China Hacked Clinton’s Private Server

surprise surprise

Just to sum it up for those that won’t (don’t want to) read it...China hacked Hillary’s private server.

That’s it. Nothing else. You can go back to sleep now.
Not only did China hack her computer, they hacked it in real time and evidently her IT people couldn't tell they had other users on the line with them as Clinton was sending classified information (or maybe they really could tell) into the hands of the Chinese.
Not only did China hack her computer, they hacked it in real time and evidently her IT people couldn't tell they had other users on the line with them as Clinton was sending classified information (or maybe they really could tell) into the hands of the Chinese.
In addition, the FBI had full knowledge of this all the way back to 2015. But, as you can see - no one cares. I should have just put Trump’s name in the title as click-bait.
surprise surprise

Just to sum it up for those that won’t (don’t want to) read it...China hacked Hillary’s private server.
That’s it. Nothing else. You can go back to sleep now.

So China and not the Russians have Clinton’s missing 30,000 emails? Trump got it wrong which suggests he really was joking. You’d think the intelligence hot shot, John Brennan, would have known this and not talked about the Russians in his recent NYT op ed.
I don't quite get it.
All the posts on this thread are by the usual "patriotic" righties. It appears that they are laughing and condemning Hillary.

It seems that the usual reaction should be anger at the Chinese infiltrating our voting system, not at Hillary the victim. Chinese were not infiltrating Hillary's mails to help her.

What am I not getting? Is our nation that hopelessly rotten? :rolleyes:
surprise surprise

Just to sum it up for those that won’t (don’t want to) read it...China hacked Hillary’s private server.

That’s it. Nothing else. You can go back to sleep now.

“Sources briefed on the matter”? Daily caller?

And, right on cue, as Trump melts down, the daily caller comes to the rescue to make a claim that no other media outlet is claiming. Nice distraction attempt.

And Louie Gohmert is apparently the source of the info? Good god. He’s an embarrassment. To all of us.

Good to know this is the crap you read these days.

Get back with us when you have some real info, from real media outlets.

In short, “fake news”!!! Seriously. It applies.

And, who really gives a chit? Clinton ain’t coming back. Why are you guys absolutely obsessed with her? I don’t understand. Us “lefties” could give a chit about her these days. She gone.
I don't quite get it.
All the posts on this thread are by the usual "patriotic" righties. It appears that they are laughing and condemning Hillary.

It seems that the usual reaction should be anger at the Chinese infiltrating our voting system, not at Hillary the victim. Chinese were not infiltrating Hillary's mails to help her.

What am I not getting? Is our nation that hopelessly rotten? :rolleyes:

But her emails!!!

I don’t get it either man.
“Sources briefed on the matter”? Daily caller?

And, right on cue, as Trump melts down, the daily caller comes to the rescue to make a claim that no other media outlet is claiming. Nice distraction attempt.

And Louie Gohmert is apparently the source of the info? Good god. He’s an embarrassment. To all of us.

Good to know this is the crap you read these days.

Get back with us when you have some real info, from real media outlets.

In short, “fake news”!!! Seriously. It applies.

And, who really gives a chit? Clinton ain’t coming back. Why are you guys absolutely obsessed with her? I don’t understand. Us “lefties” could give a chit about her these days. She gone.

Alex Jones is off the air -- next man up.
So the FBI, the CIA, and every other intelligence agency was incorrect? And this is the only media outlet picking it up? Pardon me for being just a little skeptical of this.
So the FBI, the CIA, and every other intelligence agency was incorrect? And this is the only media outlet picking it up? Pardon me for being just a little skeptical of this.

We don’t know if the FBI and CIA were wrong. We know Brennan and Comey are either wrong or lying.
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No, we don't. You do. You know those things, because you know things that there is no evidence for because you are, like, magic or something. But we are all just waiting for facts before passing judgment.

We know Comey and Brennan lied about some significant things. You know as well as I do what that means to overall credibility.
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If true, this demonstrates how reckless she was. But it is equally reckless to invite hacking from Russia. Hopefully we will soon turn the country back over to more responsible people.
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This description of a “deep dive” is priceless:

“When [the ICIG] did a very deep dive, they found in the actual metadata — the data which is at the header and footer of all the emails — that a copy, a ‘courtesy copy,’ was being sent to a third party and that third party was a known Chinese public company that was involved in collecting intelligence for China,” the former intelligence officer told TheDCNF.

They found actual metadata! I find it hard to believe that no one thought to look at and report about this actual metadata before now.
Nothing to see here. Crimes only matter if DT commits them. Some of you missed the memo apparently. Russia is all the matters not China. Collusion is much worse than giving classified info away for a few years.
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Nothing to see here. Crimes only matter if DT commits them. Some of you missed the memo apparently. Russia is all the matters not China. Collusion is much worse than giving classified info away for a few years.
Like Trump does just because he’s stupid?
I think this is very simple. Clinton used a unsecure private e-mail as Sec of State that got hacked by Wicky Leeks and now the Chinese but it is ok because she is cool with us.
Clinton was foolish enough to use a private server in hopes of avoiding FOIA requests of her time as SOS.

