Can anyone give an educated guess on what in in


Sep 18, 2001
the 30,000 Lerner emails they just found. All means were taken to destroy but I am encouraged that we still have government officials who are honest and diligent. To be honest I hope they show nothing wrong occurred because I don't want to believe this administration would stoop that low. There have to be some tight arses out there trying to remember what they did and said. This could be a new beginning to open and honest government.
Re: yes

There is not one smidgen of evidence of wrong doing per his majesty. He never lies. I will sell the Golden gate bridge.
Prepare to be Told "They Don't Mean What They Say"

As usual, the truth that they lied is too late to make any meaningful difference.
Lerner may do some time, but the election was won, Senate power was held, and that's all that matters.

Check that - Lerner will be pardoned.
Solyndra, Fast & Furious, Benghzi!, IRS-gate, #Grubergate . . .

I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to keep coming up empty.

Except you aren't having much luck on that front either

Time and again you guys have worked yourselves into a lather over very little, exposing only your own partisan gullibility. And here you are gnashing your teeth in anticipation that you'll (correctly) be told you're wrong after you once again get too far out over your skis. Maybe you should at least wait until additional facts emerge before you get back to distorting and misstating them. Because what you've got right now is pretty close to nothing.
The US Energy Loan program is profitable now

Pretty good results considering you are going to take some risks in a program like this by the nature of it. If it was easy money private businesses would have been jumping to offer the loans. Congress set aside $10 billions for losses hasn't needed it.

Just getting a profit doesn't factor in the number of jobs created, the tax revenue from this companies & employees, and the impact of that energy in the economy on energy prices for everyone. I would say that's been a great investment by the federal government.

This will be a real positive legacy of the Bush & Obama administrations.
This post was edited on 11/23 2:59 PM by Fro

U.S. Energy Loan Program Turning a profit
Except we believe that some of the above incidents and

POTUS response to same may have had something to so with the recent Democrat losses in the House, Senate and State races. I'll take that for now.

This post was edited on 11/23 4:49 PM by Tracon
That's because he has already decided who is guilty.

Most likely, he decided that Obama was/has been/is/will be guilty on the day he was elected.
It really doesn't matter what the evidence shows.

Unfortunately, we are in the age of extreme partisanship that no evidence will make the difference.

This isn't a legal problem.

The problem is one of politics and irrationality.

Time and time again, the right comes up with some conspiracy.

Time and time again, the conspiracy is proven to be BS.

Time and time again, instead of admitting they were wrong, the right just moves on to the next conspiracy.

Time and time again, the right treats the past "conspiracies" as though they were a pattern. Look at what this administration has done in the past! We can't trust them!

Only, they haven't done any of it. The right has been wrong every single time. And it doesn't matter to them. The right is using a pattern that doesn't exist in order to prove the existence of that very pattern. It's the worst kind of circular logic.

Time and time again.

Re: Solyndra, Fast & Furious, Benghzi!, IRS-gate, #Grubergate . . .

Your view of empty and the rest of the country appears to be different. The voters spoke loudly and clearly a couple of weeks back.
Rest of the country?

Lowest turn out in 70 years. Most of the country didn't vote, as usual per midterm.
Look, over there!

Parties who fail to preserve evidence subject to a litigation hold can run afoul of spoliation laws.

But the question here isn't what a federal judge would do in different circumstances, but why so many Republicans keep buying the Brooklyn Bridge. These wingnutty conspiracy theories persist only because you guys are only selectively aware of the facts, you misstate or distort what is known, and you reject the most obvious inferences in favor of whatever sustains your pre-existing conviction that there's a big scandal in there somewhere. When it all craps out, as it has every time, you just double down on the next pseudo-scandal, bitter and resentful that it didn't play out right before and acting out in butthurt conservative victimization.

At some point a little introspection might be in order.
That is a very lame excuse

Not just directed at you but anyone that uses it.
Nixon Taught Me Lying Wasn't OK

You are still a willing dupe for every lie Obama tells, cheering him on.

You'd write them for him if he'd hire you.

The ends justify the means.

You should be proud.

Or something.

(Maybe that's why so many folks didn't vote, and why so many voted against the Dems.)
I think it's really lame that people don't care enough to vote,

That's for sure. I just don't think you can draw a conclusion about what the majority of the country thinks when the majority don't even vote, sadly.
We've had this discussion before ....

One party thinks it should be easier to vote and the other thinks it should make it more difficult.
That's just false.. !!

