missiles, air defense, and they have our satellite intel to warn them. Where our roughly 100-mile crossing from UK to Normandy was completely unopposed, China could expect to be met with a lot of missiles for most of the distance.

And the thing China wants most, Taiwan Semiconductor, would be a smoldering ruin by the time they got there.

Our wargames may not be accurate, there is a lot of guesswork. But if an invasion fleet appeared, much of it would be sunk. Much of her air force shot down. Taiwan would be devastated. Much like Ukraine, what would China get from a country completely ruined at that cost?

I know you know about Fulda Gap far more intimately than I do. Did we not expect a Soviet force to pour right through year after year after year? I don't recall it happening.

it is possible China will, I can't say no. I can say there are people who make a great deal of money and prestige out on the circuit predicting it just as people did predicting the Russians fighting through the Fulda Gap.
Based on what I knew about the Fulda Gap strategy, I always thought it was pure propaganda. That area was so sighted in, it would have been a turkey shoot. We were much more worried about missiles raining down on our also well-sighted-in military bases.

Russian/Soviets have always been great at puffing up their own abilities. In fact, they were always worried the US and allies would come up with some clever way to defeat them. That's why they never tried anything outside the Warsaw Pact. They've always had a deep inferiority complex when it comes to the west, dating back to Peter the Great.

China doesn't have that same inferiority complex, but they've also not been successful in any kind of major war outside their own territory. They got their ass kicked when they tried to war with Vietnam. I think the Russian experience in Ukraine has caused them to really rethink their position on Taiwan. If Russia would have rolled over Ukraine, I think China would already be in Taiwan right now. But, as you say, there's no way of knowing.
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Based on what I knew about the Fulda Gap strategy, I always thought it was pure propaganda. That area was so sighted in, it would have been a turkey shoot. We were much more worried about missiles raining down on our also well-sighted-in military bases.

Russian/Soviets have always been great at puffing up their own abilities. In fact, they were always worried the US and allies would come up with some clever way to defeat them. That's why they never tried anything outside the Warsaw Pact. They've always had a deep inferiority complex when it comes to the west, dating back to Peter the Great.

China doesn't have that same inferiority complex, but they've also not been successful in any kind of major war outside their own territory. They got their ass kicked when they tried to war with North Vietnam. I think the Russian experience in Ukraine has caused them to really rethink their position on Taiwan. If Russia would have rolled over Ukraine, I think China would already be in Taiwan right now. But, as you say, there's no way of knowing.

We need to decouple from China. If they want to make shies and shirts, whatever. We should block technology transfers with them. They are the enemy. They have laid out their plan. They have not planned to start getting belligerent for a few more years. They plan on taking our position by 2049 and then doing things the Chinese way. Someone posted the BRICS expansion in another thread that I had mentioned earlier this week. They have given people the plan and they are following it and we are still arrogantly assuming that we got this. We don't. They are able to put a plan in place and follow it and we have....a mess. A mess for President. A mess of Congress. A mess of our thought leaders. A mess of our corporations.

We are asleep at the wheel and the world is going to be worse off for it.
Based on what I knew about the Fulda Gap strategy, I always thought it was pure propaganda. That area was so sighted in, it would have been a turkey shoot. We were much more worried about missiles raining down on our also well-sighted-in military bases.

Russian/Soviets have always been great at puffing up their own abilities. In fact, they were always worried the US and allies would come up with some clever way to defeat them. That's why they never tried anything outside the Warsaw Pact. They've always had a deep inferiority complex when it comes to the west, dating back to Peter the Great.

China doesn't have that same inferiority complex, but they've also not been successful in any kind of major war outside their own territory. They got their ass kicked when they tried to war with North Vietnam. I think the Russian experience in Ukraine has caused them to really rethink their position on Taiwan. If Russia would have rolled over Ukraine, I think China would already be in Taiwan right now. But, as you say, there's no way of knowing.

Thinking Sun Tzu, I don't expect China to go straight for Taiwan. I suspect their first choice would be a coup. Head-on attacks don't seem to fit. I would expect some sort of coup attempt. That would give them a legit shot at taking TSC whole. If nothing else, if Taiwanese troops are fighting each other an invasion would be far easier.
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Thinking Sun Tzu, I don't expect China to go straight for Taiwan. I suspect their first choice would be a coup. Head-on attacks don't seem to fit. I would expect some sort of coup attempt. That would give them a legit shot at taking TSC whole. If nothing else, if Taiwanese troops are fighting each other an invasion would be far easier.
Yeah, I know nothing about the internal Taiwan internal political situation, so I don't know if that's a possibility or not. I guess if it goes on long enough, maybe enough Taiwanese would get tired of it and start to demand a political solution. Maybe that's what China is hoping for.
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One big thing everyone is missing. China has decimated our metals industry by not playing on the same field. They won’t stop until they(or their allies) are making all the raw materials. What metals make up our military? Do you want to rely on others for our complex? Trumps quick fix was tariffs. Is it a perfect solution? Nope. The only thing stopping more metal production pressure is China has to shut down industries to help clean the air.
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