To hell with her. She was a terrible candidate that the Democratic party foisted upon the American public without allowing any real challenge. A candidate that had neg numbers as awful as the clown who won....which was an amazing feat....probably the most amazing of her career.

The handful of debates they would schedule would magically be on Sat nights...the lowest watched TV night of the year.

So Fk her and Fk the Dem party for allowing a clown to walk into the White House. God knows the current makeup of the Republican party was sure to provide a worthless turd. Our system was so good it provided two.
I think this is very simple. Clinton used a unsecure private e-mail as Sec of State that got hacked by Wicky Leeks and now the Chinese but it is ok because she is cool with us.

Not that simple for Hillary. She is still trying to figure out What Happened?

For $2 you can find out too. (Or wait until her book costs two bits.)
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I think this is very simple. Clinton used a unsecure private e-mail as Sec of State that got hacked by Wicky Leeks and now the Chinese but it is ok because she is cool with us.
Every lefty here seems to approve of Clinton exposing communication which was classified - some Top Secret - in violation of the Espionage Act. there were more than 300 classified messages and whether it was China or the Faroe Islands who intercepted them, each of those exposed messages is a felony committed by Clinton. She's not the victim. Shes the perpetrator of hundreds of federal felony violations of the Espionage Act That's been posted and proven here several time before.
Every lefty here seems to approve of Clinton exposing communication which was classified - some Top Secret - in violation of the Espionage Act. there were more than 300 classified messages and whether it was China or the Faroe Islands who intercepted them, each of those exposed messages is a felony committed by Clinton. She's not the victim. Shes the perpetrator of hundreds of federal felony violations of the Espionage Act That's been posted and proven here several time before.

With the pubs in full control of the federal government, if she did commit 300 felonies, don’t you think they would be going after her now? They crucified her for a botched response to Benghazi- and came up with absolutely nothing. In other words, if what you are claiming is absolutely unassailably true, wouldn’t something be happening with that set of facts?

And, it’s not as if Trump and his team would stand in the way. I’m pretty sure he would encourage any actions against her.

Your hatred of Hillary is overcoming your ability to see things clearly. My mental picture of you is you frothing at the mouth while hammering at the keyboard when you bring her up.

What are you guys going to do when she completely fades from public view? Who’s the next pub “boogeyman”?

Meanwhile, the republicans in the house are putting together an “investigation list”, so they can anticipate all the house oversight that will (finally) happen of the Trump presidency. They’re going to be busy in the house, when the Dems assume control of it. If the house were operating as the founder’s intended, some of these oversight hearings would’ve already happened.
With the pubs in full control of the federal government, if she did commit 300 felonies, don’t you think they would be going after her now? They crucified her for a botched response to Benghazi- and came up with absolutely nothing. In other words, if what you are claiming is absolutely unassailably true, wouldn’t something be happening with that set of facts?

And, it’s not as if Trump and his team would stand in the way. I’m pretty sure he would encourage any actions against her.

Your hatred of Hillary is overcoming your ability to see things clearly. My mental picture of you is you frothing at the mouth while hammering at the keyboard when you bring her up.

What are you guys going to do when she completely fades from public view? Who’s the next pub “boogeyman”?

Meanwhile, the republicans in the house are putting together an “investigation list”, so they can anticipate all the house oversight that will (finally) happen of the Trump presidency. They’re going to be busy in the house, when the Dems assume control of it. If the house were operating as the founder’s intended, some of these oversight hearings would’ve already happened.

Either she didn’t commit any felonies (or other crimes) or the party going after her is just too dumb/incompetent to catch her.
Every lefty here seems to approve of Clinton exposing communication which was classified - some Top Secret - in violation of the Espionage Act. there were more than 300 classified messages and whether it was China or the Faroe Islands who intercepted them, each of those exposed messages is a felony committed by Clinton. She's not the victim. Shes the perpetrator of hundreds of federal felony violations of the Espionage Act That's been posted and proven here several time before.
How may years did the red congress investigate her for Benghazi and emails without finding anything? How many MINUTES have they spent seriously investigating Trump? That's gonna change.
Just coming to post this. If only all these Republicans were concerned with CURRENT attacks on our democracy. A boy can dream right?
Anytime Louie Louie is involved, my bs meter pegs hard right and an alarm goes off..
Either she didn’t commit any felonies (or other crimes) or the party going after her is just too dumb/incompetent to catch her.
How were those ‘felonies’ supposed to be adjudicated? And, who investigated her? And, who didn’t recommend any indictments to the DOJ after finding her guilty on all counts?
How were those ‘felonies’ supposed to be adjudicated? And, who investigated her? And, who didn’t recommend any indictments to the DOJ after finding her guilty on all counts?

She was found guilty? I missed the trial. Or are you talking about when Chris Christie and a bunch of parrots at the R convention did their little “guilty or not guilty” thing? Was that the sentencing I was watching when Flynn did the “lock her up” chant?
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