China Hacked Clinton’s Private Server

With the pubs in full control of the federal government, if she did commit 300 felonies, don’t you think they would be going after her now? They crucified her for a botched response to Benghazi- and came up with absolutely nothing. In other words, if what you are claiming is absolutely unassailably true, wouldn’t something be happening with that set of facts?

And, it’s not as if Trump and his team would stand in the way. I’m pretty sure he would encourage any actions against her.

Your hatred of Hillary is overcoming your ability to see things clearly. My mental picture of you is you frothing at the mouth while hammering at the keyboard when you bring her up.

What are you guys going to do when she completely fades from public view? Who’s the next pub “boogeyman”?

Meanwhile, the republicans in the house are putting together an “investigation list”, so they can anticipate all the house oversight that will (finally) happen of the Trump presidency. They’re going to be busy in the house, when the Dems assume control of it. If the house were operating as the founder’s intended, some of these oversight hearings would’ve already happened.
The congressional Committees have and still may. The Obama DOJ and FBI are the one who knew about her server and compromised classified messages taken from there and did nothing. Criminals don't fade until at least the statute of limitations has expired.
The congressional Committees have and still may. The Obama DOJ and FBI are the one who knew about her server and compromised classified messages taken from there and did nothing. Criminals don't fade until at least the statute of limitations has expired.

The FBI came out and denied the daily caller report’s assertions today.

So, either the entire FBI is lying, or the daily caller ran a story with less than solid sources.

I know which one I’d put my $$$ on.
surprise surprise

Just to sum it up for those that won’t (don’t want to) read it...China hacked Hillary’s private server.

That’s it. Nothing else. You can go back to sleep now.

Actually, no surprises here. The daily caller got it wrong.

And that’s FAR from a surprise ;)

It’s insane that we have a president that’s driven by conspiracy theory outlets and faux news. He has an entire army of people to advise him, that are experts in their subject matter. Yet, he only consumes this crap, and bases his decisions solely off of it.
This description of a “deep dive” is priceless:
As is this:

When [the ICIG] did a very deep dive, they found in the actual metadata — the data which is at the header and footer of all the emails — that a copy, a ‘courtesy copy,’ was being sent to a third party​

Cc: means "carbon copy", from the old typewriter days. And it's not hidden in "metadata", it's right there at the top of the fracking message for all to see.