Calling all "robosexuals"




An excerpt:

VR could also offer near-infinite variety. Your VR lover could present as a middle-aged Danish woman one day and as a young Tongan man the next. More than that, they could potentially take on any expression of gender, anatomy and personality you might imagine. That includes defying the usual laws of physical anatomy. Why be constrained to two arms, or only one penis or one vulva?

I evoke such possibilities not just because they are titillating: the creation of interactive, responsive, shape-shifting characters, able to both appear in a sexual scene and to have ongoing relationship-like interactions with users, could present unprecedented opportunities for sexual and romantic self-discovery. People whose circumstances prevent them from discovering or expressing their gender or sexuality could, in VR, have chances to experiment and learn about themselves in relative safety. These users are people for whom ‘better than nothing’ really matters.

VR sex could potentially even rewrite what we think we know about human preferences, challenging static ideas about gender, sexuality and having a ‘type’. Understanding of our gendered, sexual selves is currently somewhat constrained by the limited expressions of gender and sexuality that we tend to encounter in other people. VR might enable a golden age of self-discovery, allowing users to grapple with their own complexity and fluidity.

An excerpt:

VR could also offer near-infinite variety. Your VR lover could present as a middle-aged Danish woman one day and as a young Tongan man the next. More than that, they could potentially take on any expression of gender, anatomy and personality you might imagine. That includes defying the usual laws of physical anatomy. Why be constrained to two arms, or only one penis or one vulva?

I evoke such possibilities not just because they are titillating: the creation of interactive, responsive, shape-shifting characters, able to both appear in a sexual scene and to have ongoing relationship-like interactions with users, could present unprecedented opportunities for sexual and romantic self-discovery. People whose circumstances prevent them from discovering or expressing their gender or sexuality could, in VR, have chances to experiment and learn about themselves in relative safety. These users are people for whom ‘better than nothing’ really matters.

VR sex could potentially even rewrite what we think we know about human preferences, challenging static ideas about gender, sexuality and having a ‘type’. Understanding of our gendered, sexual selves is currently somewhat constrained by the limited expressions of gender and sexuality that we tend to encounter in other people. VR might enable a golden age of self-discovery, allowing users to grapple with their own complexity and fluidity.
How much will the VR jewelry cost?

An excerpt:

VR could also offer near-infinite variety. Your VR lover could present as a middle-aged Danish woman one day and as a young Tongan man the next. More than that, they could potentially take on any expression of gender, anatomy and personality you might imagine. That includes defying the usual laws of physical anatomy. Why be constrained to two arms, or only one penis or one vulva?

I evoke such possibilities not just because they are titillating: the creation of interactive, responsive, shape-shifting characters, able to both appear in a sexual scene and to have ongoing relationship-like interactions with users, could present unprecedented opportunities for sexual and romantic self-discovery. People whose circumstances prevent them from discovering or expressing their gender or sexuality could, in VR, have chances to experiment and learn about themselves in relative safety. These users are people for whom ‘better than nothing’ really matters.

VR sex could potentially even rewrite what we think we know about human preferences, challenging static ideas about gender, sexuality and having a ‘type’. Understanding of our gendered, sexual selves is currently somewhat constrained by the limited expressions of gender and sexuality that we tend to encounter in other people. VR might enable a golden age of self-discovery, allowing users to grapple with their own complexity and fluidity.
Can the VR ride a tandem?
Would it require a helmet?
I guess it depends on whether those who advocate human rights for robots have any say so.

If they can program a robot to ride a tandem, I wonder if they would program it to complain about going too fast, not stopping for stop signs, or being too cold.
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I guess it depends on whether those who advocate human rights for robots have any say so.

If they can program a robot to ride a tandem, I wonder if they would program it to complain about going too fast, not stopping for stop signs, or being too cold.
They would just have it put its feet out to the side and let you do all the work.
are two examples where rights could be questioned.

Isaac A.’s I, Robot’s Robbie is one of sympathetic characters.
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Kill me. Off to meet my stoker now. If there’s a ring on that finger….

So weak
Ok, it's time for hard ball. Obviously you havn't found the "pissed off" button yet, so. We need her to embarrass you so bad that you hit rock bottom. Rock bottom is where the come to jesus meeting happens.

OK stop and buy a really expensive ring. Get on you knees when you meet her and tell her she has to come home. She is the one and only and that you will never pee on the seat again. Do this in a public place, draw a crowd... Do you know anyone on a TV news crew that could publish it?

This will get your head clear and your problems will be over. You are welcome my friend. C'mon Coach, you got this.
He can get a slump buster for a $50 dinner at Chilis and a $100 bar tab.
Shark Tank Writing GIF
I feel so weak. But there’s more. And confused. Weak and confused. I think I have at least a 50/50 shot to get her back. But it would take great effort. And if I succeed I’m not sure I’d be glad I did

Why do you care then? Selfish reasons?
Don't like to lose

I understand.
And I still like her. But boy they have a kid and my pecker just retreats into my body. I don’t like those physical changes.

We should have a relationships thread. And soccer. F all this politics bs. Who cares.

I will say this much. No contact absolutely works IF you do your work to come back UNRECOGNIZABLE. Big shout out to Coach Blac whose advice was spot on per usual. And of course the manofwarr.

I’ve got a lot to think about.
When he finally does (and he will, Father Time stops for no man), it'll be like when I got glasses last year...."shoulda done this 10 years ago"


Man, we are living life in different places, but experiencing similar things.

I got glasses last year as well. When I put them on, I had no idea I was as blind as I was. I guess I thought the world was just naturally blurry.
Plus I don’t really like this guy’s role in all this. I might put in the effort to break that up just out of spite

To much drama, my guy.

If you want her, go for it. If you don't, leave her alone. You won't be wasting you're time in the end.
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