The $Billions funding the program were all borrowed by The Treasury. Any interest paid by loan recipiants would flow through to service Treasury's debt. The $30M offset does little to wash the losses incurred by the Solyndra scam and others. NPR comments, as if were a positive event that no charges were filed in the Solyndra scandal. This reflects upon the failed former AG and his political corruption, not any extant virtues.
Yep just like

Getting a job, buying alcohol, cashing a check, getting a prescription filled, checking in at the doctor or hospital...almost all I've had to show an ID in the last few days. Once again stupid or lazy to not vote absentee.
The majority NEVER vote

Bill Clinton received the votes of 18.7% of eligible adults. Now if you mean a majority of the entire population, then add in the kids under 18 and see what he got.

This post was edited on 11/23 8:32 PM by Ladoga
Of course you can.

Gallup polls a thousand people to determine what the entire country thinks but millions on Election Day mean little? Uh-huh.
You missed Kenyan birth

Not to mention of Muslim. A pit bull would be envious.

Now that Benghazi has been resolved, coming off empty, unless they drag this thing until kingdom come, what will they invent? That Obama raped a girl in high school? Raping seems to be in fad lately. Or smoking grass?
Uh . . . we already know he smoked grass in high school.

He said so himself. College too. Pay attention.
I disagree.

In American politics, right or wrong has nothing to do with it. It depends on who is doing a better job of propagandizing their goal. If you want to convince the gullible public that Obamacare is evil, you repeat the slogan over and over, and the gullible public will buy it, and they did despite the fact that many of them were beneficiaries of it. It worked for the Nazis; it worked for the Soviets; it worked for McCarthy; it worked for LBJ in starting the war in Vietnam.
Sorry, you are right; I just checked with google.

But then, I don't pay attention to such minor irrelevant details. Actually, I am surprised that the Republicans did not make a mountain out of it. Perhaps because they are guilty of the same "crime?"
Put another way

One party doesn't want voters to have to put forth any effort to vote and the other wants them to have to put forth a little effort.
Well, the 1/3 of eligible voters that showed up spoke loudly. . .

So, yeah, I guess you're right. As long as no one shows up to vote you guys will always win. I bet you'd be the coach that would throw a huge victory party if the other team's bus broke down and claim you had the better team.
You were misinformed and . . .

remain misinformed. Why would you think Republicans would make a big deal about it? It was well known that Obama smoked pot in his youth. It was in his own book. Republicans understand that it's not uncommon for people to smoke some dope in their youth - especially in the 70s and early 80s. You're probably thinking about Clinton's pot smoking and are again misinformed at what the issue was concerning his pot smoking. No one made a big deal about him smoking pot. Republicans made fun of him for claiming he did it once and that he didn't inhale. I think it was just another example of his compulsion to lie, even when no lie is necessary.

Obama went to the same school in Hawaii that my wife and brother-in-law attended (Punahou School - the most exclusive and most expensive in Hawaii). My wife doesn't remember him (she was three years behind him), but my brother-in-law did. He was one year ahead of Obama. Some of their friends remember him too. When he was running in 2008 I asked some of those that knew him what they thought of him back then. They all mentioned his smoking pot. Apparently, he didn't just do a little bit and Obama admits to that in his book (I had lots of friends at that time that smoked more than their fair share as well - I smoked it myself occasionally in college, but not before or since). The discription I liked best was, "he was a pot smoking jock." The US remains the land of opportunity. Even a pot smoking jock from Hawaii can grow up to be President one day.
You'd be the guy on the bus that . . .

didn't show up to play throwing a huge victory party because you think you would have won. Your post was stupid, as usual.
An educated guess?

Dave, how in the world could anybody here give an "educated" guess on the contents of years-old private emails which had been thought (or at least said) to have been lost?

Any guess that anybody here could give is going to be uneducated.

Who knows what they'll find in there. But, if it turns out to be a big nothingburger, then the people who were casting this as the digital age's version of the 18 minute "gap" in the Watergate tapes are going to look pretty silly.

It's good these were recovered. Let's just wait to see what they contain before we start getting agitated about them.
No way!

You having an idea would be a very strange thing. ;) Actually, I normally do ignore your posts because I've learned long ago that the odds are about 90 percent certain that it would be a one or two line snarky remark that you think is funny (but isn't) and that purports to expose Republicans as racists, homophobes, bigots, greedy, etc., etc. (but fails miserably). They're not worth reading.I just clicked on yours this time before I realized who had posted it.

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